Manhattan 4th of July Fireworks NYC 2024
Best Viewing Places / Locations to Watch Fireworks in Manhattan NYC
Updated July 3, 2024 / Manhattan Neighborhoods / 4th of July Fireworks & Holiday Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather 4th of July Week as of 7.3.2024. The temperature highs will be in the mid 80's all week, while the temperature lows will start the week in the mid 60's, gradually rising to the mid 70's by Friday. Winds will be about 5 mph all week, except on Wednesday when they kick up to about 10 mph. The humidity will be a comfortable 40% - 60% on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, rising to 65% - 75% on Thursday and Friday.
There's a 40% chance of about a quarter inch of rain between the hours of 5 - 9 pm, dropping to 30% at that time, and staying there through most of Friday. No rain is currently forecast until late Thursday night [11 pm] and Friday, until late Friday evening.
NYC Weather Update for the Week Ahead as of 6.23.24 for the Fireworks Days [Wednesday, Thursday & Friday]. The temperature highs will be in the low 90's on Wednesday, descending to the mid 80's on Thursday, and down to the high 70's on Friday. The temperture lows will fall from the low 70's on Wednesday to the mid 60's on Thursday and Friday. The winds will range from 5 - 10 mph on all three days, descending from the high to the low of that range in tandem with the temperatures. The humidity will also fall from a high of about 80% on Wednesday, to 60% on Thursday, and then begin swinging back up on Friday to 80%, again. There's a 60% chance of about a half inch of rain on Wednesday, after 6 pm, but otherwise dry for these three fireworks days.
Air Quality. Last year [2023] we experienced some unhealthy air conditions stemming from the Canadian forest fires, caused by climate change, which is caused by carbon emissions from gas guzzling autos, power plants & other carbon powered and emitting machinery. To stay abreast of the air quality in NYC copy and paste this link into your browswer bar -
At right is a photo of the Manhattan July 4th fireworks, taken near the South Street Seaport in lower Manhattan in an earlier year.
Macy's July 4th Fireworks Returns to the Hudson River
Provides Good Viewing for Manhattan and New Jersey and Possibly Remotely Viewable from Tall / Hotel Building Rooftops in Greenpoint & Williamsburg Brooklyn & LIC
The Macy's 4th of July fireworks will return to the Hudson River this year after being shown along the East River since 2014. The last time they had been shown along the Hudson River [2009 - 2013] they stayed there for five years. Mayor de Blasio lobbied for the return of the fireworks to the East River, which lasted for ten years. The Grucci Brothers will be doing the Macy's 4th of July fireworks in NYC, which I believe [unconfirmed] they've been doing since the fireworks inception in 1976 .
The consequence of this change, is that Brooklyn and Queens will not have front row seats to the Macy's July 4th fireworks display, as the fireworks show will be about four miles west of where it's usually held, which is on the west side of Manhattan instead of the east side. We've tentatively heard that the fireworks barges will be stationed between 14th and 34th Streets and we'll update you here if that changes.
The following page contains a number of different Independence Day / 4th of July fireworks celebrations viewable from Manhattan and also contains links to July 4th fireworks displays and event in all five boroughs of NYC. A couple of the highlights include best viewing locations in Manhattan for the Macy's 4th of July fireworks, Bronx, Queens, and Brooklyn fireworks and one old fashioned 'small town' parade on Staten Island.
- Click here for a report about where to watch the 4th of July Fireworks in Manhattan NYC 2024 & surrounding areas, including times and locations for the Macy's 4th of July fireworks in NYC and at Jones Beach on Long Island.
Manhattan 4th Of July Fireworks 2024 NYC
Central Park Fireworks are on Wednesday, June 12, 2024 near Bethesda Fountain
Astoria Park Fireworks are on Thursday, June 27, 2024 & Viewable from the UES
Macy's 4th Of July Fireworks 2024 will be Viewable along the Hudson River from Tribeca to the UWS in Manhattan
The 4th Of July Fireworks 2024 on Jones Beach on Long Island
The Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens & Staten Island all have Fireworks Shows accessible via Public Transit - Use Links at the end of this Report to find Other 4th of July Other Fireworks Shows, 4th of July Weekend Events & Manhattan Things to do
Updated July 3, 2024 / Manhattan Neighborhoods / 4th of July Holiday Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC. Continued.
0. Fireworks on Cherry Hill in Central Park in Manhattan on Wednesday, 6/12/24
Description. There's a classical music concert by the New York Philharmonic beginning at 8 pm, and the fireworks follows sometime between 9.15 - 9.30 pm. Cherry Hill is across Terrace Drive from the Naumberg Bandshell where the concert is being held. The Naumberg Bandshell is just south of Bethesda Fountain.
Contact. For details, copy & paste -
1. Astoria Independence Day / July 4th Fireworks Qns - Thursday 6/27/24
Queens 4th of July Fireworks on the East River in NYC - Best Viewing Times & Places
Description. The Astoria Park Fireworks will happen on Thursday, June 27th, 2024. The festivities begin at 7.30 pm as The Jazz and Swing Band Fleur Seule warms up the crowd beginning around 7.30 pm on a stage overlooking the East River, from the great lawn of Astoria Park [along the East River between the Astoria Park pool and the Hellgate Bridge]. Around dusk the fireworks usually go off. Dusk is about 9.30 pm. Free.
Click to view a story about the Astoria Park Fireworks show of 2013 in Queens. The photo at right shows the July 4th / Independence Day fireworks in Astoria Queens in a prior year.
The Best Viewing Times & Places for July 4th Fireworks in Queens NYC.
The Astoria Park fireworks show is along the East River, just across from Manhattan, and easily viewable from Carl Schurz Park on the Upper East Side Park in Manhattan, as well as Randall's Island, which Manhattan cyclists and pedestrians may reach via a walking bridge located at Playground 103, which is at 102nd Street and the FDR.
The best viewing location is from the Great Lawn in Astoria Park in Queens, but be advised that each year these fireworks become more popular, so it's best to get there a little early. The Thursday night Astoria Park fireworks in Queens provides a pastorial view of the Upper East Side of Manhattan from Astoria Park, right alongside the East River.
A bit of History. This is the 40th Astoria Park fireworks display, and it will be put together by the Grucci Brothers, the same fireworks company doing the Macy's 4th of July fireworks along the Hudson River in NYC on July 4th.
Organizers & Sponsors. The Central Astoria Development Coalition organizes the annual fireworks display in Astoria Park, and it is sponsored by funds allocated by NYC Councilmember Tiffany Caban, the NYC Department of Cultural Affairs and some corporate sponsors.
Contact. For details see -
Use links below for additional 4th of July festivities 2024 in all five of NYC boroughs.
2. Macy's July 4th Fireworks in Manhattan 2024 on 7/4/2024
4th Of July Fireworks in Manhattan 2024 - Best Viewing Times & Places
Manhattan Independence Day Fireworks 2024 - Hudson River Barge Locations
Manhattan July 4th Fireworks Number of Barges & Barge Locations along the Hudson River. See map at right for guesstimated barge and public viewing locations along the Hudson River, based upon what the Grucci Brothers did in 2013, which was the last time the Macy's Manhattan July 4th fireworks were dispensed from the Hudson River. We will try to update this map - if need be - when these 2024 specifics are released. We're estimating four barges, although they could possibly use five.
Recent Macy's July 4th Fireworks Barges History. Since 2014 the Macy's 4th of July fireworks had been lit upon the East River within viewing range of all five boroughs [although a quite a distance from the south Bronx and northern tip of Staten Island]. In recent years there were five barges, up from four barges during the mid 20xx teens. The number of barges varies from year to year - generally between four and five - although in recent years, along the East River, the number had remained a constant five, and they have moved the barges a bit further north up the East River. But this year all that has changed as the Macy's July 4th fireworks returns to the Hudson River.
The Best Viewing Times for Manhattan July 4th Fireworks 2024 NYC
The Best Viewing Times for Manhattan July 4th Fireworks NYC. The best places along the Hudson River will likely fill quickly on July 4th, with many folks heading to find their spot in sometime in the morning or during the earlier part of the afternoon. Somewhere around 3 or 4 pm the NYPD will cordone off access to the most popular areas, for crowd control purposes. The fireworks generally begin around dusk, when it begins to get dark, which is generally between 9.15 - 9.30 pm.
Best Viewing Locations for Macy's 4th of July Fireworks Manhattan 2024
Best Viewing Locations for Manhattan July 4th Fireworks NYC - Generally. We believe the best viewing locations will generally be located along the Hudson River Greenway between 14th Street and 34th Street, but good viewing locations should also be available along the Hudson as far north as 59th Street and as far south as Houston - all along the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan. So we're going to list the comfortable park areas - first the front row seats between 14th and 34th - and then the balcony seats between 34th and 59th, and between Houston and 14th Streets. All of these are located along the Hudson River on the west side of Manhattan.
Best Viewing Locations for Manhattan July 4th Fireworks NYC - Front Row Seats. Little Island and Pier 54 between 12th and 14th Streets, the 14th Street Park between 14th and 15th Streets [on the east side of the highway, off the Hudson River], Pier 57 which is home to City Winery and has a rooftop park between 15th & 16th Streets, Chelsea Piers between 17th and 22nd Streets, Piers 62 - 64 and Chelsea Waterside between 22nd & 24th Streets, and the Greenway & Pier 66 between 24th and 34th Streets.
- Best Viewing Locations for Manhattan July 4th Fireworks NYC - Balcony Seats North. Pier 76 and 78 between 34th and 40th Streets, Hudson Yard and Bella Azbug Park are off the Hudson between 30th and 34th Streets, Piers 81, 83 & 84 Hudson River Park between 40th and 45th Streets, Pier 86 at 46th Street which is the Intrepid Museum, Piers 88 - 94 between 48th and 54th Streets are mostly parking lots and not sure what to expect, the Dewitt Clinton Park between 53rd and 54th Streets is off the Hudson, while Dewitt Clinton Cove at 55th Street is on the Hudson, and Riverside Park begins at 59th Street which may also provide a fair view.
- Best Viewing Locations for Manhattan July 4th Fireworks NYC - Balcony Seats South. The Gansevoort Penninsula between Washington [Little West 13th] and Gansevoort Streets, Pier 51 at Jane Street, Pier 45 & 46 between 10th & Perry Streets, and Pier 40 at Hudson & Clarkson Streets.
What & What NOT to bring along. You'll also want to bring along sun screen, water and be careful not to bring along too much baggage so that you can reasonable or easily move around. Last year, and while this is unconfirmed, I believe it holds true for this year [2024], the NYPD won't allow backpacks, large bags, coolers, umbrellas or similar items past the NYPD barricades.
Also see additional 4th of July festivities 2024 in all five of NYC boroughs below.
3. The 4th Of July Fireworks at Jones Beach 2024 on Nearby Long Island - Thursday 7/4/24
Description. The Jones Beach Fireworks display has been a Long Island tradition for many years.
Best Viewing Location & Times. While the best viewing location is the beach just south of the Jones Beach Central Mall, most spots along the beach in the park also offer good viewing locations that are likely to be less crowded. And the fireworks, like those in the city, start around dusk which give or take is about 9.30 pm. For cars, admission to the park is $10 and includes the fireworks show, but note that after 4 pm there's also a $10 admission fee.
Recent History. The Jones Beach fireworks were one of the New York State budget cuts beginning in 2010. Allocations had not been made for the deployment of police officers, to provide security for the event. In 2015 the Governor and the New York State Parks announced that these cuts were restored and the fireworks on Jones Beach on Long Island have continued ever since - excepting during the first year of outbreak of the CoVid pandemic in 2020. They returned in 2021, and have continued ever since.
Contact. For details, copy & paste - or
Public Transit From Brooklyn / Queens To Jones Beach 2024
Jones Beach Fireworks Public Transit. Jones Beach is a quick 21 minute train ride from the city, or a reasonable 38 mile car ride from the city, when traffic isn't terrible on the Southern State Parkway or the Meadowbrook State Parkway leading into the park.
From Queens, take the LIRR [Long Island Railroad] from the Jamaica Station which leaves every 20 minutes during peak hours, arriving in Freeport about 20 minutes later. The return frequency is about the same, as is the travel time of the trip. From the train station, you can take the N88 Long Island Bus, using an MTA Metrocard or coins valued at $2.75. The MTA offers a Jones Beach round trip ticket for $17.50 from Queens and $21.50 from Manhattan. Jones Beach is a nice quick getaway from the city, and while crowded on the 4th of July, it shouldn't feel as crowded as in the city. Editor's Note. I haven't checked these prices for 2024 changes.
Contact / Tickets. For LIRR details and tickets see -
Links to Other Pages on this Site of Things To Do in Manhattan NYC This Summer of 2024
Knock yourself out. We update weekly until the new additions taper down sometime in mid to late summer.
Manhattan 4th of July Fireworks. CLICK this link to view a full schedule of all of the Manhattan 4th of July fireworks 2024 & Macy's July 4th Fireworks NYC.
Manhattan Parades. CLICK here to look for parades in any of the five boroughs - Queens Parades & Cultural Festivals Qns NYC, Brooklyn Parades & Cultural Festivals Bk NYC, Bronx Parades & Cultural Festivals Bx NYC, Staten Island Parades & Cultural Festivals SI NYC, and Manhattan Parades & Cultural Festivals Mhtn NYC.
Manhattan Street Fairs. CLICK here to look for food festivals, art festivals and street fairs - Manhattan street fairs NYC, Queens street fairs NYC, Bronx street fairs NYC, Brooklyn street fairs NYC and Staten Island street fairs NYC.
Manhattan Arts & Cultural Institutions. CLICK here for ongoing exhibits and performance events - Queens things to do & events Qns NYC, Manhattan things to do & events Mhtn NYC, Brooklyn things to do & events Bk NYC, Bronx things to do & events Bx NYC, and Staten Island things to do & events SI NYC. Be advised that these calendars aren't yet up to snuff as of this posting, but they should be brought up to our standards within the next few weeks.
Mostly Free Swimming Pools Manhattan NYC. CLICK this link to view all of the free public swimming pools in Manhattan NYC.
Mostly Free Summer Concerts Manhattan NYC. CLICK this link for a mostly done and updated weekly page of mostly free summer concerts in Manhattan page.
Mostly Free Summer Theater Manhattan NYC. CLICK this link for a mostly done and updated weekly page of mostly free summer theater / plays in Manhattan page.
Mostly Free Summer Movies Manhattan NYC. CLICK this link for work in progress and updated weekly page of mostly free summer movies in Manhattan NYC.
LINKS TO - July 4th Fireworks in All Five Boros of NYC 2024
There are 4th of July fireworks in all five boroughs of NYC. Click these links to specifics related to each borough -
1) Bronx 4th of July fireworks 2024 & Orchard Beach July 4th fireworks 2024 BX NYC
2) Brooklyn 4th of July fireworks 2024 & Coney Island July 4th fireworks 2024 BK NYC
3) Manhattan 4th of July fireworks 2024 & Macy's July 4th Fireworks NYC
6) NYC 4th of July Fireworks all 5 Boroughs
Click the links below to read stories about other July 4th fireworks shows in Manhattan.
July 4th Fireworks In Manhattan 2024 NYC
Related 4th Of July Stories in Manhattan NYC - Prior Years
Click here for the July 4th fireworks and other holidays in Manhattan or click this to go directly to a report about 4th of July fireworks in Manhattan in a prior year. And click here for NYC July 4th fireworks in Queens and July 4th fireworks in the Bronx.
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