March 21, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Sunrise 6.58 am. Sunset 7.08 pm. Daylight Savings Time. We're getting two hours and 57 minutes more sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2024, which is the shortest day of the year. Spring began earlier this week on Thursday, March 20, 2025, which is also the Spring Equinox when the day is half lit and half dark.
NYC Weather. The temperature highs will rise from the low 50's on Friday, to the low 60's on Saturday, before descending back to the low 50's on Sunday. The temperature lows, by contract, fall from about 40 on Friday to below freezing in the low 30's on Saturday, rising back to about 40 on Sunday. It's a very low humidity weekend, starting at 30% to 40% on Friday, levelling off at 40 on Saturday, before falling to 30% Sunday morning and then rising to nearly 50% by Sunday evening. The winds will fall from 10 - 20 mph Friday, to 10 mph Saturday and Sunday.
The photo at right shows a graffiti filled building on the Lower East Side near Chinatown. Vandalism or art? Is it possibly a bit of both? Unfortunately, these days few people seem capable of seeing more than one side of things, and appear intolerant of anything that's not either black or white, male or female, left or right. No? Or Yes? Perhaps. Maybe.
Saturday Early AM Edition @ 1 am. Done but still need to update a few related pages which will be done either now or by midday. As you can see free and paid activities and events are already heating up in NYC, and it gets hotter over the next few weeks.
Spring started on Thursday, March 20, 2025. Have a Happy Spring.
Saturday, June 14, 2025 is the Deadline to Register to Vote in the NYC Primary on June 24th. Applications must be received by the NY Board of Elections to be eligible to vote in this election. As it's a Saturday, we recommend you make sure they get it by Friday, June 13, 2025. The winner of the Democratic primary is almost always the person who becomes Mayor [Giuliani and Bloomberg were exceptions because of Rupert Murdoch's NY Post & Fox News manipulations & Bloomberg's $$$], as 56% of NYC voters identify as Democrat, and about 26% identify as Republican [other sources say these numbers are 48% & 21% respectively].
Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 12 noon to 3 pm - 2nd Annual Resource Fair - at the Bollinger Forum at Columbia University at 601 West 125th Street on the Upper West Side of Manhattan NYC. Local organizations and businesses provide health information, screenings, food, presentations, performances and art board. Free. For details see Harlem Educational Activities Fund WS -
Saturdays, March 22 & 29, 2025 from 2 to 8 pm - Manhattan Bollywood Holi Outdoor Festival by the River - at Cobble Fish at 89 South Street, Pier 16 in the South Street Seaport neighborhood of Lower Manhattan NYC. For details and $3 tickets [tickets do not include food, drink or colors] see -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 2 to 5 pm - Manhattan Borough President State of the Borough Address - at LaGuardia High School at 100 Amsterdam Avenue in Manhattan. Free & almost full. To rsvp see -
Thursday - Sunday, March 27 - 30, 2025 from 5 to 9 pm Thursday, opening 11 am thereafter, closing at 7 pm Friday & Saturday & at 5 pm Sunday - IFPDA Print Fair - at the Park Avenue Armory at 643 Park Avenue at 66th Street on the UES of Manhattan. For event details and tickets copy & paste - / For location details see -
Friday & Saturday, March 28 & 29, 2025 beginning at 7.30 pm - 10th Annual Dance Festival - at the Riverside Theater at 91 Claremont Avenue in Manhattan. For $22 / $27 tickets and details see -
Next Week * MAYORAL FORUM by CITY CLUB. Free. Zoom details coming.
Thursday - Sunday, March 6 - 23, 2025 - La Gota Fria: Cold Sweat - at the Players Theatre at 115 MacDougal Street in the Village neighborhood of Manhattan. For details and tickets see -
Saturday, February 22 - Sunday, April 13, 2025 - Performances of Buena Vista Social Club - at the Gerald Shoenfiled Theatre at 236 West 46th Street in Midtown Manhattan NYC. For tickets and details see - or
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in Manhattan NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Manhattan NYC.
Gramercy Theater concerts -
Click here to view the Manhattan Farmers Markets NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
GREEK FLAG RAISING EVENT IN ATHENS SQUARE PARK at 30th Street and 30th Avenue IN ASTORIA ON SATURDAY 3/22/25 FROM 1 - 3 PM. They recommend rsvp at -
Saturday, March 22, 2025 beginning at 2.15 pm - Holi Phagwah Festival - at Flushing Town Hall at 137-35 Northern Blvd in Flushing Queens. The festival includes Indian music and dance. For details and $15 $12 $8 tickets copy & paste -
Monday - Friday, March 10 - 21, 2025 - Celebration of New Voices in Theater - at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center at 31-10 Thomson Avenue in LIC Queens. For details and tickets copy & paste -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 assembling at 10 am & kicking off at 12 noon [post parade festivities run until 6 pm] - the Phagwah Parade - beginning at 133rd Street and Liberty Avenue in the Richmond Hill neighborhood of Queens NYC. The parade route is - Liberty Avenue and 133rd Street, west on Liberty, north on 124th Street to 97th Avenue and then east to 125th Street to Smokey Oval Park / at Phil Rizzuto Park at 125th Street. At the park there will be a festival including music, other cultural performances [and likely some food and shopping] until about 6 pm. For details see - FB
Saturday, March 29, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - 7th Annual Bayside St. Patrick's Day Parade - marches down Bell Blvd beginning at 214th Place & 35th Avenue to 42nd Avenue. The parade is a fairly new one, now in its seventh year [2025]. For further details see FB - or WS -
This link will take you to a section of our coverage of the St Pats Parades in Queens NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Queens NYC.
Click here to view the Queens Farmers Markets NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes
Monday, March 10th, basketball players from St. John’s University will be doing a meet & greet at Doherty-owned Applebee’s of Fresh Meadows.
Saturday, March 22, 2025 from 2 to 4 pm - Mayoral Forum: Whose City Is It? - at BRIC Brooklyn at 647 Fulton Street in the Fort Green neighborhood [blocks from Downtown] of Brooklyn. Hear the NYC Mayoral candidates live or on Zoom. Hosted by the Nation and Working Families Party. Free. For details see -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - 30th Annual Bay Ridge Brooklyn Saint Patrick's Parade. The parade kicks off on 3rd and Marine Avenues and marches north along 3rd Avenue to 67th Street, turning west and ending in Owl's Head Park in Bayridge. The grandstand is at 77th Street. For details see - or FB - St Pats Day parades in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn NYC.
In the photo at right was taken in 2022 in Bay Ridge Brooklyn at their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade as we were pulling out of the pandemic. The parade returns Sunday and the weather should be dry and in the high 30's and low 40's.
CLICK here to view our reports on the Brooklyn St Patricks Day Parades NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pats Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Brooklyn NYC.
Next Week * MARINE TERMINAL BK by CITY CLUB. Free. Details coming.
Daily except Mondays, March 7 - April 6, 2025 at 7.30 pm and matinees at 1.30 pm Saturdays and 3 pm Sundays - A Streetcar Named Desire - at the Brooklyn Academy of Music at 30 Lafayette Avenue in the Fort Green neighborhood of Brooklyn. For $45 / $75 tickets and details see -
RESCHEDULED TO 4/6/25 _ Sunday, March 16, 2025 beginning at 3 pm - Brooklyn Conservatory of Music Celebrates Holi - in Prospect Park in the Long Meadow near Grand Army Plaza. Bring blankets and it begins with a concert followed by a Holi celebration beginning at 4 pm. Free, but if you want colors to throw on people $6. For details and to rsvp see - https://bkcm.org
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
Click here to view the Brooklyn Farmers Markets NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn MCAL - Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
On Saturday, April 12, 2025 there's an Easter Egg Hunt & Concert in Bay Ridge - organized by in Bay Ridge - click MCAL link above for details.
Yonkers / Bronx _ Saturday, March 22, 2025 - 67th Annual Yonkers St. Patrick's Parade. The parade begins at 1 pm and marches up what they call the Emerald Mile, which is along McLean Avenue aka 240th Street / Nereid Avenue. The parade begins at Bronx River Road / Webster Avenue and marches west to Coyne Park in Yonkers. The Parade Dinner Dance precedes the parade by a week on Saturday, March 8, 2025. For details see - or FB - St Pat's Day parades in and around Yonkers near the Bronx.
In the photo at right was taken up in the Woodlawn Heights neighborhood of the Bronx. John Mulligan's Fireside Tavern is located along Katonah Avenue, just a few blocks south of where the Bronx / Yonkers St. Patrick's Day Parade begins on Saturday. See the Bronx section below for details.
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 2 to 4 pm - A History of Pelham Parkway - at the Bronx House at 990 Pelham Parkway South in the Pelham neighborhood of the Bronx. For details see - or use the MCAL link below.
Thursday, March 27, 2025 beginning at 3 pm - Yankee Home Opener vs Milwaukee Brewers - at Yankee Stadium at East 161st Street and River Avenue in the Concourse neighborhood of the Bronx. For details and $78 on up tickets, see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in the Bronx NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in the Bronx NYC.
Click here to view the Bronx Farmers Markets NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Click into the MCAL link above for details about The PPNA is hosting a very important Community Meeting at Bronx House located at 990 Pelham Parkway. Bally's executives is will be there to inform the community of their proposed Casino in the Bronx.
March 30, 2025 - Bronx Arts Ensemble Concert - For details see MCAL link above.
Saturdays, March 22 & 29, 2025 - Tavern Concerts - at the Tavern in Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island. Great old fashioned fun in an historic setting. For tickets and details see -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 2 to 4 pm - State of the Harbor with the Billion Oyster Project - at the National Lighthouse Museum at 200 The Promenade at Lighthouse Point in the St. George neighborhood of Staten Island. Zeke King Phillips, an aspiring Climatologist, working on his graduate degree will talk about an effort to restore one billion oysters to the New York Harbor by 2035. For details and $5 / $10 tickets copy & paste -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 2 to 3.30 pm - The Reading of 'Buried Stories' a New Play - at the Carpenters Shop at Snug Harbor at 1000 Richmond Terrace in the Randall Manor neighborhood of Staten Island. For details and $5 - $20 tickets see -
Sunday, March 23, 2025 from 2 to 3 pm - St. Luke's Orchestra - at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art at Snug Harbor at 1000 Richmond Terrace in the Randall Manor neighborhood of Staten Island. For details and to rsvp free tickets see -
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - Talk of the Town - History of famous Staten Islanders - at the Tavern in Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island. For tickets and details see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades on Staten Island NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants on Staten Island NYC.
Click here to view the Staten Island Farmers Markets NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
Have a nice weekend.
Updated March 15, 2025 vs 3.14.25 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Sunrise 7.08 am. Sunset 7.02 pm. Daylight Savings Time. We're getting two hours and 39 minutes more sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2024, which is the shortest day of the year. Spring is next Thursday, March 20, 2025, when sunrise will be at 6.58 am and sunset at 7.08 pm. The true equinox, when we have equal amount of daylight and nighttime actually falls between March 16th and 17th.
NYC Weather. Rain is expected after 6 pm on Sunday, otherwise the weekend is dry. The temperature highs will be in the mid 50's on Friday, the low 50's on Saturday and hitting 60 degrees on Sunday. The temperature lows will rise from the low 40's Friday to the high 40's Saturday to the mid 50's on Sunday. The winds will rise from about 5 mph Friday, to 5 - 10 mph Saturday to 10 - 15 mph Sunday. The humidity will rise from about 50% on Friday to 70% later in the day and then staying around 70% for the rest of the weekend.
In the photo at right is a woman walking along Canal Street a number of weeks ago. I photographed her as I was emerging from the subway beneath the streets. She has a wary look, which likely means she's a seasoned New Yorker, as one must generally stay alert at all times, while moving about the city.
Saturday Early AM Edition @ 2.30 am. Completed the weekend events. Still have a few more events for next week to add sometime later this weekend. Over the next couple of weeks, things to do in NYC really heats up.
Saturday, June 14, 2025 is the Deadline to Register to Vote in the NYC Primary on June 24th. Applications must be received by the NY Board of Elections to be eligible to vote in this election. As it's a Saturday, we recommend you make sure they get it by Friday, June 13, 2025. The winner of the Democratic primary is almost always the person who becomes Mayor [Giuliani and Bloomberg were exceptions because of Rupert Murdoch's NY Post & Fox News manipulations & Bloomberg's $$$], as 56% of NYC voters identify as Democrat, and about 26% identify as Republican [other sources say these numbers are 48% & 21% respectively].
Saturday, March 15 beginning at 11 am - March to Stop the CUNY Cuts - beginning at Foley Square which is between Lafayette, Worth & Centre Streets in Downtown Manhattan. For details see - - See related story below.
Saturday, March 15 from 2 to 9 pm - HoliFest 2025 - at 230 Fifth Rooftop at 1130 Broadway in the Flatiron District of Midtown Manhattan. For details and $18 tickets see -
Saturday, March 15, 2025 from 11 am to 5 pm - Holi at the Museum - at the South Street Seaport at 12 Fulton Street in Downtown Manhattan. It's a day of arts, crafts and history - and it's free. For details and to rsvp see -
Thursday - Sunday, March 6 - 23, 2025 - La Gota Fria: Cold Sweat - at the Players Theatre at 115 MacDougal Street in the Village neighborhood of Manhattan. For details and tickets see -
In the photo at right, taken a couple of weeks ago, you see a full auditorium at the NYU Skirball Center in Manhattan where there was a Mayoral Forum. That the attendance was solid, was heartening, as it shows that some members of the electorate are paying attention to a very important electoral contest coming June 24th.
Monday, March 17, 2025 beginning at 11 am and running until about 5 pm - The 264th St. Patrick's Day Parade. The parade begins on 5th Avenue at 44th Street marching north to 79th Street. There are generally about 150,000 participants and about two million spectators. For details see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in Manhattan NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Manhattan NYC.
Saturday, February 22 - Sunday, April 13, 2025 - Performances of Buena Vista Social Club - at the Gerald Shoenfiled Theatre at 236 West 46th Street in Midtown Manhattan NYC. For tickets and details see - or
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Monday - Friday, March 10 - 21, 2025 - Celebration of New Voices in Theater - at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center at 31-10 Thomson Avenue in LIC Queens. For details and tickets copy & paste -
Wednesday, March 12 - 16, 2025 - First Look Film Series - at the Museum of the Moving Image at 36-01 35th Avenue in Astoria / LIC Queens NYC. A series highlighting some of the best new and international films. For $17.50 / film, $35 / weekend day - $130 / full series tickets and details see -
March 14 & 15, 2025 - First Light Performance Series – at 3AM Theatre at 920 35th Avenue [#3N] in Astoria. They bill the event as follows, "Connecting audience interaction with circus experimentation, modern dance, and physical performance ...". For details and tickets see - FB or WS
The photo above at right, is of the RFK / Triborough Bridge in Astoria, taken just over a month ago. There's a beauty and grace to the infrastructure and architecture of the 20th century, that seems lacking in many of the architectal projects of our day.
Use the links that follow for St Patrick's Day Parade details. Be advised that while there aren't any Queens parades this weekend [two were in early March], the Bayside St. Patrick's Day Parade will be held on Saturday, March 29th. We'll post those details on the front page on the Friday of that weekend, but note that we've already posted them in the following link.
This link will take you to a section of our coverage of the St Pats Parades in Queens NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Queens NYC.
Monday, March 17, 2025 from 3 to 9 pm - 40 Shades of Green - St Pat's Day at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. Six hours of various song, dance & theatrical performances by about a dozen and a half different performers. For details and $39 tickets copy & paste -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes
Monday, March 10th, basketball players from St. John’s University will be doing a meet & greet at Doherty-owned Applebee’s of Fresh Meadows.
Daily except Mondays, March 7 - April 6, 2025 at 7.30 pm and matinees at 1.30 pm Saturdays and 3 pm Sundays - A Streetcar Named Desire - at the Brooklyn Academy of Music at 30 Lafayette Avenue in the Fort Green neighborhood of Brooklyn. For $45 / $75 tickets and details see -
RESCHEDULED TO 4/6/25 _ Sunday, March 16, 2025 beginning at 3 pm - Brooklyn Conservatory of Music Celebrates Holi - in Prospect Park in the Long Meadow near Grand Army Plaza. Bring blankets and it begins with a concert followed by a Holi celebration beginning at 4 pm. Free, but if you want colors to throw on people $6. For details and to rsvp see - https://bkcm.org
In the photo at right, taken in Downtown Brooklyn, a couple of months ago, you can see folks going about their business. To date 2024 was the warmest Winter on record [2025 isn't yet done]. The Winter of 2024, led to the warmest year on record. This year, the month of January 2025 was the warmest on record, so who knows how we'll end the Winter and the rest of this year.
Sunday, March 16, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - 50th Annual Brooklyn Saint Patrick's Parade. At 10.30 am there's a church service at Holy Name of Jesus Church at 245 Prospect Park West. The St. Patrick's Day parade assembly begins at Bartel-Pritchard Square at 14th Street [assembly stretches to 9th St] at the southwest corner of Prospect Park in the Park Slope neighborhood of Brooklyn. At 1 pm there's a dedication to the 911 firefighter. At 1.30 pm the parade kicks off at Prospect Park West and 15th St and then marches to 7th Avenue. It turns right onto 7th Avenue & marches to Garfield Place, where it turns right again heading back to Prospect Park West, where it turns right again & circles back to 15th Street where there's a celebration / after party from 2 - 5 pm at Holy Name of Jesus Church at 245 Prospect Park West. For details see their Facebook page - because as of this post their website was out of date -
Use the links that follow for all Brooklyn St Patrick's Day Parade details. Be advised that while the Prospect Park parade is this weekend, the Bay Ridge St. Patrick's Day Parade will be held on Sunday, March 23rd. We'll post those details on the front page on the Friday of that weekend, but note that we've already posted them in the following link.
CLICK here to view our reports on the Brooklyn St Patricks Day Parades NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pats Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Brooklyn NYC.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn MCAL - Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
On Saturday, April 12, 2025 there's an Easter Egg Hunt & Concert in Bay Ridge - organized by in Bay Ridge - click MCAL link above for details.
Saturday, March 15, 2025 beginning at 7 pm - Bronx Rising - at Bronx Music Hall at 438 East 163rd Street in the Mott Haven neighborhood of the Bronx. A tribute to Arsenio Rodriguez, aka the Blind Marvel. There will be a short film shown before the performance which features the Bobby Sanabria Multiverse Big Band. For details and $25 tickets see -
Sunday, March 16, 2025 - 27th Annual Throggs Neck St Patricks Day Parade in the Bronx. At 9 am there's a mass at St. Benedicts at 2969 Otis Avenue, followed by a 10 am breakfast in the Father Albert Hall. At 11 am assembly begins at Lafayette and East Tremont Avenue, from where the parade steps off at 12 noon. The parade marches south on East Tremont Avenue, through the Throgs Neck commercial district, ending about a mile and a half later at Harding Avenue and East Tremont Avenue, where a mobile stage is usually set up for parade speechs and entertainment. The parade lasts about an hour, but the festivities continue after the parade. The parade is organized by the Throggs Neck Benevolent Association [aka TNBA]. For details see their blogspot page at - or FB - St Pat's Day parades & celebrations in the Bronx.
Sunday, March 16, 2025 - 19th Annual Eastchester St. Patrick's Day parade. The parade kicks off at 3 pm at the Immaculate Conception School on Main Street in Eastchester north of the Bronx. It marches north onto Route 22 / White Plains Road and ends at the Lake Isle Country Club. St. Patrick's Day parades in Westchester County. For details and viewing locations suggestions see - St Pat's Day parades & celebrations near the Bronx in Westchester County.
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in the Bronx NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in the Bronx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Click into the MCAL link above for details about The PPNA is hosting a very important Community Meeting at Bronx House located at 990 Pelham Parkway. Bally's executives is will be there to inform the community of their proposed Casino in the Bronx.
March 23, 2025 - Bronx Arts Ensemble Concert - For details see MCAL link above.
March 30, 2025 - Bronx Arts Ensemble Concert - For details see MCAL link above.
Saturday, March 15, 2025 beginning at 2 pm - Opening Reception for Melting Age Art Show - at the National Lighthouse Museum at 200 The Promenade at Lighthouse Point in the St. George neighborhood of Staten Island. A photo exhibit which will run until June 1, 2025 of photos taken of the ice melting all over our changing planet. For details and tickets copy & paste -
Saturday & Sunday, March 15 & 16, 2025 from 10 am to 2 pm & from 2 to 3 pm respectively - Rally Against Budget Cuts. On Saturday they're making signs while supplies last at a location to be provided when you sign up, and on Sunday their meeting to protest at Congresswoman Malliotakis Office at 1698 Victory Blvd. For details and rsvp see - - See related story below.
In the photo at right are a couple on the Staten Island Ferry enjoying a view of the Statue of Liberty. The statue was given to us by the French, who helped the colonists defeat the royals. The billionaires of today, are the equivalent of the royals of that time. And the colonists, objected to being exploited by them, and thus siezed control of their own destiny, by fighting the war of independence. After the American Revolution, the U.S. Constitution was drafted, which made us a land of liberty, governed by rule of law.
At that time, one of our Founding Fathers, Benjamin Franklin, was asked what kind of government we had. He famously replied, " ... A [democratic] republic, if you can keep it ...".
Franklin and the other founding fathers understood how fragile a state of government of, for and by the people would be. To remain a land of laws, people must pay attention and stay engaged, seek out reliable sources of information, so that they may know the truths and make wise decisions about the people running for office ['eternal vigilance is the price of liberty']. The current generations - that collectively means all of us - are responsible wholly or in part for all of the corruption at all levels of our current governance. We've not been paying close enough attention and we've not been making wise choices. Those failures stem in part because our information sources, like billionaire controlled Network TV News - have also been corrupted. They distract us with things that don't matter, and mostly ignore the things that do. See story following this one.
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades on Staten Island NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants on Staten Island NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
Have a nice weekend.
An excellent example of billionaire-controlled, Network TV News priorities / manipulations, was on full display this month. An American college student gone missing on Spring break in the Dominican Republic, seemed to get - as much, if not more airtime and 'investigative coverage' - than the budget negotiations between Republicans and Democrats.
TV News 'The' Disinformation Medium. Ask yourself WHY this particular missing college student has become such a HUGE Network TV News story, when 600,000 people go missing in the U.S. every year? Are the billionaire controlled Network News outlets trying to distract their viewers from what's going on in Washington, D.C. by giving the truly important stories less airtime while filling up their broadcasts with sensational horror stories?
The budget negotiations included a huge transfer of federally elected representatives' power [aka your power] from the legislative branch to the executive branch of government, as well as cuts of tens of billions of dollars to previously approved federal programs.
So, ask yourself, which of these news stories is of more concern to you? Which of these stories of more actionable by you? And which of these stories appears to be what might be a tragic human interest story, used by billionaire controlled Network TV News, as a ratings chasing headline / audience distraction?
According to a February 24, 2025 Center on Budget Policies and Priorities report, " ... The Administration is withholding funding appropriated by Congress and relied on by individuals and families, cities and states, schools, and many others. These actions fundamentally challenge the appropriations process ... Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution assigns Congress the power to determine federal spending through appropriations legislation.
One aspect of that congressional authority is a long-standing principle that agencies are supposed to make full use of the appropriations they receive. If the President decides that certain appropriations should not be used, the proper response is to request that Congress rescind the excess. The Impoundment Control Act of 1974 affirmed these principles ...".
"... Sen. Patty Murray, the ranking member of the Senate Appropriations Committee, estimated that as of February 15 at least $396 billion of appropriated funding was being withheld. That funding covered clean water infrastructure; roads, bridges, and transit; medical research; high-speed broadband; and National Park staffing and maintenance, to give just some examples. In addition, the Administration has been summarily firing large numbers of federal employees paid with appropriated funds, which is likely to lead to reduced services to the public ... The Washington Post recently noted that Republican senators have been asking Administration officials “to release funds they themselves appropriated” and to reverse cuts to programs benefitting their states. By effectively taking away the “power of the purse” from Congress, the President has stripped members of their key constitutional authority, severely weakening their position in any negotiation with the White House ...".
Senator Schumer Flip Flop. In the graphic of the Schumer post above, Chuck tells his followers that what the Republicans are doing to the budgeting process is all wrong. Less than a few days later, Schumer rounds up enough other Democrats to vote in favor of what he just told us was all wrong. There are historic examples of similar appeasements by weak leaders in the face of resolute ones.
Let it be known, that the loss of funding will be especially true for Democratic States, unless they completely capitulate to Trump, like NYC Mayor Adams appears to have done. Note that the two senators from New York voted in favor of the Republican drafted bill, which as Schumer notes in his post above, included ZERO input from the Democrats. All Democrats in the House, save one from Maine [Golden], voted against the continuing resolution - arguing not for a shutdowm, but rather for a one month extension instead - to provide Democrats with an opportunity to participate in the legislative process. Democratic House and Senate members felt betrayed by Schumer, and the Senators he led to vote for it [see names below].
After saying Democrats would not vote for the bill, Senate Democratic Minority Leader Chuck Schumer flip flopped and then led enough Democrats to vote for the bill to ensure its passage, including John Fetterman of Pennsylvania, Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada, Dick Durbin of Illinois, Brian Schatz of Hawaii, Gary Peters of Michigan, Maggie Hassan of NewHampshire, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York, Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire and Independent Angus King who caucuses with the Democrats. They argued that not voting for it would have been worse.
So Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, led eight other Democrats and one Independent who caucuses with the Democrats [Angus King of Maine], to vote for a bill which all House Democrats except one [Golden of Maine], and 38 of the 45 Democratic Senators voted against. The reason they voted against it is because the Republicans control the Senate, the House and the Executive branches of government and they would completely own the shutdown, which understandably the American people don't like.
In the graphic of a Trump post on Friday, March 14, 2025, Trump congratulates Senator Schumer for keeping the government open by agreeing to vote in favor of a bill in which he, and the 75 million voters who supported Harris and the Democrats in November 2024, were unable to have any voice. About 77 million voters selected Trump and the Republicans and they're well on their way to getting nearly 100% of the pie.
So, if you're a billionaire controlled Network TV News viewer, ask yourself if you were well informed of all of the important details and key facts noted above. Or did they just tell you the surface level headlines, and keep you ignorant of who is who - like Chuck Schumer - who appears to have abandoned his own party in favor of the billionaires. Did he do this so he will be talked about favorably by the Network TV News outlets they control, so that the Network TV News audiences will vote for him again, because the TV News watchers are so ill-informed? Schumer justified his vote saying, "I believe it is my job to make the best choice for the country, to minimize the harms to the American people ... Therefore, I will vote to keep the government open, and not shut it down."
Schumer's statement was as dishonest as it is inaccurate. Giving up power to the few, on behalf of the people you represent, is NEVER best for the people you represent. But many of the bought-and-paid-for pols of our time, have been doing just that, at what appears an unprecedented rate. They do it because there are no consequences at the ballot box, because the voters are continually misinformed about who is who and what is what, by the billionaire controlled Network TV News. This is how a 'Democracy Dies in Darkness'. The voters get distracted, quit paying attention to the things that really make a difference in their lives, and are left in the dark. Not long after they become ignorant and make poor choices at the polls, they lose their rights, including to fair remuneration - like the denizens of Russia and China. is generally a very good source of insightful political information about what's going on in Washington, D.C. Unlike TV News and other Social Media platforms, it's not controlled by the billionaires, so it's audience, which filters and parlays the content - is comprised of journalists and academics - who seem to do a pretty good job of informing the users about what's going down. And seems to keep what's posted fairly decent. In the two months that I've been on, I have been extremely disappointed by what the billionaire Network TV News people are telling their audiences, by providing what seems an open mic [that's not fact checked like the presidential debates of 2024 on CNN & CBS] for all of the misinformation coming out of the billionaires and politicians currently in control of the federal government in Washington, D.C. right now. Are the Network TV New people incompetent, ignorant or complicit? It really doesn't matter as the result to the viewer is the same - they are being misinformed.
The Democratic Mayoral Primary is June 24th, and it's not too early to start doing your homework on the candidates. We intend to help, by publishing some reports about the mayoral candidates, to help you make an informed decision.
Mayoral Election Candidate Homework Begins. But for starters, to get you paying attention to what's really going on, since you'll learn little to none of this on TV:
1) Mainstream Moneyed Media UnFair & UnBalanced. Pay attention to how the Network TV & Radio News provide the lion's share of coverage to the two best known, and allegedly the most corrupt, candidates running for Mayor [Cuomo & Adams]. Billionaires love compromised pols, because they are easier to manipulate to get what they want, as Donald Trump just proved with Mayor Adams. [Cuomo is no saint either. Person(s) close to Cuomo was / were convicted of corruption, during an investigation of NYS government. It was around that time that Cuomo terminated the investigation.]. And the coverage won't be hard news journalism about who these two guys are and how they governed, likely because the TV News people of today seem so uninformed. And
2) Democratic Party Manipulations / Shenanigans in Cuomo's Favor. This is a working hypothesis, but in the past it has generally been proven to be true. Adrienne Adams' candidacy isn't real in the sense that she doesn't stand a ghost's chance in hell of winning the upcoming Mayoral Primary. And likely winning is not her intention anyway, but rather she is running in the service to Cuomo and the Democratic Party, to make sure that Eric Adams doesn't win. Putting her name on the ballot, will confuse enough voters to siphon off some from Eric Adams, because there are a lot of low information voters, many of which likely won't be able to distinguish which Adams is Eric. And since Adrienne's name comes first in the alphabet, she likely has first shot at getting voters to pencil in her dot before they notice that E. Adams is further down the ballot. Back in the 1940's, President Kennedy's father, made sure there were two Joe Russos on the ballot during Kennedy's first campaign for Congress, so that the Russos would split the Italian vote, and pave the way for the Kennedy win. Unfortunately for us, neither Adams nor Cuomo are in any way comparable to the kind of leader JFK was.
3) While watching TV News coverage of the election, ask yourself a few questions. Which candidates are receiving the lion's share of TV News coverage and why? Which candidates appear to have the lion's share of enthusiasm or interest, and why aren't they being covered at least as much? What is the billionaire controlled TV News self-serving narrative [theme] of this Mayoral election? Is the TV News narrative about what really ails NYC or have they artificially made it the narrative so voters will put one of their two men back in office?
Stay tuned.
UPDATE TBD FOR THIS WEEK STARTING 3.15.25 COMING LATER TODAY _ Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 5 to 8 pm - Charter Revision Committee Public Hearing in the Bronx - at Fordham University at the McShane Campus Center in the Great Hall on the Third Floor at 441 East Fordham Road in the Fordham neighborhood of the Bronx. Our government officials keep changing the NYC charter to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, because 'The People' of "the government by, for and of 'The People' " has been operating on auto pilot, because the younger generations haven't been stepping up, and the older generations haven't been helping / motivating / mentoring them. For details see - - Virtual Meeting Details (Zoom) - - Meeting ID: 161 873 3625 - Passcode: 738704
Upated March 8, 2025 vs 3.7.25 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 6.19 am. Sunset 5.53 pm. Daylight Savings Time. We're getting two hours and 19 minutes more sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2024, which is the shortest day of the year. Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time begins this weekend on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 at 2 am. Move your clock one hour ahead at that time.
The temperature highs will be in the low to mid 30's all weekend. The temperature lows will be in the low 20's on Friday and Saturday, rising to 30 on Sunday. There is no precipitation in the forecast. It's going to be a dry weekend, with humidity ranging from 30% - 50% all weekend. It's going to be a windy weekend with winds ranging from 15 - 25 all weekend, starting on the high side and ending on the lower end of that range.
In the photo at right stands a protester at the Mayoral Forum at the NYU Skirball Center on Thursday evening, March 6, 2025. She took the place of former Governor Andrew Cuomo, who was a no show, after the administrative staff had removed the chair - see photo below. The event was hosted by the New York League of Conservation Voters and the theme was how is NYC going to lead the way in addressing climate change before the clock runs out. I think the clock is running a lot faster than the experts and most people realize. It's not just been affecting the weather, with storms, droughts, fires and heat - but it has started cutting into food production, and fresh drinkable water, which is going to get a lot worse before - and if - it gets better.
Saturday AM Edition @ 11.30 am. Below are the events for this weekend, mostly including details, a few of which [9] we'll finish within the next couple of hours. Looks to be a nice weekend.
This weeks discussion will be about how poorly TV News covered Donald Trump's State of the Union speech. Coming next weekend.
Saturday, June 14, 2025 - is the Deadline to Register to Vote in the NYC Primary on June 24th. Applications must be received by the NY Board of Elections to be eligible to vote in this election. As it's a Saturday, we recommend you make sure they get it by Friday, June 13, 2025. The winner of the Democratic primary is almost always the person who becomes Mayor [Giuliani and Bloomberg were exceptions because of Rupert Murdoch's NY Post & Fox News manipulations & Bloomberg's $$$], as 56% of NYC voters identify as Democrat, and about 26% identify as Republican [other sources say these numbers are 48% & 21% respectively].
MORE DETAILS COMING NEXT WEEK _ March 6 - 23, 2025 - La Gota Fria: Cold Sweat - at the Players Theatre at 115 MacDougal Street in the Village neighborhood of Manhattan. For details and tickets see -
Sunday, March 9, 2025 beginning at 1.30 pm - March Across Brooklyn Bridge - commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the March in Selma. Begins at the steps of City Hall in Manhattan and ends on the Brooklyn side west of Borough Hall.
In the photo at right are six of the nine announced candidates running for NYC Mayor, and one unannounced 'candidate' or protester who made quite a theatrical appearance at the event. It wasn't clear what her message was, but whatever it was, she delivered it comically, amusing the audience for several minutes, before being carried off stage by security in an agreeable and respectful manner [on both sides].
I don't think Mayor Adams nor former Governor Cuomo have the courage to debate the other candidates in a public forum, as they're not likely to have good answers when queried for their actions. TV News seems willing to play the role of a propaganda machine for both men - by providing them with what seems unlimited access to TV News audiences- without asking either of the two leading candidates the hard questions about their actions that the public should know before heading to the voting booth on June 24th.
Bear in mind that all commercial TV Network News outlets are controlled by billionaires, who appear to use their outlets to manipulate the electorate to vote for candidates they favor [like Cuomo and Adams]. The candidates favored by the billionaires seem in turn give them and their friends huge tax breaks and other public policy gifts and favors, in exchange for the billionaires' support. The electorate needs to wake up and take to the web to find out what's really going on [see story coming next week about Trump SOTU speech]. And voters need to help educate the 50+ crowd who rely primarily on TV News, and turn out in larger numbers to vote than the younger generations, using the TV News distorted perspective / unreality TV / misinformation, which is why so many of the wrong people are in key positions in government at present.
Wednesday & Thursday, March 12 - 13, 2025 - New York Build Festival - at the Javits Center at 429 11th Avenue at 35th Street in West Midtown Manhattan. This is a construction and design trade show featuring 500 speakers and hosting 40,000 attendees, that encompasses music and food. For complimentary tickets and details see -
Due by March 14, 2025 - Open Call for submissions for the Federal Reserve Digital Access Research Forum.
MORE DETAILS COMING NEXT WEEK _ February 22 - April 13, 2025 - Performances of Buena Vista Social Club - at the Gerald Shoenfiled Theatre at 236 West 46th Street in Midtown Manhattan NYC. For tickets and details see - or
Sunday - Thursday, March 2 - April 24, 2025 from 12 to 4 pm Wednesdays & Thursdays and also Sundays 3/2 and 4/13 - Opening Reception for Scribbles: The Art of Emerging - at the Great Hall of the First Presbyterian Church at 12 West 12th Street in the West Village of Manhattan. Group show featuring 40 - 50 artists from 'New York Artists Circle' and 'Art at First'. They suggest calling ahead at 212.675.6150. For details see -
Wednesday - Sunday, February 19 - March 9, 2025 at 7.30 pm Weds - Sat & 2 pm Matinees on Saturday & Sunday - Truth be Told - at the Gene Frankel Theatre at 24 Bond Street in the Village in Manhattan. The play is described as follows, " ... a gripping psychological drama that unravels the aftermath of an unspeakable tragedy through the eyes of two mothers on opposite sides of a devastating event ...". For details and $37 tickets see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in Manhattan NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Manhattan NYC.
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Friday, March 7, 2025 at 7 pm - Blarney Star Concert Series - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. For details and tickets copy & paste -
Friday, March 7, 2025 - Astoria Ramadan Iftar - at the Museum of the Moving Image at 36-01 35th Avenue in Astoria / LIC Queens NYC. For tickets and details see -
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Concert of Psalms & More by Percussia - at the Church in the Gardens at 50 Acan Avenue in Forest Hills in Queens. For details and tickets see -
Saturday & Sunday, March 8 & 9, 2025 - Rioult - at the Queens Theatre east of the Queens Museum and south of the Unisphere in Flushing Meadows Corona Park. For details and tickets see -
March 14 &15, 2025 - First Light Performance Series – at 3AM Theatre at 920 35th Avenue [#3N] in Astoria. They bill the event as follows, "Connecting audience interaction with circus experimentation, modern dance, and physical performance ...". For details and tickets see - FB or WS
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - Paddy Cullivans I Can't Believe it's not Ireland - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. Comedy of the first degree. For details and tickets copy & paste -
Wednesday, March 12, 2025 - First Look Film Series - at the Museum of the Moving Image at 36-01 35th Avenue in Astoria / LIC Queens NYC. A series highlighting some of the best current films. For tickets and details see -
Thursday, March 13, 2025 from 6.30 to 8.30 pm - Unity is Medicine: A Curated Performance by
Guadalupe Maravilla - at Materials for the Arts at 33-00 Northern Blvd in LIC Queens. They describe the event as follows, "... We will dance in the chaos and create a space of celebration, community, and healing to embody the lessons passed down from our ancestors ...". Free but rsvp. For details and to rsvp, copy & paste -
Thursday, March 13, 2025 beginning at 10 am - Zoom LIC Partnership Economic Update with M&T Bank - via Zoom. Organized by the LIC Partnership in Long Island City in Queens. For details and to register see -
Monday - Friday, March 10 - 21, 2025 - Celebration of New Voices in Theater - at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center at 31-10 Thomson Avenue in LIC Queens. For details and tickets copy & paste -
In the photo at right a young couple is out walking on a fairly comfortable weather evening this week. We ended last weekend with some cold weather, and it has warmed considerably and it looks like Winter is pretty much over.
This link will take you to a section of our coverage of the St Pats Parades in Queens NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Queens NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes
Monday, March 10th, basketball players from St. John’s University will be doing a meet & greet at Doherty-owned Applebee’s of Fresh Meadows.
Daily except Mondays, March 7 - April 6, 2025 at 7.30 pm and matinees at 1.30 pm Saturdays and 3 pm Sundays - A Streetcar Named Desire - at the Brooklyn Academy of Music at 30 Lafayette Avenue in the Fort Green neighborhood of Brooklyn. For $45 / $75 tickets and details see -
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - BRIC House Party: Good Shit Everywhere - at BRIC House at 647 Fulton Street in Downtown Brooklyn. For 18+. For details and tickets see -
Sunday, March 9, 2025 beginning at 1.30 pm - March Across Brooklyn Bridge - commemorating the 60th Anniversary of the March in Selma. Begins at the steps of City Hall in Manhattan and ends on the Brooklyn side west of Borough Hall.
Monday, March 10, 2025 - Jorja Smith - at the Brooklyn Paramount at 385 Flatbush Avenue. For details and tickets see -
Wednesday, March 13, 2025 beginning at 6.30 pm - Brooklyn Marine Terminal Development Presentation Call - via Zoom. They describe the call as, " ... second panel on this project, Can We Pull Off a Climate Resilient Brooklyn Marine Terminal?, which will examine the risks of coastline development in this area and discuss ways to tackle the challenges posed by climate change ..." Brooklyn Marine Terminal is a massive 122 acre redevelopment project in Brooklyn. Organized by the City Club on NY. To register for the Zoom call see -
CLICK here to view our reports on the Brooklyn St Patricks Day Parades NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pats Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in Brooklyn NYC.
In the photo at right, sit my fellow passengers in a subway car, speeding through NYC underground. I find riding the subway to be part of the process of assimilation, and an ad hoc communal gathering, not to mention one of the fastest and easiest ways to travel great distances around NYC.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
POSTED LATE _ Friday, March 7, 2025 from 3 to 5.30 pm - Pub Crawl in Bronx Little Ireland. They describe the event as follows, "... Starting at Mulligan’s Fireside Pub on Katonah Avenue, this pub crawl of Woodlawn – also known as the “Little Ireland” of The Bronx – is the closest thing you’ll experience to visiting Ireland. The tour will bring you to local landmarks, shops, and of course, pubs. Your ticket comes with several rounds of drinks and snacks. Sláinte! ...". For details see -
Saturday - Sunday, March 1 - 9, 2025 times and days vary [use url] - Performance of Play Emma - at the Bartow Pell Mansion at 895 Shore Road in Pelham Bay Park. Performance of Jane Austen's classic novel about a matchmaker who gets in over her head. For details and $30 / $40 tickets copy & paste -
The photo at right was taken earlier this week. It shows one of NYC's many 24/7 fresh food markets, which not only provide an opportunity for night time snacking, but also some measure of night time safety.
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in the Bronx NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants in the Bronx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Tuesday, March 11, 2025 - Click into the MCAL link above for details about The PPNA is hosting a very important Community Meeting at Bronx House located at 990 Pelham Parkway. Bally's executives is will be there to inform the community of their proposed Casino in the Bronx.
Saturday, March 8, 2025 from 12 noon to 5 pm - Womens Art Show & Pop Up Exhibit - at Hub 17 at 73 Wave Street in Stapleton Heights. A book exchange, a merchandise fair, art show, group singing and movement, all oriented toward women's themes. I believe it's free to attend. For details see -
Saturday, March 8, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - Powerful Women of Staten Island - at Greenbelt Visitor Center at 700 Rockland Avenue in LaTourette Park near Heartland Village SI. They bill the event as follows, "... Historian and author Pat Salmon, in honor of Women’s History Month, explores the lives and legacies of remarkable Staten Island women like Audre Lorde, Alice Austen, Dorothy Day, and others...". For details see - FB - or WS -
Sunday, March 9, 2025 from 9 am to 1 pm - Spring Market - at Colony Hall at 460 Brielle Avenue near Todt Hill Woodlands and High Rock Park in the Staten Island greenbelt. This is an indoor market with food by small businesses and arts and crafts by vendors. For event details call Chris at 718.662.9944 and for location see - FB -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades on Staten Island NYC. And CLICK here to view our report on the St Pat's Day Pubs, Irish Bars & Restaurants on Staten Island NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
Have a nice weekend.
UPDATE TBD FOR THIS WEEK STARTING 3.8.25 COMING LATER TODAY _ Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 5 to 8 pm - Charter Revision Committee Public Hearing in the Bronx - at Fordham University at the McShane Campus Center in the Great Hall on the Third Floor at 441 East Fordham Road in the Fordham neighborhood of the Bronx. Our government officials keep changing the NYC charter to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, because 'The People' of "the government by, for and of 'The People' " has been operating on auto pilot, because the younger generations haven't been stepping up, and the older generations haven't been helping / motivating / mentoring them. For details see - - Virtual Meeting Details (Zoom) - - Meeting ID: 161 873 3625 - Passcode: 738704
Updated March 1, 2025 vs 2/28/2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 6.32 am. Sunset 5.45 pm. We're getting two more hours [less 2 minutes] of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter Solstice on December 21, 2024, which is the shortest day of the year. Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time begins next week on Sunday, March 9th, 2025 at 2 am.
The temperature highs will be in the low 50's on Friday, rising to 60 on Saturday, before falling back into the high 30's on Sunday. The temperature lows will be in the low 40's Friday, falling into the low 20's on Saturday and Sunday.
Looking at the weather forecast for the next couple of weeks, I now believe that Winter is essentially over after the two cold nights this weekend. We didn't have had more than a few weeks of Winter this year.
The humidity will be fairly low all weekend ranging from 30% to 60% on Friday and Saturday, falling to 20% to 40% on Sunday. It's going to be a windy weekend, as winds will range from 10 - 20 mph Friday, stay at the high end of 20 mph on Saturday, before falling back to 10 - 15 mph on Sunday.
The photo at right was taken at the St. Pat's For All Parade in Sunnyside, Queens in 2019, the year before the pandemic hit. The parade returns this Sunday. Scroll down for details.
Saturday Afternoon Edition @ 6 pm. Done. Scroll down for a couple of dozen weekend events.
Posted a Half Day into it _ Friday, February 28, 2025 _ There's a No Buy Strike - to protest the greed-inspired suffering inflicted on the working class by the American Oligarchy. Small businesses excepted. Use cash only. Patton Oswalt, who played Spence Olchin on the 'King of Queens' sitcom, is one of many folks who have been posting about it on, which is one of the few social media franchises not owned by a billionaire. For details see -
February 28 to March 30, 2025 - Ramadan Observed & Celebrated - various locations in NYC and around the world. Ramadan is a lunar based religious tradition, so depending on where you live, Ramadan may start and end a day later. Ramadan is a day of fasting, prayer, reflection and community for Muslims worldwide. Muslims fast during the day during Ramadan and then gather for dinner [an Iftar] when the sun sets. At the end of Ramadan Muslims celebrate Eid with a large sumptuous community dinner, oftentimes inviting non-Muslims to the feast for a communal celebration.
January 23 thru December, 2025 - Buried Beneath the City - at NYC Municipal Archives at 31 Chambers Street in the 1st Floor Gallery in Manhattan. All about the history buried beneath New York City from Indigenous peoples, to the early Dutch and English settlers including the slave trade to today. Free. For details see -
Click here to read recent OpEds and Editorials on Gotham Buzz NYC including the Alliance for Quality Education calling on Eric Adams to resign, and Open Letter to the Mayor regarding blatant and continual illegal parking in front of fire hydrants in neighborhoods that have experienced deadly fires, a call for the rescinding of the new Department of Sanitation rules for multiple reasons, and the Exposure of the Chelsea NYCHA Demolition Project as More Costly, Lengthier and Unfair to residents.
I attended what I believe may have been the first Mayoral candidate forum a couple of weeks ago. I haven't yet published my report on it, but hope to do so next week. In the meantime we've been focusing on Mayor Adams, who is still one of the three leading candidates.
Adams slipped to number three [10%] in recent polling [last week], behind Andrew Cuomo [38%] who has not yet announced his candidacy, and Zohran Mamdani [12%]. The only two other candidates above 5% are Brad Lander [7%] and Scott Stringer [5%].
At present, Adams and Lander, both of whom are funded by the real estate developer and investment communities, are leading with cash on hand, with over $3 million apiece. But that doesn't tell the whole tale, as NYC Mayoral wild card Zohran Mamdani qualified for matching funds last week. The matching funds raised Mamdani's funding to $2.8 million. Given Mamdani raised it from 55,000 people, is impressive - and perhaps more importantly - he has momentum, which none of the other candidates have. And unlike Andrew Cuomo who stepped down as NYS Governor because of sexual harassment complaints, Mamdani has little baggage. Cuomo's other big baggage includes both the CoVid Nursing Home scandal and Albany Corruption scandal.
The Democratic NYC Mayoral primary is June 24, 2025. Be sure to register and absentee vote if you won't be here.
There's an old adage in journalism, which says, "Consider the source". Meaning be careful of from whom you're getting your information, because it could be false, misleading or deceptive. We no longer live in the Information Age. Today we live in the Disinformation Age. The Romans used to tell buyers "Caveat Emptor" or buyer beware. Today, a similar warning applies to information, with "Caveat Lector", which means reader beware.
For my money TV News is at least as guilty as social media when it comes to spreading disinformation. The fact that both CNN and CBS agreed to do presidential debates - without any fact checking - of one of the most prodigious liars this country has ever seen [Trump], is an example of how radically the TV News landscape has changed since Walter Cronkite [aka Uncle Walter] used to reliably broadcast the nightly TV News to the nation. The Washington Post reported that Donald Trump made 30,573 false or misleading claims during his first term in office.
In the graphic above is a headline about Fox News loss of a lawsuit claiming they broadcast false and misleading coverage following the 2020 election. In the graphic below is a headline about CNN broadcasting unchecked lies / misinformation / disinformation during the 2024 presidential debate. If TV News can't get something as important as the presidential election straight, then imagine how much additional false or misleading information they are passing on due to incompetence, ignorance or complicity.
The disinformation on TV News comes from them basically providing lying or deceptive candidates and government officials with an open mic and then being too lazy or too ignorant to fact check them to make sure their audiences receive accurate information in real time. TV News is also guilty of sensationalizing rumors, allegations and innuendo, which by their very repetitive broadcasting of these, lends some level of credibility to them no matter what the TV numskull newspeople say. There's also nobody in TV News today that does a credible job of contextualizing the news. They've become a parrot press that just repeats what they hear without thinking about it, analyzing it, filtering it and then translating the raw data or research into something intelligible and meaningful. TV News is mostly headlines and garbage, with some exceptions.
Institutions change with the people who control and operate them. And TV News is no exception. Three of the major TV networks have changed hands at least once or more times since the golden age of TV News, which is oftentimes cited as the 1950's and 1960's, when TV surpassed newspapers as the primary news source. But TV News held sway into the 1980's, attracting nearly half of the nation to its screens, before cable TV, and then the internet, began taking huge shares of audience away from them.
Mayor Adams allegedly illegally used his publicly entrusted power, to aid one of his leading illegal campaign contributors, with a real estate project in NYC. Adams is also alleged to have enriched himself via free plane trips and hotel stays from the same campaign contributor.
There's been a newsman's hunch circulating recently, that suggests that further investigation into Adams' real estate deals as Mayor, might yield further evidence of even deeper corruption. Many of Adams' funders are involved in deals orchestrated by the Adams Administration that look to be immensely profitable, and this doesn't even include the City of Yes real estate developers' and investors' bonanza, that Adams pushed through the City Council and then signed in December.
If I were starting an investigation into what I believe is Adams' greatest corruption, I would start with the Fulton, Elliott Chelsea NYCA deal involving Stephen Ross and Related Companies. This could be done at both the NYC and NYS levels, so Trump wouldn't be able to interfere and it would keep Eric Adams on his toes. But be advised that Stephen Ross, Related Companies and their REBNY industry organization have made HUGE inroads into coopting the politicians at both the city and state levels, so it's uncertain how much of a will there will be to properly investigate.
That is unless the voters start paying attention, quit relying so heavily on an incredibly inadequate, failing TV News, take to the web to inform themselves and get involved in helping a government by, for and of the people work for them again. Those weren't just words to the nation's Founders, they were a philosophy and call to action that each generation must commit to and make their own.
These days many of our largest media outlets are controlled by the billionaire class. They appear to use their media outlets to manipulate people's perceptions of political candidates, to favor those who will bend to their will, like Adams allegedly has, as noted above; as well as to use their media assets to discredit their favored pols' opponents.
In the graphic above is Brian Stelter, whose news show was cancelled by CNN in 2022. Billionaire conservative John Malone, who is a major shareholder and Board member of Warner Bros / Discovery, the parent company of CNN, said he wanted CNN to become more like Fox News. As a result Malone reportedly pressured out former CNN President Jeffrey Zucker, and replaced him with a Brit, Mark Thompson, who proceeded to set up the first U.S. presidential debate in 2024 without any real time fact checking.
Let's be clear about what's going on here. News outlets abandoning the truth is not good for the nation.
Have you noticed how Murdoch's NY Post headlines have left Eric Adams and all of his scandals off the front page of the newspaper? And how Fox News has continually served up what are essentially open mic, soft ball, propaganda interviews like Dr. Phil does on Merit?
Billionaire Murdoch's media manipulations of the electorate's perceptions appear to have net him huge returns. Rupert Murdoch [controls Fox News, the NY Post and the Wall Street Journal] appears to have sensationalized rumors and allegations against those pols he opposes like former Mayor de Blasio, while providing biased sycophantic reporting, an open mic and free airtime [aka propaganda machine] for those he favors, like Eric Adams.
A small historic example of this, is when Rudolph Guiliani ran for NYC Mayor in the 1990's. Murdoch seemed to use his NY Post and Fox News to promote Rudy Giuliani, while appearing to attack and discredit Giuliani's opponents. After Giuliani became NYC Mayor, he went onto provide Murdoch with access to the NYC-controlled TV cable system, while Murdoch was negotiating his contract with Time Warner for cable TV access / rights.
In what seemed a part of this Quid Pro Quo, Giuliani's partner was given a plumb job, with much better pay than her prior job, at one of Murdoch's news outlets.
And separately, but possibly related, Murdoch wasn't investigated for allegedly tapping the phones of 911 victims, to get exclusive sensational headlines for his news outlets [Fox News & NY Post], after the World Trade Center bombing. It's worth noting that this was after Giuliani's terms as mayor, but Giuliani's connections could have helped Murdoch navigate his way out of being investigated for this scandal. A fate which Murdoch wasn't able to escape back in Britain.
Click here to read more about the numerous, worldwide disinformation exploits of Rupert - Chairman of the Murdoch Ministry of Propaganda. If I hadn't done the research myself, I would find them unbelievable, as it appears that Murdoch literally would do almost anything for a sensationalist headline. And Murdoch also seemed the embodiment of the old Mark Twain saying, "Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.". Murdoch's most recent lawsuit setbacks were a payout of $12 million for illegally hacking Prince Harry's phones for headlines, and a loss of $787 million to Dominion Voting Systems for defamation. The latter was the largest such settlement in U.S. history.
By far and away Murdoch isn't the only culprit in this regard. And unfortunately it's getting worse, which means the voters have to step up to the plate and do a better job of informing themselves.
All four of the commercial TV Networks are controlled by billionaires. ABC by Bob Iger, CBS by the son of Billionaire & Trump Backer Larry Ellison, NBC by Brian Roberts, and Fox by Rupert Murdoch [see case study above]. While these billionaires differ in many respects, the one thing they all have in common is that they are all very rich, which means their financial interests and your financial interests aren't likely to be the same.
A simple example of how the billionaires' goals and yours might differ, would be tax cuts for the wealthy passed by Reagan in the 1980's. W. Bush in the 00's and by Trump in 2017. Extending the tax cuts for the wealthy is a program that Trump and Musk are feverishly trying to make happen, by dismantling all of the U.S. federal government services and protections.
Another example is shown above, where former CBS President Leslie Moonves was reported to have said that he prioritized his TV News outlets' ratings and his company's profits, over the national good.
In the graphic at right are two billionaires, Rupert Murdoch who controls the Wall Street Journal, the NY Post and Fox News. Seated next to him is Larry Ellison who is Chairman and Founder of Oracle Corporation. Ellison's son, David, is set to become the Chairman & CEO of Paramount Global which owns CBS TV Network. CBS, like CNN, decided NOT to do real time fact checking during the live presidential debates between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. Larry Ellison held at least one fundraiser for Trump at $100,000 per head for a golf outing in 2020.
Both men are likely there with hands out, wanting some 'Quid Pro Quo' equivalent for helping Trump's 2024 campaign. Ellison's Oracle hosts Tik Tok cloud for an estimated $480 - $800 million in revenue each year. And 93 year old Murdoch [his mom lived to 107] always manages to get something from the presidents he helps elect, such waivers to FCC Ownership rules from Reagan, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 from Clinton, further FCC ownership rules changes from George W. Bush, and then more of the same from Trump in his first term, followed by preservation of Trump FCC changes by the Trump Supreme Court.
Does this smell like an oligarchy or a democracy?
We live in a world, and at a time, where ethnic identity plays a major role in people's decision making, particularly as it relates to voting for elected officials. Voting for people who look like you, talk like you or came from the same type of neighborhoods as you, makes sense - but only if they aren't just pretending to be, and therefore care about, someone like you.
But beware the politician who sells you out in order to fill his own pockets, like Adams appears to have done to NYCHA residents in some of the deals he's been working on there, as well as the City of Yes, where he appears to have sold out most of the residents of NYC. Click here for our City of Yes Zoning Changes in NYC reporting.
Many politicians and government officials are inherently dishonest and corrupt, and will gladly sell out their constituencies in pursuit of their own fame and fortune. So voters have to be careful and do a better job of doing their homework on the candidates before voting. And these days, voters also need to be particularly wary of the media outlets they trust / rely upon, because so many outlets are owned outright or influenced - like the pols - by whomever is funding them. And truth seems to be valued for as little, as I've ever seen it valued, in my lifetime.
One of the best and most recent examples of the abuse of racial / cultural identity by a leader - and the attendant collateral damage to the other members of the group - is Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Netanyahu has been on a murderous rampage, for what seems his own administration's failure of security. To date Netanyahu's Israeli Military has killed 49,000 Palestinian people in Gaza - most of whom were innocent women and children [70% according to UN estimates] and maimed and starved tens of thousands of others. Netanyahu's Israeli Military also levelled most of the homes of over two million people in Gaza, in what appears to be Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people.
Netanyahu's murderous rampage was ostensibly in response to a Hamas terrorist attack on an Israeli Kibbutz on October 7, 2023, where 1,195 people of whom most were Israelis, were brutally murdered.
In the graphic above, Israelis Netanyahu and Gallant, are charged with war crimes, along with Dief, the leader of Hamas.
In the two graphics at right and below, you can see that antisemitic incidents are rising in both the U.S. and the E.U. as a response to Netanyahu and Israel's alleged genocide of the Palestinian people in Gaza.
In late September of 2024, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accused everyone at the United Nations of being anti-semitic, because the world has been horrified by Netanyahu's and Israel's unrestrained response to the October 7th attack by Hamas. Thus by calling everyone at the UN anti-semitic, Netanyahu was seeking to exempt himself and Israel from being held to the same standards of decency expected of others worldwide. And instead of answering for his crimes, he falsely claims that the world's outrage regarding his actions is because he's Jewish, which quite frankly has nothing to do with it at all, as other Israelis have stepped up to point out.
The result of Netanyahu's odious actions is that anti-semitism is on the rise worldwide. In nations around the world non-Jews are blaming the Jews in their communities, for things the local Jews had nothing to do with [meaning Netanyahu's and Israel's genocidal actions]. So Jewish people livingoutside of Israel, around the world, are paying a collateral damage price for Netanyahu's indecent actions, likely because Netanyahu is the most widely known / highest profile member of their identity group.
Sadly, to date, Netanyahu remains in a frenzied state and has not yet been reigned in by a majority of the Israeli people, nor by the powerful Jewish Americans who have influence in Israel. See our prior reporting on Netanyahu, Israeli Imperialism & the collateral damages to Jewish Americans and Europeans, which also includes discussing the collateral damage of Netanyahu's actions, which have imperiled Jewish people around the world.
Now, let me be clear, Mayor Adams' alleged crimes have zero comparison to the alleged crimes of Benjamin Netanyahu. What each of these politicians have allegedly done wrong is neither relevant nor the point of this analogy. What matters is that they both appear to have done something significantly wrong, and neither has yet been required to make amends for it.
The point of this analogy is that a leader or famous member of an identity group, has a responsibility to their fellow group members because of the collateral damage or halo effect that the others will have to bear based on the famous person's actions. Leaders and famous people should be model citizens. They should be paradigms for how humanity should conduct itself.
With great power comes great responsibility. Yes, I'm quoting a line from the Spiderman series, but the Spiderman series borrowed it from the French philosopher, Voltaire, who died shortly after the American Revolutionary War began.
Martin Luther King is a perfect example here. Who wouldn't want their children to conduct themselves like he did or write the speeches that he did or achieve some of the things that he did for others? Nelson Mandela of South Africa and Mahatma Ghandi of India are also good examples of responsible leaders who were paradigms of decency [notice the title of the book MLK is reading]. As far as I know, the members of these men's identity groups are proud to be associated with them and their achievements. And for good reason. They were men whom we should all aspire to be. I would also add Senator Bernie Sanders to the list. Senator Sanders is a Jewish American, and someone in whom we take great pride.
As mentioned above, when famous people, politicians or government officials of an identity group abuse their power for their own fame or fortune - as both Adams and Netanyahu appear to have done - their heinous actions have consequences for the other members of their group.
And because these leaders have failed their identity groups, they should not be propped up and receive continued support from that group - just because these failed leaders are members of that group. But rather these leaders should be brought to account by their own group in order for that group to show the world that these failed leaders / lost souls no longer represent them or their values.
If an identity group rallies around a wrongdoing leader for ethnic identity reasons, they are aiding and abetting them. And worse, they are abandoning the human moral code,ostensibly for selfish reasons of that group. And if an identity group abandons doing the right thing, by supporting a wrongdoing leader, they are informing the world that a large number of the members of this group can't betrusted to act decently, while this leader wields significant influence.
Hitler's Germany, Netanyahu's Israel and Putin's Russia are all good examples here. Enabling bad leadership doesn't bring the world together, but rather further drives it apart. Embracing wrongdoing of ethnic, cultural or any leaders, moves our communities in the wrong direction, back in time, to a darker, more dysfunctional place. And this is at a time when Mother Nature is slowly creeping up on all of us, threatening to take away what has been a planetary paradise, via climate change.
Two weeks ago, at a Black History event at Gracie Mansion, an angry Eric Adams attacked his critics saying,
"... All these Negroes who were asking me to step down, God, forgive them, ... [Fox 5 on 2/26/25] "
Hmm. Donald Trump also said he was spared the assassination attempt last Fall, because God wanted him to Make America Great Again.
Neither Eric Adams nor Donald Trump are God's choices for NYC Mayor or U.S. President, respectively, but rather are political candidates who received the most votes. Somehow, they both seem to be under the illusion that they are in their positions because of their 'divine right' to govern. That is a very old and very outdated notion.
The 'Divine Right of Monarchs' began in Europe in Medieval times, prior to the Enlightenment period which was approximately 1650 - 1800 A.D.. Kings claimed that they had the 'Divine Right' to rule over other men, because God had chosen them. The Christian Church was a party to this arrangement as well, which is why the Church was and still is involved in national coronation ceremonies. Although their presence today, is more about tradition, than God. The claims by royalty of the 'divine right of monarchs' to rule other men began to lose credibility during the Enlightenment, when reason and science began to shift how people viewed the world.
During the Enlightenment, science, rational thought and our Founding Fathers, flushed that Royal Oligarchic propaganda down the toilet. Our Nation's Founders came up with a new paradigm - that men are rational enough and adult enough to govern themselves - and that they can chose their own leaders, who would then derive their power and authority, through the consent of the governed. And thus our democratic republic was born. But I digress. So back to Eric Adams.
Earlier this month, at African American churches in Queens, the NYT reported Adams saying the following " ... If you're not going to be with a brother — Negro, shut up ...". [NYT 2/16/25].
I couldn't help but see how far Eric Adams has gone astray from the teachings of the people, the 1960's African American civil rights leaders, who paved the way for him to be the Mayor of NYC. What Adams was telling his audience at those Queens churches appears to be the exact opposite of what Dr. Martin Luther King had told his audiences in the 1960's.
You can see both men's words in the graphic at right. It appears that Adams was trying to BULLY his audience into voting for him because of the color of his skin - not the content of his character. Conversely, Dr. Martin Luther King looked forward to the day when people would be judged by the content of their character - and NOT the color of their skin.
Adams has had the impudence to compare himself to MLK on multiple occasions, which I have found to be disingenuous at the very least, and generally bordering on offensive, for its brazen dishonesty and deception. Pause and take note, because this tells a lot about who Eric Adams really is - not who he wants you to believe he is - when he makes all of those deceitful and manipulative comparisons of himself to MLK.
Unfortunately, it appears Eric Adams is taking the same approach that Benjamin Netanyahu took at the United Nations. He is attacking his critics, in order to avoid having to explain his actions. That is why both men change the subject, take to the offensive and launch very aggressive unsubstantiated, demonizing or discrediting attacks, on those who want to hold these men accountable, for what appear to be their illegal and immoral transgressions.
These two leaders' words and actions, do not bear any resemblance to those of good men ... let alone good leaders.
Wednesday - Sunday, February 26 - March 2, 2025 - Black Women in Comedy Laff Fest - at the Grisly Pear Comedy Club at 243 West 54th Street in Midtown Manhattan NYC. For details and $12 tickets see -
Saturday - Tuesday, March 1 - 4, 2025 from 9 am to 6 pm, except on Tuesday when they close at 4 pm - Toy Fair - at the Javits Center at 429 11th Avenue at 35th Street in West Midtown Manhattan. This isn't for consumers, but rather is a Trade Show. For details see -
Sunday - Thursday, March 2 - April 24, 2025 from 12 to 4 pm Wednesdays & Thursdays and also Sundays 3/2 and 4/13 - Opening Reception for Scribbles: The Art of Emerging - at the Great Hall of the First Presbyterian Church at 12 West 12th Street in the West Village of Manhattan. Group show featuring 40 - 50 artists from 'New York Artists Circle' and 'Art at First'. They suggest calling ahead at 212.675.6150. For details see -
Saturday, March 1, 2025 - beginning at 11 am - Korean Independence Day Movement - at the Korean American Association of Greater New York HQ [KAAGNY] at 149 West 24th Street in South Midtown Manhattan. For details see -
Wednesday - Sunday, February 19 - March 9, 2025 at 7.30 pm Weds - Sat & 2 pm Matinees on Saturday & Sunday - Truth be Told - at the Gene Frankel Theatre at 24 Bond Street in the Village in Manhattan. The play is described as follows, " ... a gripping psychological drama that unravels the aftermath of an unspeakable tragedy through the eyes of two mothers on opposite sides of a devastating event ...". For details and $37 tickets see -
The photo above or at right shows an Impressionist photo of the West Village looking downtown in Manhattan in the early evening a few weeks ago.
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in Manhattan NYC.
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Saturday, March 1, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - The 50th Annual Queens County St. Patrick's Day Parade in the Rockaways - kicks off at Beach 130th and Newport Avenue. Church services at Francis de Sales Church [129th and Newport Avenue] will be held prior to the parade beginning at 9 am, followed by a brunch by invitation only. The parade marches east down Newport Avenue to 116th Street, where it turns right / heads south one block to Rockaway Blvd - where it turns left and continues east down Rockaway Blvd to 102nd Street terminating near a shopping center parking lot. This parade is in the Rockaways neighborhood of Queens. For details see -
Sunday, March 2, 2025 beginning at 12 noon - The 26th Annual St. Pat's for All Parade in Sunnyside - begins with speeches and music at 12 noon, and then at 1 pm kicks off from Skillman Avenue and 43rd Street in Sunnyside, Queens, marching east and uphill for 15 blocks before ending at 58th Street in Woodside. This link will take you to a section of our coverage of the St Pats Parades in Queens NYC. Please be advised that as of this post [3/1/25] I've not yet finished cleaning up the linked section. For details see -
March 6, 2025 beginning at 6 pm - Dance Entropy Gala - at Greenspace at 37-24 24th Street, Suite 211, in LIC in Queens. For $125 donation ticket and details copy & paste -
March 6, 2025 - MoMI Exhibition Opening - at the Museum of the Moving Image at 36-01 35th Avenue in Astoria / LIC Queens NYC. For tickets and details see -
Friday, March 7, 2025 at 7 pm - Blarney Star Concert Series - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. For details and tickets copy & paste -
Friday, March 7, 2025 - Astoria Ramadan Iftar - at the Museum of the Moving Image at 36-01 35th Avenue in Astoria / LIC Queens NYC. For tickets and details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 11 pm to 4 am - Brooklyn Reggae Fest - at the Brooklyn Paramount at 385 Flatbush Avenue Extension [at DeKalb & Flatbush] in Downtown Brooklyn. For $30 - $981 tickets and details see -
CLICK here to view our reports on the Brooklyn St Patricks Day Parades NYC.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
Saturday - Sunday, March 1 - 9, 2025 times and days vary [use url] - Performance of Play Emma - at the Bartow Pell Mansion at 895 Shore Road in Pelham Bay Park. Performance of Jane Austen's classic novel about a matchmaker who gets in over her head. For details and $30 / $40 tickets copy & paste -
Friday, February 28, 2025 beginning at 7.30 pm - Bacharatengue Dominicano- at Hostos Center for Arts & Culture at 450 Grand Concourse Avenue in the Bronx. They describe the event as follows, "... Experience the artistry of bachata and merengue with bachata pioneer Leonardo Paniagua, merengue megastars Richie Cepeda and Monchy Capricho, and rising sensation Jerry Zyno....". For $20 / $25 / $30 tickets and details see -
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 from 5 to 8 pm - Charter Revision Committee Public Hearing in the Bronx - at Fordham University at the McShane Campus Center in the Great Hall on the Third Floor at 441 East Fordham Road in the Fordham neighborhood of the Bronx. Our government officials keep changing the NYC charter to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, because 'The People' of "the government by, for and of 'The People' " has been operating on auto pilot, because the younger generations haven't been stepping up, and the older generations haven't been helping / motivating / mentoring them. For details see - - Virtual Meeting Details (Zoom) - - Meeting ID: 161 873 3625 - Passcode: 738704
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in the Bronx NYC.
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the February MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details about
LATE POST _ Saturday, March 1, 2025 from 11 am to 2 pm - Prideful Crewneck Crafts - at the Pride Center at 66 Willow Avenue on Staten Island. St Patrick's Parade outfits workshop in preparation for gays marching alongside their family and friends in the St. Patricks Day Parade on Staten Island. For details see -
Sunday, March 2, 2025 beginning at 1 and 3 pm - Lego Printing Workshop - at the Print Shop in Historic Richmond Town on Staten Island. Learn how papers used to be printed. For $10 tickets and details see -
Sunday, March 2, 2025 from 11 am to 3 pm - 61st Annual Staten Island St. Pat's Parade - begins at Harts Blvd marching along Forest Avenue in the Westerleigh / Elm Park neighborhoods to Jewett Avenue, in the West New Brighton neighborhood of Staten Island. The parade congregates between 11.30 am / 12.30 pm [after a church service at Blessed Sacrament in West Brighton] and lasts between one to two hours, but the celebrating continues after the parade. This year - 2025 - members of the LGBTQ community have been invited for the first time to participate and march in the parade and they have accepted, so it's likely to be one of the biggest St Pat's Parades on Staten Island, ever. The Staten Island Parade is the last St. Pat's Parades within NYC to welcome LGBTQ marchers. The parade is organized by the Richmond County St. Patrick's Day Parade Committee and not the Ancient Order of Hiberians.
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades on Staten Island NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
Have a nice weekend.
February 21, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 6.40 am. Sunset 5.48 pm. We're getting an hour and fifty three more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December. Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, March 9th, 2025 - only two weeks away.
Unlike last weekend, this weekend will be dry and sunny, but with some cloud cover on Sunday. Temperatures will rise from the mid 30's on Friday to the low and then mid 40's on Saturday and Sunday. The low temperatures will follow suit, climbing from the low 20's on Friday, to the mid and then high 20's on Saturday and Sunday. Wind will be 10 - 15 mph on Friday and then will settle back to about 7 mph for the rest of the weekend. The humidity will stay within the range of 40% - 60% all weekend.
The photo above or at right shows a fairly active downtown Flushing in Queens around mid afternoon earlier this week. The Chinese Lunar New Year celebrations are over.
Saturday Very Early AM Edition @ 12.15 am. We have a bit of work to do on some of the inside pages, but this is done. FYI - there are many more events coming in March, which is only a week away, as we ramp up to the robust level of activity in Spring, as people start moving out and about.
This was quite a week for Mayor Eric Adams. Starting a week ago, on Thursday, February 13, 2025, SEVEN U.S. Department of Justice attorneys decided to hand in their resignations, rather than file a motion to drop the corruption case of the United States against Eric Adams.
Eric Adams was indicted on federal corruption charges, which according to a February 15, 2025 report by the BBC include,
" ... five separate criminal counts, including "conspiracy to commit wire fraud, federal program bribery, and to receive campaign contributions by foreign nationals", wire fraud, two counts of solicitation of a contribution by a foreign national and bribery ...".
In resigning, the now former U.S. Attorney Hagan Scotten wrote,
" ... If no lawyer within earshot of the President is willing to give him that advice [not to withdraw the case], then I expect you will eventually find someone who is enough of a fool, or enough of a coward, to file your motion ...".
The U.S. Attorneys were asked to file the motion to withdraw the case by acting Deputy Attorney General Emil Bove. Apparently, U.S. Attorney Edward Sullivan stepped up to file the motion, but not because he was a fool or a coward, but rather reportedly to spare the firings of many of the other attorneys in the Public Integrity section of the Department of Justice [DOJ] where the case and subsequent motion were filed.
Trump Tries to Withdraw Adams Case without Prejudice. So, consider this, these seven highly paid professional U.S. federal prosecutors forfeited their income and their positions, because they refused to follow the orders of Trump's Acting Deputy Attorney General, Emil Bove, who apparently was instructed by Trump to withdraw the case without prejudice.
This is an important detail [withdrawing without prejudice], because to withdraw the case without prejudice means that Trump's Department of Justice [aka DOJ] wants to, " ... terminate [the] case, allowing the plaintiff [the DOJ] to refile the claim in the future. This [kind of] dismissal is not an adjudication on the merits, meaning the court has not addressed the substantive issues [and] ... It often arises from procedural or technical deficiencies, such as improper service of process or lack of jurisdiction ...". So, this begs the following question.
Is Trump Using the Courts for 'Judicial Extortion' to Extract Special Favors from Adams? Trump has not offered to pardon Adams, nor has he even offerred to completely drop the case [that would be with prejudice]. And seven prosecutors in the U.S. Attorneys Office quit their jobs over the Trump DOJ effort to withdraw the case, apparently because they believe it's a terrible misuse of the DOJ and the Courts. And they would also have to believe that the corruption case against Adams is very, very strong.
Trump is offering to withdraw the case, without prejudice [which means dropped only for the time being], so Trump still has the option to file the case against Adams again. This seems to be judicial extortion by Trump, because if Eric Adams doesn't follow Trump's orders, Trump will likely refile the case against Adams. The attorneys in this case appear to have a lot of integrity, which unfortunately appears to be a very important character trait that's lacking in both our Mayor, Eric Adams, and our President, Donald Trump.
The Wrong People are Quitting, While the Alleged Criminals Hang onto their Jobs. While Adams appears to come up short on personal integrity, it appears some of his staff do not.
On Monday, February 17th, 2025 [Presidents Day] four of the eight Deputy Mayors said they were resigning, but would stay on until Adams can find their replacements. The Deputy Mayors include 1) first deputy mayor, Maria Torres Springer, 2) deputy mayor for operations, Meera Joshi, 3) deputy mayor for health and human services, Anne Williams-Isom and 4) deputy mayor for public safety, Chauncey Parker.
Later that Monday, following the resignation announcements by the four of Adams' deputy mayors, NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, called for Eric Adams to resign. As we said last week, we're living in a Bizarro world [Superman definition] where everything seems turned upside down.
The Nightly Nonsense on TV News. I've not yet had a chance to familiarize myself with the legally viable options for ousting a potentially criminal Mayor in NYC. But based on the TV News hearsay, which I oftentimes find unreliable because they don't appear to do a very good job of fact checking, there is said to be several legal mechanisms available at the state and municipal levels to oust an elected NYC Mayor. None of those mechanisms have yet been set in motion.
Governor Hochul Avoids Trying to Remove Adams which would have likely Made Things Worse & Instead Installs Guardrails.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, February 18 & 19, 2025, NYS Governor Hochul met with a number of community leaders to discuss what to do about Eric Adams' alleged criminality and Trump's apparent judicial extortion scheme to use Adams as his political puppet.
Hochul emerged on Thursday, announcing she would work with local officials to keep 'guardrails' around Adams, including providing funding for attorney's fees to the NYC Comptroller and the NYC Public Advocate to use to take the federal government to court should the Trump Administration attempt to infringe upon the NYS and NYC jurisdiction by leveraging the Adams corruption lawsuit to tell him how to execute his mayoral duties. Hochul is also going to appoint a special inspector to the NYC Department of Investigations to direct efforts in that department to ensure that Trump doesn't interfere with Adams' responsibilities to the people of New York. And the Democratic primary for NYC Mayor is June 24, 2025, around which time one would think that Adams becomes a lame duck mayor, and loses some of his value to the Donald.
Adams continues to protest the five counts of criminal corruption, claiming he's innocent.
Adams also protests the claim that he struck a Quid Pro Quo deal with the Trump Administration Department of Justice [DOJ]. The alleged Quid Pro Quo deal was that Trump's DOJ would withdraw the corruption lawsuit against Adams in exchange for Adams helping ICE round up illegal immigrants in NYC.
Why then, did Adams change his cell phone password, and conveniently 'forgot it' just before he handed his cell phone over to the FBI last Fall? This is not the behavior of an innocent man.
And why have at least five other members of Eric Adams's Administration / inner circle been indicted [one has already been convicted] on criminal charges? These are not the type of associates who would normally be surrounding an innocent man.
And why then did Adams not seek help from the President of his own [at least at the time] Democratic Party, while Biden was in office? This is also not the behavior of an innocent man.
And why then is Adams unwilling to allow the judicial process - aka the wheels of justice - do their slow methodical work? Again, not the behavior of ...
Adams protests the claim that he struck a Quid Pro Quo deal with Trump, trading some sort of reprieve or a pardon, in exchange for how the NYC Mayor would work with Trump vis-a-vis expending municipal resources to round up illegal immigrants.
So why then, did Adams travel down to Mara Lago on the Friday of the MLK weekend, to spend some time with Trump? Again, not the behavior of an innocent man.
And why then, at the last minute on the Sunday night of the MLK weekend, did Adams ditch his friends at local events in NYC on MLK Monday, to attend the Trump Inauguration? Again, not the behavior of an innocent man.
In the Shakespeare's Hamlet, Queen Gertrude says, " ... Methinks the lady doth protest too much ..." meaning the lady is overacting in an insincere, manipulative manner. I see some parallels here, causing me to ponder, 'Doth Mayor Adams protest too much?'
After the Inauguration, the Trump Administration 'coincidentally' ordered the Department of Justice to withdraw the charges against Adams.
At first the Administration said the charges were being withdrawn because they had been filed too close to an election [about 9 months before the primary].
But lately the Trump DOJ has changed its story, and they are now saying that the lawful prosecution of the Adams' corruption charges, was interfering with the Mayor's ability to carry out his duties as NYC Mayor - vis-a-vis illegal immigration enforcement.
Soon after, again 'coincidentally', Adams announced new major efforts to crack down on illegal immigrants including opening Rikers to ICE agents, and embedding the NYPD with ICE task forces.
Eric Adams appears on one of billionaire Rupert Murdoch's Adams-friendly TV news shows, with acting Director of Homeland Security, Tom Homan, on Friday, February 14, 2025. On the show, Homan reportedly told Adams and the audience that,
"... If he [Adams] doesn’t come through, I’ll be back in New York City and we won’t be sitting on the couch, I’ll be in his office, up his butt, saying, Where the hell is this agreement we came to? ...”.
In the graphic above or at right, is a smiling Eric Adams, seated next to Tom Homan, as Homan made comments including the one above. Homan's comments appeared to excite Adams, causing him to light up with that great big smile of his, as you can see in the photo.
According to a February 14, 2025 Gothamist report, headlined 'Mayor Adams plans executive order allowing ICE presence at Rikers Island' we're informed of the following,
"... A 2014 law prohibits the city Department of Correction from cooperating with ICE unless an individual has been convicted of a serious or violent crime. The 2014 measure, however, allows the mayor by executive order to allow ICE to have an office on Rikers Island "for purposes unrelated to the enforcement of civil immigration laws...".
"... Adams also said he discussed with Homan [acting director of Homeland Security] ways to embed more NYPD officers into federal task forces, to quash “violent gangs” and criminal activity. ... The announcement comes days after the U.S. Department of Justice ordered federal prosecutors in New York to drop federal corruption charges against Adams. A letter from the acting deputy attorney general of the DOJ said the charges should be dropped in part so Adams could pursue the president’s immigration agenda...".
Apparently the Judge, to whom the Adams case withdrawal was brought, understands the serious nature of the issues currently at play - not just in NYC - but also in the nation.
What is currently at play is the integrity of the American judicial system, which is an important component of our democratic republic government, that neither Donald Trump nor Eric Adams appear to give a crap about.
Rule 48 states that a State Attorney General or a U.S. Attorney may only withdraw a criminal case with permission from the Court. And while the two parties involved in the case, Donald Trump's Justice Deparment and Defendant Eric Adams, would both like to see the case withdrawn, they still need the permission of the court.
The Judge decided to take some time to consider all aspects of what he's been asked to do - given what's REALLY going on here - which is that both Trump and Adams are willing to sacrifice the integrity of the judicial system to get what they want. Just like both men sacrificed their own integrity a long, long time ago; to get the many things that they have so voraciously and rapaciously desired.
Stay tuned ...
February 28 to March 30, 2025 - Ramadan Observed & Celebrated - various locations in NYC and around the world. Ramadan is a lunar based religious tradition, so depending on where you live, Ramadan may start and end a day later. Ramadan is a day of fasting, prayer, reflection and community for Muslims worldwide. Muslims fast during the day during Ramadan and then gather for dinner [an Iftar] when the sun sets. At the end of Ramadan Muslims celebrate Eid with a large sumptuous community dinner, oftentimes inviting non-Muslims to the feast for a communal celebration.
January 23 thru December, 2025 - Buried Beneath the City - at NYC Municipal Archives at 31 Chambers Street in the 1st Floor Gallery in Manhattan. All about the history buried beneath New York City from Indigenous peoples, to the early Dutch and English settlers including the slave trade to today. Free. For details see -
Click here to read recent OpEds and Editorials on Gotham Buzz NYC including the Alliance for Quality Education calling on Eric Adams to resign, and Open Letter to the Mayor regarding blatant and continual illegal parking in front of fire hydrants in neighborhoods that have experienced deadly fires, a call for the rescinding of the new Department of Sanitation rules for multiple reasons, and the Exposure of the Chelsea NYCHA Demolition Project as More Costly, Lengthier and Unfair to residents.
February 21 - 23, 2025 various events at various times, but opening night is from 6 to 10 pm - 17th Annual Harlem Fine Arts Show - at the Glass House at 660 12th Avenue between 48th & 49th Streets in Midtown Manhattan. Over 100 artists and galleries are participating. The exhibition runs all weekend, there's an opening night reception, and various other programs including one on healing and another on African Americans in Finance. For details and $40 admission & other event tickets see -
Wednesday - Sunday, February 19 - March 9, 2025 at 7.30 pm Weds - Sat & 2 pm Matinees on Saturday & Sunday - Truth be Told - at the Gene Frankel Theatre at 24 Bond Street in the Village in Manhattan. The play is described as follows, " ... a gripping psychological drama that unravels the aftermath of an unspeakable tragedy through the eyes of two mothers on opposite sides of a devastating event ...". For details and $37 tickets see -
SOLD OUT _ February 22, 2025 beginning at 3.30 pm MODArts Dance Collective - at St Mary's Episcopal Church at 521 West 126th Street in West Harlem in Manhattan. Free. For details see -
The photo above or at right shows an Impressionist photo of the West Village looking downtown in Manhattan in the early evening a few weeks ago.
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in Manhattan NYC.
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Friday & Saturday, February 21 & 22, 2025 beginning at 8 pm - Kofago Dance Ensemble & FANIKE! African Dance Troupe - at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center at 153-10 Jamaica Avenue in Queens. There's a different West African dance performance each night in celebration of Black History Month. For $10 / $30 tickets and details copy & paste -
Upcoming February 21 & 22, 2025 - Mid Winter Children's Festival - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. For details and tickets copy & paste -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in Queens NYC.
Thursday, February 27, 2025 beginning at 7 pm - Concert of Irish & Indian Fusion - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. For details and $29 tickets copy & paste -
Monday, February 24, 2025 from 5 to 8 pm - Charter Revision Committee Public Hearing in Queens in LIC - at NYC Department of Design and Construction on the 1st floor in the Multi-purpose room at 30-30 Thomson Avenue [entrance on 30th Place] in LIC Queens. Our government officials keep changing the NYC charter to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, because 'The People' of "the government by, for and of 'The People' " has been operating on auto pilot, because the younger generations haven't been stepping up, and the older generations haven't been helping / motivating / mentoring them. For details see -
Virtual Meeting Details (Zoom)
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
POSTED LATE _ Friday, February 22, 2025 from 6.30 to 9.30 pm - Dance Medicine - at Alchemia Studio at 119 Knickerbocker Avenue in Bushwick Brooklyn. For $32 tickets and details see -
Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 11 am to 9 pm - Ramadan Celebration & Bazaar - at the Muslim American Society at 1933 Bath Avenue in the Bath Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn NYC. There are six different programs scheduled separately during the day, while the bazaar runs the entire time. For details see -
Wednesday, February 26, 2025 beginning at 6.30 pm - Brooklyn Marine Terminal Redevelopment - via Zoom. Experts weigh in on a massive 122 acre redevelopment project in Brooklyn. Organized by the City Club on NY. To register for the Zoom call see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in the Brooklyn NYC.
The photo above or at right was taken aboard one of the many trains making their way underneath NYC sidewalks and streets. It's really the most efficient way to travel within the city, assuming your departing and destination points are within easy walking distance of a subway stop.
This week the Donald attempted to take presidential power down to a municipal level, by signing an Executive Order rescinding Governor Hochul's signing of the Congestion Pricing plan for Midtown Manhattan, which began at the beginning of January. I'm no fan of the congestion pricing plan, because it's impact on climate change is minimal [disperses traffic not stops it], and its impact will decline as vehicles go electric. In the short term it actually adds a burden to public transit, as presumably drivers will ditch their cars around the outer perimeter of the congestion pricing zone. And it fails miserably to address what is really needed - and that is the expansion of the subway system throughout the outer boroughs and beyond.
So I agree with the Donald that Congestion Pricing really shouldn't be law, but I disagree with the process in which he's handling this [as well as his approach to issuing Executive Orders instead of legislating on a whole host of other things]. We live in a democracy, which means you don't get to do things unilaterally. Democracy is an ongoing, inclusive conversation. You have to convince people that such and such is the right direction, then get that direction detailed and articulated into a legislative bill, and then get enough votes to pass it. Dictators do things by fiat and Executive Orders, while Presidents of real democracies do things by convincing enough people to support something.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades in the Bronx NYC.
In the photo above or at right is an atom-sized peak inside one of our writer's many cluttered minds ... on an average day.
Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 10 am to 4 pm - Hot Food & Flea Market - at Brady Court Community Center on 768 Brady Avenue [Antin & Holland Avenue]. They tell us vintage, hand crafted, dolls and collectibles, sports and entertainment memorabilia, jewelry, plants, furniture, baked goods and food. Free entry. For details see - | Please look for Jeanette Wilson and tell her the Bronx Buzz sent you. Thanks.
Saturday, February 22, 2025 beginning at 7.45 pm - This is Ecuador - at Hostos Center for Arts & Culture at 450 Grand Concourse Avenue in the Bronx. This is a dance performance that encapsulates the, "... evolution of Ecuadorian cultures, from the pre-Hispanic era to the dynamic blend of indigenous, European, and African influences that define the country’s unique heritage. For $30 / $35 tickets and details see -
Friday, February 28, 2025 beginning at 7.30 pm - Bacharatengue Dominicano- at Hostos Center for Arts & Culture at 450 Grand Concourse Avenue in the Bronx. They describe the event as follows, "... Experience the artistry of bachata and merengue with bachata pioneer Leonardo Paniagua, merengue megastars Richie Cepeda and Monchy Capricho, and rising sensation Jerry Zyno....". For $20 / $25 / $30 tickets and details see -
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
Wednesday, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025 beginning at 6 pm - Ponce Bank Small Business Boot Camp - at a central location in the Bronx. The first of a four part series which includes 1) getting the most from your bank, 2) accounting - knowing your numbers, 3) growing your business, and 4) preparing for a business loan. For details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
*** In the February MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details about
Saturday, February 8th, For the Love of Chocolate;
Tuesday, February 11th, Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Meeting
Saturday, February 15th Winter Walk; and
Monday - Wednesday, February 17 - 19, Stop Motion Time Travel Mini Camp.
Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 11 am to 12.30 pm & 1 to 2 pm - Industrial Waterfront Photo Walk & Zine Making - at the Alice Austen House at 2 Hylan Blvd in the Shore Acres / Rosebank neighbohood of Staten Island. Free. Bring your camera. For details and to rsvp see -
Saturday, February 22, 2025 from 11 am to 9 pm - Ramadan Celebration & Bazaar - at the Muslim American Society at 1933 Bath Avenue in the Bath Beach neighborhood of Brooklyn NYC. There are six different programs scheduled separately during the day, while the bazaar runs the entire time. For details see -
CLICK here to view our reports of St Patricks Day parades on Staten Island NYC.
The photo above or at right was taken during the snowfall last Saturday afternoon and evening. Thankfully, after a very long dry spell, we received some precipitation, but it was far from enough to bring water levels back to normal. This weekend warmer temperatures return, and I suspect our 'two weeks of winter' is over.
November 2024 was the driest NYC November on record, January 2025 was the second driest NYC January on record; and January through December 2024 was the warmest on record in the U.S. as a whole.
Drought conditions are already impacting the planetary food supply in a number of places. This situation will only get worse, the only question is how quickly. I would argue far more quickly than anyone is currently contemplating. As an example, in recent years drought has negatively impacted California food production. California produces 4x more than the next nearest state in the Union [Illinois is #2]. We humans need to wake up and accelerate our transition to clean energy or only a few of us will survive to tell the tale.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes TBD.
So on the happy note above, I bid you adieu, and hope you have a nice weekend.
March 10, 2025 / Manhattan Neighborhoods NYC / Manhattan Restaurants NYC / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
St Patrick's Day is on a Monday this year.
St. Patrick’s Day is upon us once again and it’s time for one and all, regardless of genetic history, to don their green clothing and head out to the Irish bars for a pint of ale or to the Irish restaurants for some down home Irish fare.
This report is about some of the Manhattan Irish bars and restaurants that have survived the test of time, and likely a might bit more. The Irish pubs include Irish bars and restaurants from the Upper East Side [UES], the Upper West Side [UWS], Midtown Manhattan as well as the East Village, as McSorley's remains not just a pub, but a good piece of history.
While St. Patrick's Day is one big party, it's important to keep in mind, that like New Years Eve, all the amateurs come out to play [it's not just the Irish who are out drinking on St. Patrick's Day]. So some measure of caution is advised and you have to be careful.
At a later date we'll add a bit of history of St. Patrick's Day.
Click here to read our report about the St Pat's Day Bars, Irish Pubs & Restaurants in Manhattan NYC. We'll begin our journey on the Upper East Side UES where the Manhattan St. Patrick's Day Parade ends and then work our way around the rest of Manhattan.
March 8, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Coming with the Friday / Weekend post.
The photo at right was taken at the St Pats for All Parade in Sunnyside Queens. This St Pat's Parade was created to allow LGBTQ folks to march in a St Patricks Day parade at a time when all of the other St Patrick's Day Parades banned LGBTQ from marching in the Irish parades. As of March 1, 2024 there's only one St. Patrick's Day parade that continues to discriminate against people whose gender isn't totally traditional / binary.
Parades, Pubs and Restaurants in Manhattan NYC. Manhattan has only one St. Patrick's Day parade, which we've covered a number of times. We've included a prior report of the Manhattan St. Patricks Day Parade to provide you with further details of the experience of attending. We've also included an article summary leading into our report about some of the best or oldest Irish pubs and restaurants in Manhattan NYC. This is by no means a comprehensive list, and we will continue refining this report as we learn more about the Irish pubs and restaurants in Manhattan.
How this page is organized. The official feast date for St. Patrick is March 17th, but the date of the Manhattan St. Patrick's Day parade is March 16, 2024 because as a tradition they don't march on Sundays, which in the Catholic religion is the Lord's Day. The Manhattan St Patrick's Day parade is the largest in NYC.
The LGBTQ Parade Participation Issue Appears to be Abating. In 2000 the St Pats for All parade was first launched in Sunnyside, Queens to protest the banning of gays from marching in the Manhattan St Pats Day Parade. In 2014 / 2015 the Manhattan Parade opened up its participation rules to allow gays to march. In 2020 the Throgs Neck parade in the Bronx opened up its participation to gays. At present only the Staten Island parade continues to ban LGBTQ community members from participating in the parade as openly gay people. The Staten Island ban continues in 2024 by the traditional parade organizers, but they now have competition as a new LGBTQ friendly parade will be marching on March 17, 2024.
February 14, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 6.51 am. Sunset 5.29 pm. We're getting an hour and twenty three more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December. Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, March 9th, 2025 - only three weeks away.
We're expecting less than two inches of snow beginning around 1 pm Saturday, turning into an additional half inch of rain on Sunday before winding down around 8 pm.
The temperature highs will be in the mid 30's on Friday and Saturday, rising to the low 40's on Sunday. The temperature lows will be in the high 20's on Friday and Sunday, rising to the mid 30's on Saturday. It's going to be a windy weekend with winds between 5 - 13 mph Friday, between 7 - 11 mph on Saturday and then rising to between 10 - 17 mph on Sunday. The humidity will range from 40 - 50% on Friday, from 50% - 90% on Saturday and between 80 - 90% on Sunday.
The photo above or at right was taken earlier this week at the Downtown Independent Democratic Club, which seven of the nine candidates running for Mayor attended. We'll post a full report Sunday evening, so you can begin doing your homework prior to voting four months from now in the primary. While Mayor Adams was not in attendance, these seven candidates were: NYC Comptroller Brad Lander, NYS Assemblymember Mamdani, Former Vice Chair of the DNC Michael Blake, Former NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, Former Hedge Fund Manager Whitney Tilson, NYS Assemblymember Jessica Ramos and last but not least NYS Senator Zellnor Myrie.
Saturday Early Morning Edition @ 1.30 am. Done.
Law Enforcer or Law Breaker? Well, it seems we're beginning to uncover all of the deceptive masks Eric Adams has been wearing most of his adult life. He went from being a member of the NYPD to allegedly being a criminal of an unknown degree - because he sought a pardon, even before he went to court.
Democrat or Republican? In the late 1990's Eric Adams became a Republican, then switched [back] to becoming a Democrat in early 2000. He's now reportedly exploring a second bid for Mayor, possibly as a Republican, given how badly he has alienated the Democrats who voted for him in the last election.
To show how quickly things are unraveling for Eric Adams, consider this. The Reverend Al Sharpton, one of Adams strongest supporters, criticized the Department of Justice for trying to drop the case against Adams. As recently as MLK Day [January 20th, 2025], Sharpton wanted Adams to attend an MLK event in NYC. But Adams ditched his pre-scheduled MLK events in NYC to attend Trump's Inauguration in Washington, D.C.
In the graphic above or at right is a smiling Eric Adams, who according to the headline is reportedly exploring a mayoral run on the Republican party ballot.
While Adams may have disappointed a lot of moderate voters with his City of Yes zoning law changes, he has greatly pleased the very wealthy real estate industry investors and developers who have funded his campaigns and legal bills. With their funding, Adams may be able to flood the media airwaves with enough paid narratives about who he is and what he has done, to make a credible second run - even as a Republican.
Is Adams Now Revealing Who he Really is? There appears to be a Quid Pro Quo between Trump and Adams, as Adams has been stepping up NYC collaboration with ICE in an effort to round up illegal immigrants in the city. Adams claims it's just the criminal element, but the City Hall Memos distributed encouraging collaboration with ICE, do not appear to discriminate between law abiding and law breaking immigrants.
The graphic above or at right, was taken from an African American media outlet, that expressed its disatisfaction with how Eric Adams is representing not just himself, but all African Americans, because he has a very public profile. In my travels around the boroughs of NYC, I keep finding what I once considered a surprising amount of frustration and anger directed toward him, by black and brown people who had trusted and voted for him.
But today their anger and frustration no longer surprises me. Reverend Sharpton's rebuke of Adams noted above, is a good example of the kind of reassessment of Eric Adams that is now percolating in the black and brown communities - if not throughout NYC as a whole.
Definition. NYC is a Sanctuary City and NYS is a Sanctuary State. Specifically what this means that both the city and state have adopted policies which limit municipal and state cooperation and use of local resources to help federal authorities round up immigrants.
What Actions are Taken as a Result of being a Sanctuary City or State. The limitations may include prohibiting access to state and municipal buildings, not sharing state and municipal information about illegal immigrants, and non-cooperation by state and city employees with federal authorities - unless the federal authorities have a court ordered warrant.
Why Sanctuary Laws were Passed. Sanctuary city and state laws gained popularity in the 1980's in order to assimilate immigrants into American society by strengthening ties between immigrants and government officials involved in law enforcement, education / schools, and healthcare / hospitals.
The goal is to assimilate and empower resident immigrants in order to prevent impairing the social, psychological, educational and healthcare development of a segment of society thereby creating a disadvantaged, alienated underclass of human beings in our country. The Declaration of Independence declares that "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are inalienable rights for all - not just some.
Essentially being a sanctuary city or state means that all humans living in an area are treated decently so they may develop mentally, physically and financially in a reasonably fair manner, so that if they end up staying here they become an asset - not a liability. But as important as that, it's about maintaining certain standards of public health, education / workforce readiness and public safety for the entire community.
Illegal immigration should be stopped at the borders and entry ways into the country - not hunted down in schools, hospitals, and places of worship in the middle of our communities, which is sure to traumatize citizens as well as illegals.
The photo above or at right, was taken of the Mayor at the InterFaith Breakfast at the NY Public Library in Bryant Park in late January. The Mayor spoke to a couple hundred people - mostly of folks who either work for him or have been supportive of him. Few, if any, NYC Councilmembers and NYS legislators attended. In spite of the audience composition, there were people there congregated around a protest sign expressing dissatisfaction with the Mayor's governance.
January 23 thru December, 2025 - Buried Beneath the City - at NYC Municipal Archives at 31 Chambers Street in the 1st Floor Gallery in Manhattan. All about the history buried beneath New York City from Indigenous peoples, to the early Dutch and English settlers including the slave trade to today. Free. For details see -
Click here for Valentines Day restaurants in Manhattan.
Things to do in Manhattan Presidents Day Weekend events in Manhattan nyc.
Sunday & Wednesday, February 15 & 19, 2025 - Jazz Power with the James Zollar Band Zollar Systems - at The National Jazz Museum 58 West 129th Street in Harlem from 4 - 6 pm and at Alianza Dominicana Cultural Center at 530 West 166th Street in Washington Heights from 7 - 9 pm respectively. Free. For free tickets and details see -
Sunday, February 16, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - 27th Chinese Lunar New Year Parade - "... starts at Hester and Mott Streets ending on Broome Street near Sara D. Roosevelt Park ..." according to The cultural / merchandise / food booths are on Bayard Street between Mott and Mulberry in Chinatown in Manhattan. For details see -
Friday thru Friday, February 7 - 14, 2025 [not Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday] at various times - Obayashi '80s: The Onomichi Trilogy & Kadokawa Years - at the Japan Society at 333 East 47th Street in Midtown Manhattan. They describe the film series as follows, " ... The teenage symphonies of Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938-2020) are wound in a melancholy nostalgia for a period indelibly lost to time, neatly occupying the inexpressible gap between adolescence and adulthood. Woven through visually expressive fantasias with striking formal experimentation and pop-art boldness, Obayashi’s idiosyncratic cinematic language would produce some of Japan’s most beloved seishun eiga (youth films) throughout the 1980s, captivating generations of filmgoers with his earnest portrayals of young love and the vanished worldviews of youth ...". For details and tickets see -
Saturday, January 25 & February 1, 8 & 15, 2025 from 2 to 5 pm - BIPOC is Black, Indigenous and People of Color identifying dancers and choreographers age 18+ / Collective Thread Residency. Free. St. Mary's Episcopal Church 521 West 126th Street in Washington Heights / West Harlem. Details coming or see for yourself - Harlem Arts Alliance &
The photo above or at right shows one of the contingents of the Chinese New Year Parade in Flushing [where the streets are wider] Queens in an earlier year. Some of the Chinese march in both parades.
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for Valentines Day restaurants in Queens.
Things to do in Queens Presidents Day Weekend events in Queens nyc.
Friday, February 14, 2025 begins at 7 pm - Blarney Star Concert Series - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. Dairmuid, Franke & Matt play accordion, fiddle and keyboards respectively, of traditional Irish music. For details and $23 tickets copy & paste -
Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 3 to 10 pm - Lunar New Year Lamp Festival - at Culture Lab at 5-25 46th Avenue in LIC Queens. An Asian Art Exhibit in the year of the dragon. They describe the event as follows, "... a dazzling array of traditional and contemporary performances, delicious food, unique artisan vendors, and a hilarious stand-up comedy show ...". For $12 tickets [$39 for family of 4] and details copy & paste -
The photo above or at right was taken a week ago Saturday evening, as a few inches of snow fell in Queens.
Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 3.30 to 6.30 pm - Turner Construction & NY Football Club Workforce Resource Expo - at the Bulova Corporate Center at 75-20 Astoria Blvd South in Jackson Heights. It is not a job fair, but rather an information session to raise awareness of what they are doing so that the community may be informed including trade partners, unions and organizations offering apprenticeship programs. Turner was selected to build the Soccer Stadium at Willets Point. Use the 25th Street entrance and free parking. Free. For details and to rsvp, copy & paste -
Thursday, February 20, 2025 from 6.30 to 8.30 pm - Exhibition Opening: Unraveling Threads - at Materials for the Arts at 33-00 Northern Blvd in LIC Queens. They describe the event as follows, " ... Gallo [of Italian and Puerto Rican descent originally from the Bronx] takes everyday, inconsequential debris and robust construction materials such as trash bags, plastic netting, and caution tape, to create gargantuan tapestries with lush textural weavings. Inciting feelings of uncanny familiarity, Gallo’s work disrupts conventional assumptions about what we consider valuable or discardable ...". Free but rsvp. For details and to rsvp, copy & paste -
Upcoming February 21 & 22, 2025 - Mid Winter Children's Festival at the NY Irish Center - see above listing for details.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for Valentines Day restaurants in Brooklyn.
Things to do in Brooklyn Presidents Day Weekend events in Brooklyn nyc.
Friday & Saturday, February 14 & 15, 2025 beginning at 7.30 pm and 2 pm respectively - Remembering - at the Brooklyn Academy of Music at 30 Lafayette Avenue in the Fort Green neighborhood of Brooklyn. The performance is described as follows, " ... a multimedia production exploring the Middle Passage, slavery, and emancipation ... the event blends contemporary and African dance with spoken word, music, and African drumming, bringing American history to life through African voices and dynamic audiovisual elements ...". For $45 / $75 tickets and details see -
NYS Senator Zellnor Myrie of Brooklyn, one of about nine candidates for Mayor, is shown in the photo above or at right, speaking to a live and Zoom audience of between 300 - 500 people at Downtown Independent Democrats Club on the Lower East Side earlier this week. We hope to post a full report about all of the candidates on Sunday evening. It's not too early to do your homework / research on the mayoral candidates, as the Democratic Primary is only four months away.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Click here for Valentines Day restaurants in the Bronx.
Things to do in the Bronx Presidents Day Weekend events in the Bronx nyc.
Sunday, February 16, 2025 beginning at 3 pm - Nai Ni Chen Dance Company - at Hostos Center for Arts & Culture at 450 Grand Concourse Avenue in the Bronx. A dance performance mixing classical Chinese with modern. For $12 / $10 / $5 tickets and details see -
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
Wednesday, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025 beginning at 6 pm - Ponce Bank Small Business Boot Camp - at a central location in the Bronx. The first of a four part series which includes 1) getting the most from your bank, 2) accounting - knowing your numbers, 3) growing your business, and 4) preparing for a business loan. For details see -
Saturday, February 15, 2025 from 10 am to 11 am - Winter Walk - at the Bartow Pell Mansion at 895 Shore Road in Pelham Bay Park. Free. For details and to rsvp copy & paste - or Click MCAL link below.
Monday - Wednesday, February 17 - 19, 2025 from 10 am to 1 pm - Stop Motion Time Travel Mini Camp - at the Bartow Pell Mansion at 895 Shore Road in Pelham Bay Park. For details and to rsvp $400 tuition copy & paste - or Click MCAL link below.
The photo at right was taken earlier this week, on a subway slinking its way underneath the streets of NYC. Be careful of your health when using public transit this winter, as respiratory illnesses are on the rise again.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
*** In the February MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details about
Saturday, February 8th, For the Love of Chocolate;
Tuesday, February 11th, Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Meeting
Saturday, February 15th Winter Walk; and
Monday - Wednesday, February 17 - 19, Stop Motion Time Travel Mini Camp.
Click here for Valentines Day restaurants on Staten Island.
Things to do on Staten Island Presidents Day Weekend events on Staten Island nyc.
Sunday, February 16, 2025 from 2 to 4 pm - Professor Joseph Henry's work at the U.S. Light House System Depot - at the National Lighthouse Museum at 200 The Promenade at Lighthouse Point in the St. George neighborhood of Staten Island. A talks about the professor, a physicist, and his work with the USLHS Department to develop state of the art equipment back in the 19th century. For details and $5 / $10 tickets copy & paste -
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice weekend.
Why aren't the billionaire controlled TV networks talking about WHY Trump is cutting so many people and other resources from the federal government? Why are they aiding and abetting the unsubstantiated, and hence to date false, narratives that Trump and Musk are cutting fat, bureaucracy and corruption.
Why are they failing to inform the nation that a lot of the federal government programs that are being cut are dedicated to helping people stay healthy and safe, elevate themselves, and achieve the American Dream? The priority targeted departments that Trump / Musk are trying to cut enable Americans to stay healthy, get a good education and avoid being ripped off by nefarious financial institutions. These categories appear to be the priority targeted cuts announced so far.
To date Trump has signed and announced nearly 100 Executive Orders - some of which appear to be illegal - and are being contested in the courts. Among the Executive Orders are some, that are cutting programs designed to help people stay healthy, get a good education and avoid abuse by financial firms. Here are just a few of them.
Trump announced that the U.S. is exiting from the World Health Organization [WHO - helps manage global disease breakouts], cuttingthe budgets of the National Institute of Health [NIH - health / scientific research] and cutting the Center for Disease Control [CDC], without doing some sort of in-depth analysis first. Trump announced he's cutting most of the Department of Education. And he's announced he's going to try to cut the entire Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [CFPB].
As we saw in this last election, TV News fails to do an effective job of informing / educating Americans. In the election they failed to inform Americans about the state of the economy [good] and currently they are failing to inform Americans as to why these federal agencies and departments perform important functions that help keep America the promised land, by protecting our collective health, investing in our nation's education / future and protecting consumers from financial abuse.
TV Network News doesn't say a single word about why Trump / Musk are REALLY cutting so many federal government services so quickly.
The Answer - so the federal government can fund tax cuts for billionaires like Donald Trump, Elon Musk and the owners of the TV Networks, and continue enabling them to pay taxes at lower rates than working class Americans, and continue receiving TRILLIONS in reduced taxes for the remainder of Trump's second term.
During the first Trump presidency, Trump's Finance Ministers funded the billionaire / trillionaire tax give away by taking on $8 TRILLION in NEW public debt, that future generations of Americans will have to pay.
This time around they can't do that, because the Trump tax cut, which Biden let ride, has so wrecked America's finances, that they cannot give away more money to billionaires by borrowing even more.
America had less than $20 trillion in debt when Trump first came to office [see box in first chart showing debt at the beginning of Trump's first term], which ballooned up to $28 trillion in debt by the end of Trump's first term [see box in second charts below or at right]. It's worth reminding people that as a businessman, Trump has been involved in multiple bankruptcies and multiple sales of distressed assets / companies. Contrary to what he says, he's not the great businessman he makes himself out to be, but he does appear to be a black belt in swindling.
Biden added about the same amount of debt as Trump did [$8 trillion], because he let the Trump tax cut ride, but also because he invested a couple of trillion in clean energy and modernizing the nation's infrastructure via the 'Build Back Better' and 'Infrastructure and Investment Jobs Act' and make the interest payments on the debt Trump racked up.
Thus, as of February 2025, America owes $36 trillion dollars, and the size of our economy is only about $30 trillion. So we owe a lot more than we make. But not to worry because that's not likely to deter these two billionaires working in the White House getting what they want - which is even more money that they don't need.
I'm all for identifying real fraud and real waste in the federal government budget. But I want it done thoughtfully, carefully, intelligently - and not led by a couple of money-grubbing billionaires who really don't seem to give a crap as to what they cut, just so long as they get their tax cut payout.
To date nothing specific has been identified, just noise-making, distracting headlines, amplified by the ratings-chasing, sensationalist TV news and other media. I hypothesize that the real corruption and fraud at the federal level may be found in the one place that Trump and Musk will never look ... and that's into the businesses and affairs of the two men occupying the Oval Office, who have too many conflicts of interest, for me to even begin listing them at present.
Important Question the Billionaire Controlled TV News People aren't Asking, but that Voters Should be Asking Themselves. So the question voters making under $400,000 per year need to ask themselves, is why Trump and Musk don't just let the $4 TRILLION IN TAX CUTS for the richest people on the planet expire at the end of this year, instead of cutting the the U.S. federal government budget and services to the bone?
The sad news is that, even if the tax cuts are allowed to expire, the billionaire class would still pay taxes at lower rates than the rest of us.
Have a nice Presidents Day weekend.
February 10, 2025 / Manhattan Neighborhoods NYC / Manhattan Restaurants NYC / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
Valentine's Day is less than a month away. Valentines Day is a good time to let your loved one know you care. Flowers, gifts and dinner are always welcome treats, and / or some thoughtful gesture that shows that the lady [or man] you're with, still means a lot to you.
The photo at right was taken of a main entree at a restaurant in Long Island City.
This report provides a selection of various romantic and casual restaurants in which to celebrate Valentines Day in Manhattan. We also highlight a few local restaurant closures.
All restaurants that have been asterisked have either been updated or added in 2024. Those restaurants without an asterisk are from 2023, so watch the dates / year to be sure you're looking at 2024 specials.
Valentine's Day is on a Wednesday this year, so it may be fair game to make your VDay reservation on Valentine's Day or any day of the preceding weekend. Also, many restaurants have retained their outside dining capacity - so depending on the weather - NYC restaurants may have more capacity for Valentine's Day weekend than they did prior to the prepandemic.
It's worth reminding folks that there were a number of restaurant casualties during and following the pandemic, so it's best to do your research early. If you're thinking about doing something this Valentine's Day for dinner in or around the Upper East Side, Upper West Side, Midtown or East Village; call or go online to make reservations.
The origins of Valentine's Day are not well documented. It's believed to have been named after Saint Valentine who was apparently a Catholic martyr who died over 1500 years ago. Today the holiday is not associated with religion so much as flowers, candies, cards and romantic dinners. And the holiday spokesperson is now Cupid, a Roman god of desire, and quite a mischief maker.
Click this link to view a brief guide of Manhattan Valentine's Day restaurants - Valentines Day Manhattan NYC where you will find links to Manhattan restaurants we've visited in the past or have reviewed. The restaurants we've reviewed include a mix of high, medium and budget priced restaurants that are spread throughout the borough and offer a large variety of ethnic cuisines. Enjoy.
February 14, 2025 / Things To Do Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. The temperature highs Friday, Saturday and Sunday will range from the high 40's to the low 50's, before rising on Monday into the high 50's. The temperature lows will fall to 30 on Friday, rising to 35 on Saturday, to 45 on Sunday, before descending into the high 30's on Monday. No precipitation is forecast. It's going to be a fairly windy weekend, with the winds at 20 mph Friday, falling to 5 - 10 mph on Saturday and Sunday, and then rising again to about 10 mph on Monday. The humidity will be 50% - 60% on Friday, falling to 40% - 50% on Saturday, rising to 50% - 70% on Sunday, before falling back to about 50% on Monday. Click for Manhattan Weather.
The photo at right is a statue of Abraham Lincoln in Union Square Park in Manhattan. Lincoln struggled to keep the United States together, while striving to rid it of the immoral and inhumane enslavement of African Americans.
Presidents Day is a federal holiday when all local, state and federal government offices are closed, which generally includes public schools - unless the district uses the holiday to make up a snow day, which is highly unlikely this year since there hasn't been any measureable snow.
Presidents Day is a time to reflect on the performance of our current presidents and legislators, to see how they stack up versus their historical peers. And in that reflection it's worth asking ourselves what we've done to contribute or detract from the national conversation.
A day commemorating Lincoln's birthday was first passed in Buffalo, New York in the early 1870's. Presidents Day originated as Washington's Birthday which was a holiday narrowly prescribed for federal government offices in Washington, D.C. in 1879. The holiday was dedicated to honoring the memory of the first American president, George Washington who was born on February 22, 1732.
In 1885 the holiday was expanded to include all federal government offices around the nation. In 1951 there was a push to create a Presidents Day holiday [vs a George Washington's birthday holiday] to include President Lincoln whose birthday is February 12, 1809 and was also celebrated by localities, but it didn't pass.
In 1971 the holiday was moved off of George Washington's birth date to being the third Monday in February. Thus while it never falls upon Washington's birthday 2/22, the official name of the holiday remains Washington's Birthday. But today, most folks refer to it as Presidents Day and to recognize the presidents who honored the U.S. Constitution and served the interests of the American people.
Click here for Manhattan - things to do Presidents Day Weekend MHTN / events in Manhattan NYC.
February 7, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7 am. Sunset 5.20 pm. We're getting an hour and five more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December. Spring Forward Daylight Savings Time is Sunday, March 9th, 2025 - only four weeks away.
Saturday evening we're expecting about 5 inches of snow between the hours of 6 pm and Sunday 8 am. The temperature highs will hit 40 on Friday before descending into the mid 30's the rest of the weekend. The temperature lows will remain between 25 and 30 degrees all weekend. The humidity will range from 30% - 40% Friday, rising from 30% to 70% on Saturday, before tapering off between 50% - 60% on Sunday. The winds will be 10 - 15 mph Friday, falling to 5 - 10 mph for the rest of the weekend.
The photo at right was taken at the Georges Berges Gallery at 462 West Broadway [at Houston] in SoHo a couple of weeks ago. There's a group show, entitled Tarot, at the gallery, which runs through February 28th, and it's well worth a visit. The images in the painting change when you move.
Friday Evening Edition 11.15 pm. Done with this Weekend report so you're good to go. Some related work in progress should finally commence con brio this weekend.
In the image at right, the NY Post reports that Adams had the unconscionable audacity to liken himself to Martin Luther King over the MLK holiday weekend. This statement is reminiscent of Donald Trump's sardonic claim that Trump is the greatest president in American history.
On the one hand, both of these comments are so outrageous as to be laughable. But on the other hand, they are also very disrespectful to the monumental historical figures who made a real contribution to future generations of Americans.
The closest that either Adams or Trump will ever get toward achieving anything near what MLK and America's great presidents did - is at the very least, a couple of solar systems away. As the moral compasses of both of these men, appear to be malfunctioning so badly, that they've strayed into their own Bizarro universes [use the Superman comic book definition of Bizarro].
Trump's inverted moral compass was put on full display Tuesday, February 4, 2025 when he took ownership of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's plan to complete the mix of the genocide and the displacement of the Palestinian people from their Gaza homeland. The mainstream American media errantly attributed the plan to Trump - not Netanyahu. Sadly, our American TV Network News outlets, are at least as much contributors to the Bizarro information world in which we live, as any of the social media outlets that they continually disparage.
The headline in the image at right, provides a sharp contrast between Adams, who was reported by the NY Post as likening himself to Dr. Martin Luther King [see image above], and the King Legacy.
King did time in jail for defending all Americans' civil liberties, while Adams is trying to get out of doing prison time for multiple alleged self-serving criminal acts. Adams is alleged to have taken $100,000 in illegal foreign campaign donations - which, if true, were fraudulently matched by yours and my tax dollars eightfold [$800,000] - in exchange for special favors performed by Adams and his Administration.
So King fought for the rights of all Americans, while Adams appears to be fighting for the self-serving wrongs that he has allegedly done to his fellow New Yorkers. Adams has not only disgraced himself, but he has also disappointed a great many of the New Yorkers who trusted him.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 beginning at 6.30 pm - NYC Mayoral Debate - at the Educational Alliance / Manny Cantor Center at 197 East Broadway on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. Free, but few tickets remain as of Friday night 2.7.25. For details see -
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, February 7, 8 & 9, 2025 from 11 am to 7 pm daily, except Sunday closes at 5 pm - Lunar New Year Fair - in Gotham Park at Rose Street and Avenue of the Finest just south of Chinatown between the NYPD and City Hall in Manhattan. Enter via Park Row, Rose Street or the Brooklyn Bridge stairs. There will be 17 vendors including merchants from Chinatown. For details see -
January 23 thru December, 2025 - Buried Beneath the City - at NYC Municipal Archives at 31 Chambers Street in the 1st Floor Gallery in Manhattan. All about the history buried beneath New York City from Indigenous peoples, to the early Dutch and English settlers including the slave trade to today. Free. For details see -
Friday thru Friday, February 7 - 14, 2025 [not Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday] at various times - Obayashi '80s: The Onomichi Trilogy & Kadokawa Years - at the Japan Society at 333 East 47th Street in Midtown Manhattan. They describe the film series as follows, " ... The teenage symphonies of Nobuhiko Obayashi (1938-2020) are wound in a melancholy nostalgia for a period indelibly lost to time, neatly occupying the inexpressible gap between adolescence and adulthood. Woven through visually expressive fantasias with striking formal experimentation and pop-art boldness, Obayashi’s idiosyncratic cinematic language would produce some of Japan’s most beloved seishun eiga (youth films) throughout the 1980s, captivating generations of filmgoers with his earnest portrayals of young love and the vanished worldviews of youth ...". For details and tickets see -
Saturday, February 8, 2025 beginning at 10.30 pm - NY Chinese Free Masons Athletic Club [NYCFAC] Lion Dance - in Chinatown, south of Canal along Bowery Street at Pell Street / Chatham Square. About 20 groups of Lion dancers parade around Chinatown blessing and eating offerings. NYCFAC is only one of the 20 plus groups and each is responsible for obtaining the 5th Precinct parade permit. This is a good chance to mingle with the Lion Dancers vs the Chinese New Year Parade next weekend 2/16 where attendees are held behind the NYPD barricades. For details see - or
Ending Sunday, February 9, 2025 beginning at 5 pm - Edges of Ailey - at the Whitney at 99 Gansevoort in the West Village. The Village Preservation Group describes it as follows, " ... Edges of Ailey is the first large-scale museum exhibition to celebrate the life, dances, influences, and enduring legacy of visionary artist and choreographer Alvin Ailey. This dynamic showcase brings together visual art, music, a range of archival materials, and a multi-screen video installation drawn from recordings of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT) repertory to explore the full range of Ailey’s personal and creative life ...". For details see -
Saturday, January 25 & February 1, 8 & 15, 2025 from 2 to 5 pm - BIPOC is Black, Indigenous and People of Color identifying dancers and choreographers age 18+ / Collective Thread Residency. Free. St. Mary's Episcopal Church 521 West 126th Street in Washington Heights / West Harlem. Details coming or see for yourself - Harlem Arts Alliance &
Sunday, February 16, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - Chinese New Year Parade - on Bayard Street between Mott and Mulberry in Chinatown in Manhattan. For details see -
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
January 24 - February 9, 2025 at various times - Triborough Film Festival - at the Hellenic Cultural Center Thespis Theater in the AFC [Astoria Filmmakers Club] Headquarters at 25-02 Newtown Avenue in Astoria. A wide variety of mostly locally produced independent films. For mostly $15 tickets and details see -
Sunday, February 9, 2025 beginning at 7 pm - Fertile Ground - at Greenspace at 37-24 24th Street, Suite 211, in LIC in Queens. A showcase for modern emerging dancers and choreographers. Six separate performances. For details and $18 tickets copy & paste -
Thursday, February 13, 2025 beginning at 7 pm - Thursday Night Jazz - at the Jamaica Performing Arts Center at 153-10 Jamaica Avenue in Queens. For details & to rsvp $5 - $10 tickets, copy & paste -
Friday, February 14, 2025 begins at 7 pm - Blarney Star Concert Series - at the NY Irish Center at 1040 Jackson Avenue in LIC. Dairmuid, Franke & Matt play accordion, fiddle and keyboards respectively, of traditional Irish music. For details and $23 tickets copy & paste -
Upcoming February 21 & 22, 2025 - Mid Winter Children's Festival at the NY Irish Center - see above listing for details.
In the photo above or at right, MoMA PS1 in Long Island City, makes a statement about who they are.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Friday, February 7, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm - Art Opening Party featuring Rachel Wren in Group Show - at Shirley Project Space at 609 Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights / Crown Heights in Brooklyn. Free admission. The group show, entitled Homecoming, runs through March 9th. For details see -
Saturday, February 8, 2025 beginning at 1 pm and 6 pm - Brooklyn Wine Fest - at Industry City in Building 5 at 33 35th Street in the Greenwood Heights / Sunset Park neighborhood of Brooklyn. For $19 tickets and details see -
Monday, February 10, 2025 from 6 to 8 pm - Tours of EPA’s TAGA (Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer) Bus - outside of Evalyn's Tap House at 236 Butler Street in Gowanus Brooklyn. The Voice of Gowanus describes the event as follows, " ... There will be tours of EPA’s TAGA (Trace Atmospheric Gas Analyzer) Bus - one of only two in the country, parked on the corner. It is being deployed in our community for air monitoring and scientists will be on hand to discuss monitoring of the air around the nearby sewage retention tanks as construction and excavation enter their next phase. Dangerous toxicants are being released into the air as the site sits on the location of a former Manufactured Gas Plant... ".
Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from 5 to 8 pm - Charter Revision Committee - at the NYC Fire Department at 9 Metrotech [Enter via the court yard off Flatbush Avenue]. Our government officials keep changing the NYC charter to serve the interests of the rich and powerful, because 'The People' of "the government by, for and of 'The People' " has been operating on auto pilot, because the younger generations haven't been stepping up, and the older generations haven't been helping / motivating / mentoring them. For details see -
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in Brooklyn NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 4 to 6 pm - For the Love of Chocolate - at the Bartow Pell Mansion at 895 Shore Road in Pelham Bay Park. A talk and tasting of chocolate and wine. For details and $50 tickets copy & paste -
Saturday, February 8, 2025 from 3 to 8.30 pm - The Stigma of Mental Illness on Black & Brown Men - at Hostos Center for Arts & Culture at 450 Grand Concourse Avenue in the Bronx. The program starts with a Resource Fair, followed by the film Perdido, and ending with a talk / discussion / conversation. For details and to rsvp see -
February 1 - 9, 2025 on at various times - Yankee Stadium Tours - at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. See the Yankees Museum, the ball park including both the dugout a press box or VIP suite for $41 / adult and $30 / child. For details and online tickets [only] see -
Tuesday, February 11th, Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Meeting - click the MCAL link below for details.
Wednesday, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025 beginning at 6 pm - Ponce Bank Small Business Boot Camp - at a central location in the Bronx. The first of a four part series which includes 1) getting the most from your bank, 2) accounting - knowing your numbers, 3) growing your business, and 4) preparing for a business loan. For details see -
Fridays, February 14, 28 & March 14 & 21, 2025 from 6 to 9 pm [adults] & 5 to 8 pm [families] - Bronx River Art Center Winter Workshops - at the Bronx River Art Center at 1087 East Tremont Avenue in the Bronx. For free family or $20 adult [wine sipping included] workshops and details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx MCAL Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
*** In the February MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details about
Saturday, February 8th, For the Love of Chocolate;
Tuesday, February 11th, Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association Meeting
Saturday, February 15th Winter Walk; and
Monday - Wednesday, February 17 - 19, Stop Motion Time Travel Mini Camp.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 beginning at 6 pm - Lighthouses are for Lovers - by the National Lighthouse Museum but held offsite at Francesco's Supper Club at 3555 Victory Blvd. Francesco's is located on the former U.S. Lighthouse Services Depot [1864 - 1939]. Once a bustling sight of 18 buildings, only six of which remain today. Familes with kids are welcome. For $75 tickets and details see -
Thursday, February 13, 2025 from 7 to 9 pm - Galentines at Cafe Espresso - at Casa Belvedere at 79 Howard Avenue in the Silver Lake neighborhood of Staten Island. The evening centers around learning to make Espresso-cello, a rich, aromatic, after-dinner drink with decorations. For $80 / $90 tickets and details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice end of January / early February weekend.
Saturday, February 1, 2025 beginning at 11 am - Queens Chinese New Year Parade in Flushing - begins at the corner of Union Street and 39th Avenue in Flushing. Click this link & scroll down to the map to see the Flushing Queens Chinese New Year parade route from prior years, which [unconfirmed] I believe is the same as this year. Organized by the Flushing Chinese Business Association. For details see -
Friday, Saturday & Sunday, February 7, 8 & 9, 2025 from 11 am to 7 pm daily, except Sunday closes at 5 pm - Lunar New Year Fair - in Gotham Park at Rose Street and Avenue of the Finest just south of Chinatown between the NYPD and City Hall in Manhattan. Enter via Park Row, Rose Street or the Brooklyn Bridge stairs. There will be 17 vendors including merchants from Chinatown. For details see -
Saturday, February 8, 2025 beginning at 10.30 pm - NY Chinese Free Masons Athletic Club [NYCFAC] Lion Dance - in Chinatown, south of Canal along Bowery Street at Pell Street / Chatham Square. About 20 groups of Lion dancers parade around Chinatown blessing and eating offerings. NYCFAC is only one of the 20 plus groups and each is responsible for obtaining the 5th Precinct parade permit. This is a good chance to mingle with the Lion Dancers vs the Chinese New Year Parade next weekend 2/16 where attendees are held behind the NYPD barricades. For details see - or
Sunday, February 16, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - Chinese New Year Parade - on Bayard Street between Mott and Mulberry in Chinatown in Manhattan. For details see -
February 15, 2016 / Chinatown Manhattan NYC / Things To Do Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
This past week Manhattan celebrated the Chinese New Year of the Monkey. The Monkey is fun-loving, curious, clever and mischievous. Those born this year, or five Chinese calendar cycles ago in 1944, are born under the influence of the Fire element. There are five elements, and each influences a 12 year / Chinese calendar cycle. We are currently in a Chinese calendrical cycle that is influenced by the Fire sign. It is believed the 12 years corresponds to the 11.86 years it takes Jupiter to revolve around the sun.
Every calendar cycle is influenced by one of the five elements: metal, water, wood, fire and earth. And each of these natural elements signifies something. The five elements are associated with the five planets nearest to earth which are: Mercury [water], Mars [fire], Venus [metal], Saturn [earth] and Jupiter [wood]. The five elements are all natural and have transformative influences on each other. For instance water can extinguish a fire, a fire can be created with wood, and fire can melt metal. If you study these transformations you will see that they are all connected, like nature itself, a part of a whole. Thus an entire cycle encompasses the five elements times each calendrical [or zodiac] sign for a total of 60 years.
Click here for a brief history of NYC Chinatown in Manhattan and the NYC Chinese New Year Parade in Manhattan.
January 31, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7.07 am. Sunset 5.12 pm. We're getting 50 more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December. The temperature highs will be in the high 30's on Friday and Saturday, rising to the mid 40's on Sunday. The temperature lows will be in the mid 30's on Friday and Sunday, dipping in between to 20 on Saturday. The humidity will rise to 80% assuming that precipitation arrives Friday evening, then dipping to 40% - 50% on Saturday, before rising back to 50% to 70% on Sunday. There's a 75% chance of a small amount of precipitation [1/5 inch tops] Friday evening. After that it's dry for the rest of the weekend.
The photo at right was taken at the Georges Berges Gallery at 462 West Broadway [at Houston] in SoHo this past Thursday evening. There's a group show, entitled Tarot, at the gallery, which runs through February 28th, and it's well worth a visit.
Friday Evening Edition at 7 pm. We're just getting started. A fair amount more coming as the day progresses.
January 23 thru December, 2025 - Buried Beneath the City - at NYC Municipal Archives at 31 Chambers Street in the 1st Floor Gallery in Manhattan. All about the history buried beneath New York City from Indigenous peoples, to the early Dutch and English settlers including the slave trade to today. Free. For details see -
Ending Sunday, February 9, 2025 beginning at 5 pm - Edges of Ailey - at the Whitney at 99 Gansevoort in the West Village. The Village Preservation Group describes it as follows, " ... Edges of Ailey is the first large-scale museum exhibition to celebrate the life, dances, influences, and enduring legacy of visionary artist and choreographer Alvin Ailey. This dynamic showcase brings together visual art, music, a range of archival materials, and a multi-screen video installation drawn from recordings of Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater (AAADT) repertory to explore the full range of Ailey’s personal and creative life ...". For details see -
Cancelled _ February 2025 - Winter Carnival - at and around the Rumsey Playfield in Central Park. This event has not happened since 2020. No explanation has been given by the NYC Parks Department. But that said, because we no longer get a snowfall that stays on the ground, it's likely this event is a permanent casualty of climate change. Thank you oil companies and drivers of large vehicles that carry only one person most of the time.
The Israeli Prime Minister is responsible for authorizing military actions in Gaza. According to a January 25, 2025 Associated Press report, " ... The war in Gaza has been devastating for children: More than 13,000 have been killed, an estimated 25,000 injured, and at least 25,000 hospitalized for malnutrition, according to U.N. agencies ...".
Throughout the 20th century American taxpayers funded and supplied weapons for Israeli defense. But in the 21st century, since Netanyahu became Israeli Prime Minister, the American taxpayer - not the Israeli billioniares - have been funding Israeli Imperialism and expansionism.
Since Netanyahu first became Prime Minister over 20 years ago, Netanyahu's Israel has illegally annexed the Syrian Golan Heights which contain oil fields, Israel has annexed Palestinian lands in the West Bank and adjacent to Gaza through Netanyahu's authorization of Israeli settlements, and most recently Netanyahu's Israel has begun occupying land in the Jordan River Valley using American taxpayer funds and weapons to do so. And yet the American TV Networks omit these important facts from their news broadcasts. Rupert Murdoch, who controls Fox News, the Wall St. Journal and the NY Post, is an investor in at least one Israeli company, Genie Energy, operating in the illegally occupied Syrian Golan Heights. This may explain why his news outlets don't publish or broadcast this information and appear to bias reports in Israel's favor.
The U.S. doesn't place any conditions on the money the U.S. government gives to Israel, which to date, totals more than a quarter TRILLION dollars in today's currency. Likely because of that, Netanyahu now flies around in the 'Wing of Zion' which is the Israeli equivalent of 'Air Force One', both of which were likely funded in part or in total by the American taxpayer. See Netanyahu and his wife disembarking from the 'Wing of Zion' in photo at right.
Why are so many criminals in control of democracies and other governments these days? In part because the media is increasingly being used to disinform and manipulate the electorate into making bad choices. A government by, for and of the people doesn't function on auto pilot. For a prior report we did on what's happening in Israel, click this link to Netanyahu Bilks the American Taxpayer into Funding Israeli Imperialism & the Palestinian Kristallnacht.
There is such a thing as right and wrong. People need to speak up when they see people wronging one another - no matter whether it's a German persecuting someone who is Jewish, or an Israeli persecuting a Palestinian, or a Russian persecuting a Ukrainian. The attackers only do these things when they think they can get away with them. So until people start speaking up, this sort of behavior will continue on without end.
See Edges of Ailey at the Whitney above.
Saturday, January 25 & February 1, 8 & 15, 2025 from 2 to 5 pm - BIPOC is Black, Indigenous and People of Color identifying dancers and choreographers age 18+ / Collective Thread Residency. Free. St. Mary's Episcopal Church 521 West 126th Street in Washington Heights / West Harlem. Details coming or see for yourself - Harlem Arts Alliance &
Friday thru Sunday, January 24 to February 2, 2025 begins at 12 noon & ends at times ranging from 4.30 to 8 pm - The Winter Show - at the Park Avenue Armory at 643 Park Avenue on the UES. For $40 tickets and details see -
Thursday, January 9 - Saturday, February 1, 2025 at various times - The Femme Collective - at the 14th Street Y at 344 East 14th Street in the Village. Three separate plays - Broken Thread, January and She Wolves - are collaborations by Multistages, Neo Political Cowgirls and the Eden Theatre Company, which will be performed this month. For details and $25 - $75 tickets see -
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
January thru Friday, January 31, 2025 - Curators Choice - at the Museum of the Moving Image is at 35th Avenue and 36th Street in Astoria / LIC Queens. These are films shown in 2024 that the staff of MoMI selected as some of their favorites for viewing. For $10 - $17.50 tickets and details see -
The photo above or at right was taken earlier this week, showing Queens Blvd traffic in Long Island City as it heads west across the Queens Borough Bridge.
Saturday, February 1, 2025 beginning at 11 am - Queens Chinese New Year Parade in Flushing - begins at the corner of Union Street and 39th Avenue in Flushing. Click this link & scroll down to the map to see the Flushing Queens Chinese New Year parade route from prior years, which [unconfirmed] I believe is the same as this year. Organized by the Flushing Chinese Business Association. For details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Sunday, February 2, 2025, from 1.30 to 3 pm - W.E.B. Du Bois in Perspective: The Nation, the City, the Church - in the sanctuary at St. Ann & the Holy Trinity Church at 157 Montague Street in Brooklyn Heights. "... Before ... Black History Month, W.E.B. Du Bois brought Negro History Week to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church [this location]. Du Bois was a major figure in twentieth-century America as a civil rights activist, scholar, and founding member of the NAACP. The program includes talks by ... historians Phillip Luke Sinitiere, Lavelle Porter, and Craig Townsend will offer perspectives on Du Bois' [life] ... The program will include musical performances by classical musicians Emily Kalish and Kyle Walker and the Gospel choir East Coast Inspirational Singers. Free. For details see -
The photo at right was taken last week on the Brooklyn Bridge, looking east toward Brooklyn. It was a nice sunny day with temperatures in the mid 30's to 40's, so even with the breeze, it was fairly comfortable.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in Brooklyn NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
February 1 - 9, 2025 on at various times - Yankee Stadium Tours - at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. See the Yankees Museum, the ball park including both the dugout a press box or VIP suite for $41 / adult and $30 / child. For details and online tickets [only] see -
Wednesday, February 5, 12, 19, 26, 2025 beginning at 6 pm - Ponce Bank Small Business Boot Camp - at a central location in the Bronx. The first of a four part series which includes 1) getting the most from your bank, 2) accounting - knowing your numbers, 3) growing your business, and 4) preparing for a business loan. For details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
*** In the February MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details about
Saturday, February 8th, For the Love of Chocolate;
Saturday, February 15th Winter Walk; and
Monday - Wednesday, February 17 - 19, Stop Motion Time Travel Mini Camp.
Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 2 to 5 pm - Black History Month: Painting with Soul: Colors of Culture - at Snug Harbor Cultural Center at 1000 Richmond Terrace in Building P. They describe the event as follows, " ... a self-guided paint project, celebrating the vibrancy of Black culture. Wrap up with an engaging, interactive quiz game highlighting Black history—win fun prizes! Enjoy light refreshments in a welcoming community atmosphere ...". Free. For details see -
The photo at right was taken this week from atop the Brooklyn Bridge. In the distance, is the Statue of Lady Liberty, standing tall and strong in the NYS Harbor, reminding us of our Constitutional philosophy and promise.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice end of January / early February weekend.
January 25, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7.12 am. Sunset 5.04 pm. We're getting 37 more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December. The temperature highs will be in the 30's rising to the low 40's on Sunday and the temperature lows will be in the 20's. No precipitation is in the forecast. Winds will be 4 - 12 mph. And humidity will range from 45% - 60%. So, generally all good.
The photo above or at right was taken this week in Queens, from the #7 subway line elevated platform, looking west toward Manhattan. Real estate developers have been trashing the NYC skyline with luxury skyboxes that obscure the architectural gems of NYC, like the Empire State Building, which you can barely make out these days, in the background to the left.
Saturday Late Afternoon Edition at 4.15 pm. Done. More coming next week.
NYC Boat Show and Winter Show - see below.
Next Week Chinese Firecracker event in Manhattan & Next Weekend Flushing Chinese New Year Parade. Details coming.
Saturday, January 25 & February 1, 8 & 15, 2025 from 2 to 5 pm - BIPOC is Black, Indigenous and People of Color identifying dancers and choreographers age 18+ / Collective Thread Residency. Free. St. Mary's Episcopal Church 521 West 126th Street in Washington Heights / West Harlem. Details coming or see for yourself - Harlem Arts Alliance &
The photo at right was taken this week in downtown Manhattan near City Hall, at the base of the Brooklyn Bridge. The weather was easily doable and I subsequently walked across the Brooklyn Bridge on a bright sunny day. I was not alone by any means, although most of those amongst us, seemed either to be tourists or NYC's energetic youths.
Wednesday thru Sunday, January 22 - 26, 2025 from 12 noon to 8 pm except Saturday & Sunday when it opens at 10 am & on Sunday it closes at 6 pm - The NYC Boat Show - returns to the Javits Center at 655 West 34th Street. For $20 tickets and details see -
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 beginning at 11 am - Chinese New Year Firecracker Celebration - at Sara D Roosevelt Park along Chrystie Street near Grand Street on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. For details see -
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 beginning at 5.30 pm - Lunar New Year Gala of Music and Dance - at the DiMenna Center for Classical Music at 450 West 37th Street in Manhattan. For details and tickets see -
Friday thru Sunday, January 24 to February 2, 2025 begins at 12 noon & ends at times ranging from 4.30 to 8 pm - The Winter Show - at the Park Avenue Armory at 643 Park Avenue on the UES. For $40 tickets and details see -
Thursday, January 9 - Saturday, February 1, 2025 at various times - The Femme Collective - at the 14th Street Y at 344 East 14th Street in the Village. Three separate plays - Broken Thread, January and She Wolves - are collaborations by Multistages, Neo Political Cowgirls and the Eden Theatre Company, which will be performed this month. For details and $25 - $75 tickets see -
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Saturday, January 25th, 2025 from 7 to 10 pm - 15 Minutes of Fame & Cross Pollination - by Dance Entropy at Green Space at 37-24 24th Street Suite 211-212 in Long Island City. Improvisational, music and dance, audience interactive and free. For details see - https://www.greenspacestudio.orgl
January thru Friday, January 31, 2025 - Curators Choice - at the Museum of the Moving Image is at 35th Avenue and 36th Street in Astoria / LIC Queens. These are films shown in 2024 that the staff of MoMI selected as some of their favorites for viewing. For $10 - $17.50 tickets and details see -
Saturday, February 1, 2025 beginning at 11 am - Queens Chinese New Year Parade in Flushing - at Main Street & Roosevelt Avenue. Details coming next Friday 1/31/2025.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
The photo at right was taken this week in Brooklyn, looking south toward Brooklyn Borough Hall.
January 23, 24 & 25, 2025 beginning at 7 pm with a 3 pm matinee Saturday only - The Exponential Festival - at the Brick Aux Studio Theater at 628 Metropolitan Avenue in Brooklyn. Happy Birthday Curiosity Rover is described as follows, " ... A robot on a mission and a wandering alien find each other on Mars. A play with music about getting your solitude punctured, about the strange in stranger, about loving what will always go away ...". For $17 - $37 tickets see - or
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in Brooklyn NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Saturday, January 25, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - Van Cortlandt Connections to the Caribbean and Latin America - at the Van Cortlandt House Museum at 6035 Broadway [at Post Road which is between West 242nd & 246th Streets], Bronx. They describe the event as follows, " ... What does the Van Cortlandt House, built in rural New York in 1748, have to do with the Caribbean and Latin America? It turns out quite a lot. The people who lived there, the wealth of its inhabitants, and the wars that were fought here all had important ties to the southern hemisphere. Join VCHM Site Historian Nick Dembowski for this special one-hour tour to learn about an often overlooked crucial aspect of New York's history ...". For $5 tickets and to rsvp see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the January MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details.
January 25, 2025 from 11.30 am to 12.30 pm and from 3 pm to 4 pm with the main event between 12.30 to 3 pm - Chinese New Year Celebration - at the Newhouse Center for Contemporary Art at Snug Harbor in Building C. They describe it as follows, " ... performances, treats, tales, and traditional crafts ... one of the biggest cultural celebrations in the world ... The Year of the Earth Snake. For $14 tickets see -
The photo at right was taken this week from atop the Brooklyn Bridge. In the distance, is the Statue of Lady Liberty, standing tall and strong in the NYS Harbor, reminding us of our Constitutional philosophy and promise.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice January weekend.
January 17, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7.16 am. Sunset 4.56 pm. We're getting 25 more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December.
This weekend we could get 1/10th inch of rain concentrated between 1 and 4 pm Saturday or none at all. And on Sunday there's an 80% - 90% chance we'll get two or more inches of snow between 1 pm and 9 pm. Monday is cloudy, but no precipitation is expected.
The temperature highs will be in the mid 40's Friday, the low 40's Saturday, falling to the mid 30's on Sunday and then to the mid teens on Monday. The temperature lows will be in the low 30's on Friday and Saturday, falling to the high teens on Sunday and dropping to about 10 on Monday. Most of next week will range from the high single digits up to 30 by next Friday, so enjoy the weekend, as it will be followed by a cold week. The winds will be 5 - 12 mph all weekend, at the lower end on Friday and Saturday, and at the higher end on Sunday and Monday. The humidity will rise from between 50% - 60% Friday, up to between 70% to 80% on Sunday, and again dropping to 50% to 60% on Monday.
The graphic at right depicts a man whose actions reflected his words. A rarity in any age, but even more so these days.
Saturday Early Afternoon edition at 1.30 pm. This is a fair start to the weekend, with more coming this Saturday afternoon. Most of what will follow will be MLK Day related events which you'll be able to access by clicking the links to the MLK Day & Weekend Things to do pages for each borough as shown below or following this report. We'll have these done by mid afternoon, and they are mostly in Brooklyn, Queens and Manhattan.
Monday, January 20, 2025 is a federal holiday, and as such, the Post Office and non-essential federal offices will be closed. Most non-essential NYS & NYC offices will also be closed and many large companies and some small ones also close for the holiday commemorating the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. See graphic above.
In the graphic above or at right, a British newspaper informs us how Eric Adams is spending one of his MLK Holiday Weekend 'Days of Service'. Unlike the man in the first graphic of this report, Adams too often appears to be a man who presents himself as someone he is not.
Wednesday thru Sunday, January 22 - 26, 2025 from 12 noon to 8 pm except Saturday & Sunday when it opens at 10 am & on Sunday it closes at 6 pm - The NYC Boat Show - returns to the Javits Center at 655 West 34th Street. For $20 tickets and details see -
Friday thru Sunday, January 24 to February 2, 2025 begins at 12 noon & ends at times ranging from 4.30 to 8 pm - The Winter Show - at the Park Avenue Armory at 643 Park Avenue on the UES. For $40 tickets and details see -
Thursday, January 9 - Saturday, February 1, 2025 at various times - The Femme Collective - at the 14th Street Y at 344 East 14th Street in the Village. Three separate plays - Broken Thread, January and She Wolves - are collaborations by Multistages, Neo Political Cowgirls and the Eden Theatre Company, which will be performed this month. For details and $25 - $75 tickets see -
In the graphic at right, a respectable British newspaper asks voters and all American citizens an important philosophical question.
Gramercy Theater concerts -
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in Manhattan NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
January thru Friday, January 31, 2025 - Curators Choice - at the Museum of the Moving Image is at 35th Avenue and 36th Street in Astoria / LIC Queens. These are films shown in 2024 that the staff of MoMI selected as some of their favorites for viewing. For $10 - $17.50 tickets and details see -
Saturday, January 18, 2025 beginning at 1 pm - DoYeon Kim meets Cooper-Moore - at Flushing Town Hall at 137-35 Northern Blvd in Flushing Queens. This is described as follows, " ... DoYeon Kim, a virtuoso of the gayageum, the traditional Korean zither, whose innovative performances bridge centuries-old traditions with contemporary flair, and Cooper-Moore, a visionary multi-instrumentalist renowned for his mastery of the diddly bow, a one-stringed instrument rooted in African-American blues heritage ...". For details and $15 / $17 tickets see -
The photo at right was taken on the subway returning to Queens, following a visit to the Polar Bear Club event at Coney Island on New Years Day. That's sand on the soles of the shoes.
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in Queens NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Wednesday, January 8 - 19, 2025 at various times - Techne: The Golden Key - at BAM Fisher at 321 Ashland Place in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn. There are four immersive digital illustrations that keep evolving via AI-like whatever. Each illustration is shown for about three days apiece. For details and $10 tickets see -
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in Brooklyn NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Thru January 20, 2025 from 10 am - 6 pm [open some nights] - NYBG Holiday Train Show - at the New York Botanical Garden at 2900 Southern Blvd in the Belmont Neighborhood. Bronx holiday events & things to do nyc. Central Bronx. For details see below or -
The photo above or at right was taken in the subway on a wintry January day traveling underneath the streets of NYC.
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend in the Bronx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the January MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details.
Monday, January 20, 2025 from 1 to 3 pm - MLK Day of Service / Coastal Clean Up - meet at the north gate to Snug Harbor. Free but rsvp required at -
Click here for the Things to do MLK Day & Weekend on Staten Island NYC .
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice January weekend.
January 17, 2025 / Things To Do Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather as of 1.17.2025. Sunrise 7.16 am. Sunset 4.56 pm. We're getting 25 more minutes of sunlight than we were the weekend of the Winter solstice in late December.
This weekend we could get 1/10th inch of rain concentrated between 1 and 4 pm Saturday or none at all. And on Sunday there's an 80% - 90% chance we'll get two or more inches of snow between 1 pm and 9 pm. Monday is cloudy, but no precipitation is expected.
The temperature highs will be in the mid 40's Friday, the low 40's Saturday, falling to the mid 30's on Sunday and then to the mid teens on Monday. The temperature lows will be in the low 30's on Friday and Saturday, falling to the high teens on Sunday and dropping to about 10 on Monday. Most of next week will range from the high single digits up to 30 by next Friday, so enjoy the weekend, as it will be followed by a cold week. The winds will be 5 - 12 mph all weekend, at the lower end on Friday and Saturday, and at the higher end on Sunday and Monday. The humidity will rise from between 50% - 60% Friday, up to between 70% to 80% on Sunday, and again dropping to 50% to 60% on Monday.
You can watch theater, visit the Manhattan art museums NYC, and eat out at one of the Manhattan restaurants NYC or go shopping in Manhattan NYC locales including Midtown, the Upper West & East Sides & the Village.
Martin Luther King, Jr. was a Baptist Minister who became the leading voice for African Americans' non-violent civil rights movement beginning in the mid 1950's through to his assassination in 1968. In 1983, the third Monday of every year was set aside to honor Martin Luther King for his service to the nation. The third Monday was chosen, as it was the nearest Monday to the anniversary of King's birthday, which was January 15, 1929.
Martin Luther King Day has grown to take on an even larger meaning, as it is oftentimes referred to as a day on, versus a day off. Organizations around the city and nation have used the day to call people into action to address the needs of the community through volunteering and service.
As Martin Luther King Day is a national holiday, it's worth keeping in mind that many / most federal offices will be closed, along with a number of businesses.
√ Sunday, January 19, 2025 beginning at 2 pm - Apollo Uptown Hall - at the Apollo Theater at 253 West 125th Street in Harlem. In 2024 they described the event as follows, " ... The Apollo partners with WNYC in our [updated to 19th] annual celebration of Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and his enduring legacy on the culture ... [every year the] presentation focuses on a renewed commitment to understanding the context, confronting the complexity, and elevating our collective consciousness in the face of injustice and discrimination ...". Free but must rsvp at url below. They sold out last year. But in 2022, they told us that if the ticket holders don't show up / pick up their tickets by 2.30 pm the day of the show, they will be released to the public waiting in line at the theater. For details see -
√ Monday, January 20, 2025 beginning at 3 pm - MLK Young Changemakers - at the Apollo Theater at 253 West 125th Street in Harlem. A chance to interact with up and coming civil rights leaders. Free but must rsvp at url below. For details see -
√ Sunday, January 19, 2025 from 10 am to 11.30 am - MLK Day of Service - at the Abyssinian Baptist Church on Striver’s Row. The church is located at 132 Odell Clark Place [aka West 138th Street] between 138th & 139th Streets and Frederick Douglass & Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvds in West Harlem. The featured speaker is Reverend Al Sharpton. This West Harlem neighborhood includes places where African Americans like author W.E.B. DuBois and civil rights activist Malcolm X spent some time. Free, but rsvp. For details see -
√ Sunday, January 19, 2025 from 11 am to 3 pm - MLK Sermon, Concert & Community Gathering - at Riverside Church at 490 Riverside Drive on the UWS of Manhattan. This annual MLK Commemoration starts with a sermon & talkback with Reverend Mark A. Thompson at 11 am, followed by coffee in the South Hall from 12.30 to 2 pm, and a concert for families from 1 to 3 pm. Folks will be seated on a first come first serve basis. The church has a real historical connection to Dr. King, as it is where, in 1967 Dr. King gave one of his most famous speeches, Beyond Vietnam. A Time to Break Silence. This is significantly changed from last year and it all looks to be free, but check for yourself. For details see -
√ Monday, January 20, 2025 at 10 am and from 1 to 5 pm - Martin Luther King Jr. Day - at the New York Society for Ethical Culture at 2 West 64th Street in Ceremonnial Hall [4th floor] on the UWS of Manhattan. A day of " ... dance, music, art, food, good deeds & community ...". Free and open to the public, but please rsvp -
√ Monday, January 20, 2025 from 10 am to about 2 pm - Manhattan Country School 37th Annual Commemorative MLK Day March. The eighth graders of the school organize a march every year. The march is entitled 'None of us are Free Until All of Us are Free'. The march route makes five stops at historically signficant sites, where students give 2 - 5 speeches at each stop. This year the march starts at: 1 ) Duke Ellington Circle (Central Park at the foot of Fifth Avenue and of 110th Street) 10:00-10:30, 2) March past the Gate of the Exonerated (110th Street between Malcolm X Boulevard and Fifth Avenue), 3) A. Philip Randolph Square (7th Ave, West 117th Street, St Nicholas Ave) 10:55-11:20, 4) Frederick Douglass Circle (Frederick Douglass Boulevard at West 110th Street) 11:45-12:10, and then 5) take train or bus to Manhattan Country School (150 West 85th St.) 12:45-2:00. For details see -
√ Monday, January 20, 2025 beginning at 1.30 pm - Harlem Gospel Choir performance at Sony Hall at 235 West 46th Street in Midtown Manhattan. The Harlem Gospel Choir was founded Allen Baily in 1986 after attending a MLK commemoration event at the Cotton Club in Harlem. They describe the choir and performance as follows, " ... The Choir presents the finest singers and musicians from Harlem’s Black Churches and the New York/Tri-State area ... The Harlem Gospel Choir’s songs of gospel and inspiration will touch the depths of your soul and lift your spirit to angelic heights, with sounds that are unfettered, joyous, and inspirational ...". The doors open at 12 noon and the show begins at 1.30 pm. Tickets run $38 - $54 at Things to do MLK weekend in Manhattan NYC.
√ CLOSED MLK SUNDAY & MONDAY BUT ... the Schomburg Center for African American Culture in the Lapidus Center at 515 Malcolm X Blvd and 135th Street in Harlem. The Schomberg Center is normally closed on Sunday and will be closed MLK Day. They describe Schomburg as follows, " ... Afro-Puerto Rican scholar Arturo Alfonso Schomburg (1874-1938), a writer, bibliophile, and historian dedicated to the collection and amplification of the artistic and academic work of people of African descent. Schomburg's seed collection to the Division of Negro Literature, History and Prints included more than 5,000 books; 3,000 manuscripts; 2,000 etchings and paintings; and several thousand pamphlets. Schomburg served as curator of ...". But it's worth mentioning that they have a lot of good programming related to race and civil rights which you can find at
√ January 4 - 19, 2025 beginning at various times - JanArtsNYC - at the Joyce Theatre at 175 8th Avenue at 19th Street in Chelsea. A Winter Jazz Festival as well as dance, theater and music festivals abound at the Joyce in January. It's all part of the larger January Arts Festival - which runs through most of this month of January 2025. Also see -
√ This weekend between January 18 - 20, 2025 - Make Your Own Day of Civic Action. There are multiple opportunities to help with food distribution through non-profit panties throughout many neighborhoods in Harlem and Manhattan. Here is one notable suggestion -
√ The Studio Museum of Harlem hosts a variety of cultural and art exhibits and programming related to African American culture. Their site at 144 West 125th Street, which they've occupied from 1982 - 2018, but which is still TEMPORARILY CLOSED while a new building is being constructed. They are currently operating out of Studio Museum 127 which is located at 429 West 127th Street in Harlem. The most recent estimate of when they expected to move back to their 125th Street site is the Fall of 2025 [in 2024 it was generally referenced as sometime in 2024 / they lost four plus years from their schedule provided prior to the pandemic]. For updates / details see -
All weekend there are jazz performances at the Birdland Theater at 315 44th Street in Midtown Manhattan. In 2024 tickets were $26 and $36 at
The Africa Center at 1280 5th Avenue at 109th Street in East Harlem doesn't appear to have any specific programs scheduled for the MLK Weekend. The museum is focused on African culture rather than on African American culture. For details see -
January 10, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7.19 am. Sunset 4.48 pm. The days are longer by 14 minutes of sunlight, versus the week of the Winter solstice in late December. Yahoo?
The temperature highs will be in the mid to high 30's on Friday and Saturday, rising to 40 on Sunday. The temperature lows will be around 30 all weekend. The winds will be 5 - 10 mph all weekend, at the lower end on Friday and Sunday and at the higher end on Saturday. The humidity will generally range between 55% - 65%, except in the latter part of Friday when it will dip into the low 40% range. No precipitation is expected.
The photo at right was taken along Park Avenue near Lever House in Midtown Manhattan, on the last weekend of December. The MetLife Building [renamed in 1992], which was originally erected in 1963 as the PanAm Building, is located in the background, colored in blue light.
Saturday late morning edition at 11.15 am. Mostly done except the markets and open calls which will be updated over the weekend and coming week.
Ending Saturday & Sunday, January 11 & 12, 2025 from 11 am to 2 pm - Mulchfest NYC - at various parks in all five boros around NYC. Mulch your Christmas trees, wreaths and similar items into wood chips you can take home for your garden or donate to the park to use for their grounds. Free. For details see -
Tuesday, January 14, 2025 from 1 to 2 pm - Buried Beneath the City - Zoom Lunch & Learn. Author Archaeologist Amanda Sutphin will talk about the history buried beneath the city from Indigenous peoples, to the early Dutch and English settlers to today. Free. To register see
Thursday, January 16, 2025 from 1 to 4.30 pm - Baby Bonds - at the Federal Reserve Bank at 33 Liberty Street in lower Manhattan. They describe the program as follows, " ... Baby bonds are an innovative policy tool that provides children with publicly funded investment accounts that can be accessed at age 18 for specific uses, including education, homeownership, small business, and retirement. The funds are intended as a long-term investment designed to narrow the wealth gap and address generational poverty. California, Connecticut, and Washington, D.C. have passed baby bonds legislation. This event will be of interest to researchers, nonprofit leaders, and policymakers. ...". For details and to rsvp by January 14th see -
Monday, January 13, 2025 beginning at 6.30 pm - The Korean American Association of Greater NY Gala - at the Zeigfield Ballroom at 141 West 54th Street in Midtown Manhattan. For details and $600 & up tickets see -
Click here for the Manhattan holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Manhattan holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Thursday thru Wednesday, January 9 - 15, 2025 at various times - Winter Jazz Fest - at various venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn. For tickets ranging in price from $40 to $300 [all in] and details see -
Saturday & Sunday, January 11 & 12, 2025 from 1.45 - 3.45 pm and 4.15 - 6.15 pm - AAPI Dance Festival - at Alvin Ailey Citigroup Theatre at 405 West 55th Street in Midttown Manhattan. For details and $25 - $30 tickets see -
Thursday, January 9 - Saturday, February 1, 2025 at various times - The Femme Collective - at the 14th Street Y at 344 East 14th Street in the Village. Three separate plays - Broken Thread, January and She Wolves - are collaborations by Multistages, Neo Political Cowgirls and the Eden Theatre Company, which will be performed this month. For details and $25 - $75 tickets see -
Tuesday thru Sunday, December 10, 2024 - January 12, 2025 at 7 pm weekdays, at 7.30 pm Friday & Saturday, with 3 pm matinees Saturday & Sunday - Mrs. Stern Wanders the Prussian State Library - at the WP Theater at 2162 Broadway at 76th Street in Manhattan. The show is described as follows, "... Berlin 1933. With martial law in effect, political activism has become a capital crime. A young Gestapo officer arrests a graduate student suspected of illegal research. This interrogation promises to be most challenging as he faces the iconic 20th-century thinker Hannah Arendt. Is she innocent? Or an enemy of the state? ...". No show on New Years Eve and it's at 3 pm - not 7 pm - New Years day. For details and $39 - $129 tickets, see
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for the Queens holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Queens holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
The photo at right was taken in mid December of 2024 in the Ditmars neighborhood of Astoria, Queens. It captures some of the cloudy greyness we've been experiencing lately.
January thru Friday, January 31, 2025 - Curators Choice - at the Museum of the Moving Image iat 35th Avenue and 36th Street in Astoria / LIC Queens. These are films shown in 2024 that the staff of MoMI selected as some of their favorites for viewing. For $10 - $17.50 tickets and details see -
Thursday, November 7, 2024 to January 12, 2025 - open Thurs thru Sat from 10 am to 6 pm - Off the Wall Affordable Art Fair. Opening Reception 11.23.24 from 7 to 10 pm. Over 100 local Long Island City Artists [aka LICA] feature their works for sale at Culture Lab LIC at 5-25 46th Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The fair continues thru January 12th, with an art talk event on January 11th from 2 to 3 pm. All art work priced under $999. For details see - OR
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
The holiday markets and events are too numerous to list on the front page, so use these links to peruse all of them.Click here for the Brooklyn holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for Brooklyn holiday events nyc.
Thursday thru Wednesday, January 9 - 15, 2025 at various times - Winter Jazz Fest - at various venues in Manhattan and Brooklyn. For tickets ranging in price from $40 to $300 [all in] and details see -
Wednesday, January 8 - 19, 2025 at various times - Techne: The Golden Key - at BAM Fisher at 321 Ashland Place in the Fort Greene neighborhood of Brooklyn. There are four immersive digital illustrations that keep evolving via AI-like whatever. Each illustration is shown for about three days apiece. For details and $10 tickets see -
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Click here for the Bronx holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for the Bronx holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
The photo at right was taken in December of 2024 - 'this must be the place'. Who am I to argue?
Saturday, November 16 - 30, 2024 [Ends January 20, 2025] from 10 am - 6 pm [closed holidays] - NYBG Holiday Train Show - at the New York Botanical Garden at 2900 Southern Blvd in the Belmont Neighborhood. Bronx holiday events & things to do nyc. Central Bronx. For details see below or -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the January MCAL - Click the MCAL link above for details.
Click here for the Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Staten Island holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Sunday, January 12, 2025 beginning at 5 pm - Yacht Rock Revue - at the St. George Theatre at . The performance is described as follows, "... hailed by Rolling Stone as the “world’s premier soft-rock party band,” ... [they take] listeners on a nostalgic voyage through the sun-soaked melodies of the ‘70s and ‘80s ...". For $60 - $90 tickets and details, see -
The photo at right shows Lady Liberty standing in the New York Harbor, reminding us that a free people must always be vigilant and unafraid to stand up for truth and justice. We, the American People, have been tested over the past decade and have earned only a marginally passing grade. I know we are capable of far better.
A nation of, for and by the People requires the people to pay attention, get involved, and participate in the discussion of how we are going to allocate resources, so that we will continue to function properly as a society, and move in a productive and rewarding direction, while staying true to our respect for universal human values. A true democracy requires human intelligence, and cannot function on auto pilot / artifical intelligence.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice January weekend.
January 1, 2025 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Holidays / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
For all of us, today starts the beginning of a new year. It's an opportunity to start anew. And even if we don't fulfill our highest expectations, moving the needle in the right direction, is always a good thing.
The rest of this report is about some of the things you can do personally to make 2025 a better year for you.
Updating December 30, 2024 vs 12.29.23 / Manhattan New Years Eve Parties & Restaurants NYC / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
Weather Forecast. NYE Sunrise in NYC - 7.20 am. NYE Sunset in NYC - 4.38 pm.
THIS IS FROM 2023. The temperature highs will be in the mid 50's on Friday, dropping to the mid 40's for the rest of the three day holiday weekend including Monday. The temperature lows will be around 40 through Sunday, dropping into the low 30's on Monday. Humidity will be around 70% on Friday, descending into the 60's for the rest of the three day weekend. The winds will be about 8 to 10 mph on Friday & Saturday, dropping to about 5 to 7 mph on Sunday and Monday. No precipitation is in the forecast, although it will be cloudy all days except NYE Sunday. Have a safe and Happy New Year.
As happens every year, there will be a number of great New Years parties in Manhattan preceding and following the dropping of the ball at Times Square.
New Years Eve occurs on a Sunday this year. While New Years Eve is one big party, it's important to keep in mind, that like St. Patrick's Day, all the amateurs come out to play [it's not just the Irish who are out drinking on St. Patrick's Day]. So some measure of caution is advised and you have to be careful.
The following are a number of different New Years restaurants in Manhattan NYC where you might consider booking a reservation.
Click here for Manhattan New Year Parties Eve NYC - NYE Parties Manhattan NYC.
December 26, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7.18 am. Sunset 4.35 pm. For the first time since June, the days are starting to get longer. We're up 2 minutes of sunlight versus last week.
It looks to be a rainy weekend, on both Saturday [1/3 inch] and Sunday [over 3/4 inch]. There are bound to be plenty of times, during both days, when there's little rain falling; so be brave, and don't let a little water stop you from enjoying your precious time with family and friends.
The temperature highs will rise from about 30 on Thursday, to 34 on Friday, 44 on Saturday, and into the low 50's on Sunday. The temperature lows will rise from the mid teens on Thursday, to the high 20's on Friday, into the low 40's on Saturday and Sunday. The winds will range from 5 - 7 mph on Thursday and Friday, kicking up to 5 - 10 mph Saturday and then again up to 15 mph on Sunday. It's going to be a humid weekend ranging from 70% on Thursday up to 90% on Sunday. These temperature statistics are unusually high for this time of year versus historical norms.
The photo at right, taken in Sunnyside Queens a year ago this week, shows an example of the holiday home decorations one can find in the five boroughs of NYC.
This weekend use the links below to find holiday events, holiday markets and look for things to do over the New Years Eve weekend. We'll be updating the NYE pages over the weekend.
December 26, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC. Continued.
Tuesday thru Sunday, December 10, 2024 - January 12, 2025 at 7 pm weekdays, at 7.30 pm Friday & Saturday, with 3 pm matinees Saturday & Sunday - Mrs. Stern Wanders the Prussian State Library - at the WP Theater at 2162 Broadway at 76th Street in Manhattan. The show is described as follows, "... Berlin 1933. With martial law in effect, political activism has become a capital crime. A young Gestapo officer arrests a graduate student suspected of illegal research. This interrogation promises to be most challenging as he faces the iconic 20th-century thinker Hannah Arendt. Is she innocent? Or an enemy of the state? ...". No show on New Years Eve and it's at 3 pm - not 7 pm - New Years day. For details and $39 - $129 tickets, see
MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - See the Manhattan Member Events Calendar for free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. The new member sign up function has been fixed by providing this link - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up.
MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - See the Queens Member Events Calendar for free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. The new member sign up function has been fixed by providing this link - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up.
MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. See the Brooklyn Member Events Calendar for free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
CLICK this link to view this and other current & upcoming Bronx holiday markets & shops BX NYC.
MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. See the Bronx Member Events Calendar for free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
SI MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. See the Staten Island Events - Member Events for free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa holiday weekend.
December 20, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 12.20.24. Sunrise 7.16 am & Sunset at 4.31 pm. There's a chance of snow or rain between Friday evening and Saturday morning at 8 am. Thereafter the rest of the weekend is dry. The temperature highs will be in the mid 30's on Friday and Saturday, descending to the high 20's on Sunday. The temperature lows will be in the low 30's on Friday, descending into the mid to high teens on Saturday and Sunday. The humidity is 60 - 90% on Friday, descending to 50% - 80% on Saturday and then 30% - 50% on Sunday. The winds will be 10 mph on Friday and Sunday, climbing to between 10 - 20 mph on Saturday. So wear something warm that shields you from the wind, including a hat and gloves, to best enjoy your time outside.
The photo above or at right, taken in a prior year, shows the Christmas tree all lit up at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn. The tree was lit up this week and will remain so, in the evening, thru Christmas.
Saturday AM Edition at 10.15 am. Done, but added a couple of photos Saturday evening. It looks to be another seasonal, but generally good weather weekend. Enjoy.
Click here for the Manhattan holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Manhattan holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
In the photo above or at right, taken earlier this month, you can see visitors to St. Patrick's Cathedral in NYC make offerings to honor / remember their loved ones. This year Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa all occur in the middle of the coming week.
Manhattan Holiday Markets this weekend are too numerous to recite here, so please use the link above to browse through all the holiday markets [about a dozen and a half of them], many of which stay open until Christmas or the end of the year. The following are limited time markets that just opened and will close this week / weekend.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page. Few of the many holiday markets are shown here, so if you're looking for a holiday market, I highly recommend you click into the markets page.
Sundays ONLY, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 from 10 am - 5 pm - Vintage Subway Car / Nostalgia Subway Holiday Train Rides - along the F and Q subway lines in Manhattan. Uptown ridges begin on the even hours and downtown rides begin on the odd hours. Holiday events / things to do in Midtown Manhattan NYC. Ride in older subway cars for the normal subway line ticket price. Many folks dress up in vintage outfits for kicks. For details, times, route and subway station stops, see -
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - February 2025 - The 20th Annual Holiday Toy Train Show at Grand Central Terminal. Midtown. For details see Midtown events below or
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for the Queens holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Queens holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
The photo above or at right was taken in Flushing this week. Near the end of January, the Chinese New Year celebrations begin. And Flushing is perhaps the most Chinese neighborhood in Queens, rivaling the Chinatown in Manhattan, and still eclipsing the Chinatown in Brooklyn. Although it's worth noting that the Chinatown in Brooklyn has grown significantly in stature over the past decade.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
Thursday, November 7, 2024 to January 12, 2025 - open Thurs thru Sat from 10 am to 6 pm - Off the Wall Affordable Art Fair. Opening Reception 11.23.24 from 7 to 10 pm. Over 100 local Long Island City Artists [aka LICA] feature their works for sale at Culture Lab LIC at 5-25 46th Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The fair continues thru January 12th, with an art talk event on January 11th from 2 to 3 pm. All art work priced under $999. For details see - OR
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
The holiday markets and events are too numerous to list on the front page, so use these links to peruse all of them.Click here for the Brooklyn holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for Brooklyn holiday events nyc.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page. Only one of the numerous RECURRING holiday markets are shown here, so if you're interested in finding holiday markets I highly recommend you click into the markets page, as there are at least 10 of them.
Here's the latest market addition.
Fridays, November 29 & December 27, 2024 from 4 to 10 pm - DeKalb Night Market at DeKalb Market Hall - at 445 Albee Square
And here are the most recent events.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Click here for the Bronx holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for the Bronx holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
In the photo above or at right, taken earlier this week, you can see NYC subway riders all bundled up, as they carry on with their lives, not letting a bit of cold weather slow them down.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
Click here for Bronx Halloween parties, parades & events Bx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the December MCAL - The Bartow Pell Mansion Holiday Events & Market - Holiday Luncheon 11/26, Jazzy Holiday First Friday 12/6, Holiday Party 12/7, Holiday Gift Fair 12/8, Selfies w/ Santa 12/14, BAE Holiday Concert w/ Robbie Pat 12/15, A Christmas Carol 12/11 & 12/17 and Holiday Cookies & Crafts 12/21. And Sunday, December 8, 2024 there's a Holiday Gift Fair at the Riverdale Y. On Sunday, December 22, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa] near Fordham Plaza. Click the MCAL link above for details.
Click here for the Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Staten Island holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
The photo above or at right, taken earlier this year, shows the entrance to the Staten Island Ferry, on the north shore in St. George.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
The photo at right shows one of the sea worthy steeds that ferry Staten Islanders to and fro the Big Apple daily.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice first full weekend of December.
December 24, 2023 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. Sunrise 7.18 am. Sunset 4.33 pm. The temperature highs will rise from the low 40's on Friday, to the mid 40's on Saturday, to the high 40's on Sunday to the low 50's on Monday. The temperature lows will rise from the low 30's on Friday, to 40 on Saturday, to the mid 40's on Sunday and Monday. The winds will be below 5 mph all weekend, including Monday which is a national holiday. The humidity will rise from 60% on Friday, to 70% on Saturday, to 80% on Sunday and Monday. No precipitation is in the forecast. These temperature statistics are highly unusual for this time of year.
The photo at right, taken in Sunnyside Queens this week, shows an example of the holiday home decorations one can find in the five boroughs of NYC.
This weekend use the links below to find holiday events, holiday markets and look for things to do over the New Years Eve weekend. While all done for Manhattan, Staten Island, Queens and Brooklyn and mostly done for the Bronx, we'll be completing the NYE parties options sometime Sunday 12/24/23.
December 20, 2024 / Upper East Side UES / Upper West Side UWS / Midtown NYC / East Village & West Village / Tribeca SoHo Bowery / Holiday Events & Holiday Markets - Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas Holidays in Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
Be sure to visit our Manhattan holiday markets NYC page, as it contains related holiday events with a shopping element to them.
For links to holiday events and markets in all five boroughs of NYC scroll down to the bottom of this report.
NOTE. We added an Update Log at the beginning of the listings, so it's easier for you to stay abreast of changes / updates / new additions.
These holiday events in Manhattan are organized as follows:
2. BY DATE - (not always as it depends on when the info comes in)
Watch carefully as some locales have multiple dates, and all dates for a given locale are shown at the time the venue is first listed.
4. *** Note MANHATTAN HOLIDAY MARKETS are published on a separate page - the links to which are posted at the bottom of this page, along with links to other boroughs.
The holidays are a special time of the year. In ancient times there were harvest celebrations to give thanks and enjoy the bounty after a long growing and harvesting season aka a year of work.
Holiday lighting festivals and ceremonies have been on the rise in Manhattan in recent years. While some date back many years, some are fairly new.
Attending holiday lightings alone, with friends or with the kids gives folks a chance to enjoy their own cultural heritage and provides an opportunity to learn a bit more about and share in the cultural heritage of others.
Each lighting is a bit different, as some are orginated by the community, some by businesses, some by religious organizations, and a few have arts organizations behind them. Please feel free to send us a notice of your holiday lighting event if it's not posted herein.
This is not meant to be a complete list, but rather a list of the holiday lighting events. The holiday lighting events are organized individually by each Manhattan neighborhood including the Upper East Side UES, the Upper West Side UWS, Midtown NYC, the East Village, the West Village, the Bowery, SoHo, Tribeca and more to come. Many include the serving of some beverage like hot chocolate and generally some snack like cookies.
December 20, 2024 / Upper East Side UES / Upper West Side UWS / Midtown NYC / East Village & West Village / Tribeca SoHo Bowery / Holiday Events & Holiday Markets - Kwanzaa, Hanukkah & Christmas Holidays in Manhattan / Holiday Shopping Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
Be sure to visit our Manhattan Holiday Events NYC page, as it contains related holiday events with a shopping element to them.
For links to holiday events and markets in all five boroughs of NYC scroll down to the bottom of this report.
NOTE. We added an Update Log at the beginning of the listings, so it's easier for you to stay abreast of changes / updates / new additions.
Holiday outdoor markets have been on the rise in Manhattan since the dawn of the 21st century. While some date back many years, quite a few are relatively new.
Shopping at holiday markets alone, with friends, or with the kids gives folks a chance to enjoy the fruits of their labor and satisfy some of their yearnings as well as the yearnings of those we love.
Each of the Manhattan holiday markets is a bit different, as some are organized by community groups and others by business organizations. Oftentimes one can find artisanal products that are made in NYC or NYS.
Some of the Manhattan holiday markets get underway almost immediately after Halloween, while others open up around Thanksgiving time. The Manhattan holiday markets are located in or near the following Manhattan neighborhoods - the Upper East Side UES, the Upper West Side UWS, Midtown NYC, the East Village, the West Village, the Bowery, SoHo, Tribeca, Lower East Side, Harlem, Inwood and Washington Heights. Many either include the serving of some beverage like hot chocolate and generally snacks like cookies - or are near food vendors and restaurants.
Click here for our report about the Xmas / Christmas / Hanukkah / Kwanzaa Holiday markets in Manhattan & Holiday shopping Manhattan NYC.
December 14, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 12.13.24. Sunrise 7.11 am & Sunset at 4.29 pm. The temperature highs will be in the mid 30's on Friday and Saturday, rising to about 40 on Sunday. The temperature lows will climb from the mid 20's on Friday, to the high 20's on Saturday to the high 30's on Sunday. The humidity will rise from 40% to 50% on Friday, to 50% to 60% on Saturday to 60% to 70% on Sunday. The winds will die down on Friday from 10 mph to 5 mph where they will remain for the rest of the weekend. No precipitation is expected until Monday.
The photo at right shows a daughter and mother [relationship not confirmed] skating at Bryant Park in Midtown Manhattan. The rink is open daily through the winter months. See details on the Manhattan holiday events page [link below].
Saturday Afternoon 4th Edition at 2.15 pm. This is a pretty solid draft of the weekend. We'll be adding a few new events that are happening next week, during the weekdays, by Sunday noon. It looks to be another seasonal, good weather weekend. Enjoy.
Click here for the Manhattan holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Manhattan holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
The photo at right was taken at the opening reception of the Winter Show at the National Art Club at 15 Gramercy Park South. The show began December 3, 2024 and continues until January 31, 2025 and admittance is free on weekends. For details see - or visit the monthly events calendar by clicking the Manhattan weekend events link below.
Manhattan Holiday Markets this weekend are too numerous to recite here, so please use the link above to browse through all the holiday markets [about a dozen and a half of them], many of which stay open until Christmas or the end of the year. The following are limited time markets that just opened and will close this week / weekend.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page. Few of the many holiday markets are shown here, so I highly recommend you click into the markets page.
Sundays ONLY, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 from 10 am - 5 pm - Vintage Subway Car / Nostalgia Subway Holiday Train Rides - along the F and Q subway lines in Manhattan. Uptown ridges begin on the even hours and downtown rides begin on the odd hours. Holiday events / things to do in Midtown Manhattan NYC. Ride in older subway cars for the normal subway line ticket price. Many folks dress up in vintage outfits for kicks. For details, times, route and subway station stops, see -
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - February 2025 - The 20th Annual Holiday Toy Train Show at Grand Central Terminal. Midtown. For details see Midtown events below or
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for the Queens holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Queens holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
Thursday, November 7, 2024 to January 12, 2025 - open Thurs thru Sat from 10 am to 6 pm - Off the Wall Affordable Art Fair. Opening Reception 11.23.24 from 7 to 10 pm. Over 100 local Long Island City Artists [aka LICA] feature their works for sale at Culture Lab LIC at 5-25 46th Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The fair continues thru January 12th, with an art talk event on January 11th from 2 to 3 pm. All art work priced under $999. For details see - OR
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
The holiday markets and events are too numerous to list on the front page, so use these links to peruse all of them.Click here for the Brooklyn holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for Brooklyn holiday events nyc.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page. Few of the many RECURRING holiday markets are shown here, so I highly recommend you click into the markets page, as there are at least 10 of them.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Click here for the Bronx holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for the Bronx holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
Click here for Bronx Halloween parties, parades & events Bx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the December MCAL - The Bartow Pell Mansion Holiday Events & Market - Holiday Luncheon 11/26, Jazzy Holiday First Friday 12/6, Holiday Party 12/7, Holiday Gift Fair 12/8, Selfies w/ Santa 12/14, BAE Holiday Concert w/ Robbie Pat 12/15, A Christmas Carol 12/11 & 12/17 and Holiday Cookies & Crafts 12/21. And Sunday, December 8, 2024 there's a Holiday Gift Fair at the Riverdale Y. On Sunday, December 22, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa] near Fordham Plaza. Click the MCAL link above for details.
Click here for the Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Staten Island holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
The photo at right shows one of the sea worthy steeds that ferry Staten Islanders to and fro the Big Apple daily.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice first full weekend of December.
Updated December 8, 2024 vs 12.6.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 12.6.24. Sunrise 7.06 am & Sunset at 4.28 pm. The temperature lows will be in the low 30's on Friday, rising to about 40 on Saturday and then nearing 50 on Sunday. The temperature lows will rise from the low 30's to the mid 30's to the high 30's over the weekend. We will tend to experience windy weather on Friday when the winds will range from 10 mph to 20 mph, and then settling down a bit at between 10 - 15 mph for the rest of the weekend. The humidity will rise through the weekend starting at 35% - 45% on Friday, settling at 45% on Saturday and then rising again to between 45% - 60% on Sunday. There isn't any precipitation in the forecast until Monday through Wednesday next week.
The photo above or at right was taken in Midtown Manhattan on Thursday evening on the steps of St. Patrick's Cathedral looking south along 5th Avenue toward Rockefeller Center. The streets were packed and the holiday influx has begun. Oh, joy?
Sunday Afternoon Edition around 2.45 pm. This is fairly good draft of the weekend, with still a tiny bit more work to do in the Bronx, Brooklyn & Queens. We'll finish this up Sunday morning. It looks to be another seasonal, good weather weekend. Enjoy.
Tuesday, December 10, 2024 from 1 to 8.30 pm - Art Demonstration & Rally to Save NYCHA Section 9 - at the Fulton Elliott-Chelsea Houses at 119 9th Avenue in Chelsea. The art effort runs from 1 - 4 pm, there's a development walk through from 4 - 6 pm, press conference at 6 pm, followed by the Illuminator from 6.30 - 8.30 pm. For details see -
Click here for the Manhattan holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Manhattan holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Manhattan Holiday Markets this weekend are too numerous to recite here, so please use the link above to browse through all the options, many of which stay open until Christmas or the end of the year.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page. Few of the many holiday markets are shown here, so I highly recommend you click into the markets page.
Sundays ONLY, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 from 10 am - 5 pm - Vintage Subway Car / Nostalgia Subway Holiday Train Rides - along the F and Q subway lines in Manhattan. Uptown ridges begin on the even hours and downtown rides begin on the odd hours. Holiday events / things to do in Midtown Manhattan NYC. Ride in older subway cars for the normal subway line ticket price. Many folks dress up in vintage outfits for kicks. For details, times, route and subway station stops, see -
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - February 2025 - The 20th Annual Holiday Toy Train Show at Grand Central Terminal. Midtown. For details see Midtown events below or
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for the Queens holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Queens holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
The photo above or at right was taken in Sunnyside less than three weeks ago. The City of Yes zoning changes, now allow property owners to erect buildings in a neighborhood with little or no input from the community. The changes could be startling.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
Thursday, November 7, 2024 to January 12, 2025 - open Thurs thru Sat from 10 am to 6 pm - Off the Wall Affordable Art Fair. Opening Reception 11.23.24 from 7 to 10 pm. Over 100 local Long Island City Artists [aka LICA] feature their works for sale at Culture Lab LIC at 5-25 46th Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The fair continues thru January 12th, with an art talk event on January 11th from 2 to 3 pm. All art work priced under $999. For details see - OR
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In December, the Member Calendar MCAL events include a Sunday, December 15, 2024 concert beginning at 4 pm by the Queens College Choral Society performing Haydn's Nelson Mass in a Concert for Unity and Peace [$6 - $18]. Also on two Saturdays, December 7 & 21, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa]. Aromatherapy with Annie Dec 7, Intro to Vet Techs Dec 14, Furry Friends Dec 15, Programs Animal Adventures: Animal Meet & Greet Dec 26 & Winter Wildlife - Seasonal Changes Dec 26 - All at Alley Pond Environmental Center. Click the MCAL link above for details.
The holiday markets and events are too numerous to list on the front page, so use these links to peruse all of them. Click here for the Brooklyn holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for Brooklyn holiday events nyc.
The photo above or at right was taken in Bay Ridge a few months back. The City of Yes zoning changes, now allow property owners to erect buildings in a neighborhood with little or no input from the community.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page. Few of the many holiday markets are shown here, so I highly recommend you click into the markets page.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Click here for the Bronx holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for the Bronx holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
In the photo at right, taken this week, you see a night time subway car reasonably full of rail riders, like myself.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
Click here for Bronx Halloween parties, parades & events Bx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the December MCAL - The Bartow Pell Mansion Holiday Events & Market - Holiday Luncheon 11/26, Jazzy Holiday First Friday 12/6, Holiday Party 12/7, Holiday Gift Fair 12/8, Selfies w/ Santa 12/14, BAE Holiday Concert w/ Robbie Pat 12/15, A Christmas Carol 12/11 & 12/17 and Holiday Cookies & Crafts 12/21. And Sunday, December 8, 2024 there's a Holiday Gift Fair at the Riverdale Y. On Sunday, December 22, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa] near Fordham Plaza. Click the MCAL link above for details.
Click here for the Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Staten Island holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
In the photo above or at right is one of the buildings of Historic Richmond Town, where the past comes alive. This weekend they are hosting a number of Christmas holiday related events.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. TO SEE ALL EVENTS or MARKETS, click into that page.
The photo at right shows one of the sea worthy steeds that ferry Staten Islanders to and fro the Big Apple daily.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Have a nice first full weekend of December.
December 6, 2024 / NYC Real Estate & Business / NYC Government & Politics / City of Yes Special Section / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
The City of Yes for Housing Opportunities bill passed yesterday afternoon / evening in the City Council Chambers at City Hall. The City of Yes or NYC Municipal Legislative Bill - L.U. 181 & Res 689 - App. N 240290 ZRY (City of Yes Zoning for Housing Opportunity) amendment of the Zoning Resolution of the City of New York, modifying multiple Sections to expand opportunities for housing within all zoning districts, Citywide. *
The photo snapshot at right shows the NYC Council voting on the City of Yes.
Voting For the City of Yes Members. Carlina Rivera District 2, Eric Bottcher District 3, Keith Powers District 4, Julie Menin District 5, Gale Brewer M District 6, Shaun Abreu District 7, Diana Ayala District 8, Yusef Salaam M District 9, Carmen De La Rosa M District 10, Kevin Riley Bx District 12, Pierina Ana Sanchez District 14, Oswald Feliz District 15, Althea Stevens District 16, Rafael Salamanca Bx District 17, Amanda Farias District 18, Francisco Moya Q District 21, Tiffany Caban Q District 22, Shekar Krishnan Q District 25, Julie Won Q District 26, Nantasha Williams Q District 27, Speaker Adrienne Adams Q District 28, Selvena N. Brooks-Powers Q District 31, Lincoln Restler District 33, Jennifer Gutierrez District 34, Crystal Hudson District 35, Chi Osse District 36, Sandy Nurse District 37, Alexa Aviles District 38, Shahana Hanif District 39, Rita Joseph District 40, Justin Brannan Bk District 47.
Pay attention to the delineation of NYC Council members by the boroughs noted above by letters. Speaker Adrienne Adams delivered enough Queens council member votes (7) in favor of the legislation, which had they voted as their Community Boards did, would have killed the City of Yes bill.
Did Adrienne Adams and these NYC Council members betray the people of Queens they were elected to represent? Well, if so, keep in mind they are up for re-election in June 2025. So please educate yourself, fact check the statements made herein by using the power of the internet, and then after you've done enough research to know what's true, start spreading the news and get behind people who will represent you, the voters, not the big money that funded their campaigns.
Voting in the Negative. Joann Ariola District 32, Chris Banks District 42, Joseph C. Borelli District 51, David Carr District 50, Eric Dinowitz District 11, James Gennaro District 24, Kamillah Hanks District 49, Robert Holden District 30, Linda Lee District 23, Farah N. Louis District 45, Kristy Marmorato District 13, Christopher Marte District 1, Diane Mealy District 41, Mercedes Narcisse District 46, Vickie Paladino District 19, Lynn Schulman District 29, Sandra Ung District 20, Inna Vernikov District 48, Kalmar Yeger District 44, Susan Zhuang District 43.
We will keep this roll call of the vote on our site indefinitely in the City of Yes Special Report Section, because you, the voters, can use it as one benchmark vote, that helps you understand who is representing you, and how they are representing you. This becomes particularly important as there is the Democratic Primary in June 24, 2025 and the general election is November 4, 2025. Almost all of the elections are decided in the June primary because 56% of NYC is Democratic and only 26% is Republican. The remaining 18% are independent.
* Editor's Note. The summary of the bill leaves out the part about the NYC Council members forfeiting their power, and because they represent us, they are forfeiting our power and legal rights to weigh in on new developments in our neighborhoods. The summary also leaves out the part where by rushed passage of the 1,388 bill, the real estate developers and international investors can harvest a huge amount of tax abatements for 'affordable housing' that would be 'affordable' to individuals making up to $141,000 and a family of three making up to $183,00 per year or making rental payments of $4575 per month. And the summary leaves out the part about the negotiated deal, wherein how Eric Adams is going to miraculously fund the $4 billion, that magically appeared just by Eric Adams promising it, after Eric Adams tried to cut $100 million from the budgets of public schools in January 2024 and cut $22 million from the budget for public libraries as recently as November 2023. Adams promise of $4 billion is just that, and only that - a promise - as it is NOT IN THE BUDGET. And we all know the value of a politician's promise, especially when it's made by someone like Eric Adams, who has a documented history of lying, and is managing a tight budget that doesn't have $4 billion of funding lying around. He's going to have to take that funding from other places like public schools, public libraries and the NYPD.
December 3, 2024 vs 11.29.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
The photo above or at right shows NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, who made an effort to rectify some of the deceitful promises of the City of Yes zoning changes, by negotiating some changes which are more likely to result in the creation of some truly affordable housing - but still very far short from justifying the incredible amount of government tax abatement giveaways that the City of Yes will enable, in light of the 421a NYS property tax law extension, wherein the taxpayers give the rich developers' properties 10 - 40 years tax free, in exchange for the real estate developers building apartments for tenants who earn up to between $141,000 and $183,000 per year.
Is this kind of public policy borderline or outright insane?
A democracy is only as good as the people who comprise it.
The incredibly thoughtful and well written documents upon which our democracy was founded, as well as our historical precedent, help.
But in the end, all of the earlier work that went into creating and maintaining our democracy, will be rendered meaningless, if the current and living heirs to our democracy, fail to pay attention to what their elected officials are doing to them - not for them.
And once aware - or even awake - those people must then take intelligent, courageous and decisive action to quickly correct abuses of power, by those who have been entrusted with it. Generally a population doesn't lose the protection of the rule of law, and fall back into servitude, in one swell swoop. They fall back into poverty and servitude, 1) one executive action, 2) one legislative action, and 3) one institutional action, at a time. And that is what we are witnessing on a local and national scale simultaneously.
Campaign Funding in 2021. After winning the Democratic primary in June of 2021, Adams continued on fundraising efforts, even though he had essentially won the Mayoralty, meeting with wealthy real estate developers and millionaires and billionaires out on Long Island and at Martha's Vineyard. I reckon the further away from the public eye, the better
Year One - Drafting the City of Yes Proposal 2022. After raising the millions he didn't need to ride onto victory, and interacting with the well heeled developers, Adams set to work on their agenda.
During the first year of the Adams Administration, the Mayor met with members of the Real Estate Board of NY, representatives of large businesses, as well as representatives of a few non-profits and community groups that have been funded in part by these wealthy people. They called themselves the New New York.
The New New York began setting up its goals for the Adams Administration, which focused almost entirely on zoning legislation. Rank and file New Yorkers were NOT involved in helping the New New York draft the City of Yes legislation; and as far as I know, neither were any NYC Council members nor any board members of the 59 community boards that represent the people of NYC in conducting zoning and real estate related matters.
Mayor Adams' Deputy Mayor, Maria Torres-Springer, reportedly led the effort.
One could very reasonably ask whether the City of Yes zoning law changes are a quid pro quo between Mayor Adams and people like Stephen Ross and other REBNY members who supported Adams' bid for Mayor.
Year Two - Figuring Out How to Sell It to the Public 2023. According to a January 2024 presentation by Alicia Boyd of MTOPP, a Brooklyn based community organization, the New New York group came up with a 111 points or text amendments they wanted to make into NYC zoning laws. This became the City of Yes legislative proposal. There are those who believe it was named City of Yes to psychologically suggest to legislators that they vote yes in favor of the zoning changes. But that was only the beginning of the various manipulative sales techniques and deceits used to convince both the public and the NYC Council to approve it.
Mayor Adams and his cohorts at the Department of City Planning met with members of the community and boards - but only AFTER the bill had been drafted. So, folks knew they weren't being asked for their input to solving NYC's 'affordable housing crisis' but rather used as focus groups by Daniel Garodnick and Adams, to figure out how to sell this real estate developer and billionaire-crafted legislation, to the public.
Year Three - Seeking Passage of the Bill 2024. There are 59 Community Boards which are comprised of volunteers who represent the various neighborhoods located in the five boroughs. The community board members are chosen by the Borough Presidents in tandem with the local NYC Council members. These community board members are generally longstanding residents, closely connected to their communities, and somewhat knowledgeable through experience, about zoning regulations in NYC.
So, why did only one of these Community Boards recommend passage of the City of Yes without conditions, while 38 of them flat out said no [this is of 59 boards documented by Streets Blog]. And another 20 of them said they would consider passing it, but only if certain conditions were added to the bill. Be advised that when conditions attached to bills are not in the interest of the rich and powerful, they are rarely acted upon.
Doesn't it seem that if the Adams Administration had any respect for our democratic processes, they would have scrapped the bill at this point and started over? No and they didn't. They put a fresh coat of lipstick on the legislative pig, and kept marshalling it through the approval process, to where we are today. One vote away from it getting approved - or shot down.
But the real estate industry wasn't taking any chances, that NYC Council members would actually represent the people who voted for them, instead of the people who funded their campaigns. So, in the last municipal election in 2021, the real estate developers used their wealth to back NYC Council candidates they believed would work on their behalf and vote for the City of Yes. This is why the City of Yes is expected to be passed by the NYC Council - because many NYC Council members been signfiicantly funded by the people pushing the City of Yes.
There were a number of things the Adams Administration did, to try to deceive New Yorkers into thinking that the City of Yes would solve the 'affordable housing crisis'.
First, they promised this will solve the affordable housing crisis, by igniting an affordable housing boom of some 109,000 units, when in fact there are no guarantees that any affordable housing will be built at all because of the zoning legislation.
Speaker Adrienne Adams corrected part of that dishonesty by negotiating for more money [$5 billion] and more truly affordable housing units [some available to folks making 40% of the AMI, which is an income of $43,500]. This resulted in the lowering of the estimate of the 'affordable housing' units the City of Yes will produce by 29,000 units down to 80,000 units - see our prior report dated November 27, 2024 in our City of Yes Special Reports section.
So, one of the questions I have to ask, is how did Mayor Adams go from cutting $100 million out of the public schools budget and $36 million out of the public libraries budget about a year ago; to coming up with $4 billion of the $5 billion [NYS chipped in $1 billion] to get the City of Yes through the NYC Council Committee on what seemed a moments notice, during the negotiations with the NYC Council Speaker. When NYC public schools and libraries need funding, Adams says money is hard to find, but when the Mayor's millionaire / billionaire real estate developer funders / friends need it, POOF the money magically appears.
Editor's Note. You can Help by Taking Action. Henceforth if any NYC or NYS government official or any candidate running for office in NYC or NYS uses the term 'affordable' with housing - DEMAND that they give you monthly rental prices and unit sizes - or this rampant deceit of the Electorate vis-a-vis fraudulent 'affordabe' housing, will go on endlessly. Hold the tricksters, like Mayor Adams, accountable.
In their presentations to Community Boards, the Department of City Planning left out a HUGE number of relevant details, including that they essentially want to put the Community Boards out of business, and somewhere between minimize and eliminate, any input into zoning for new developments from the City Council.
This, in essence, transfers all of the power over new developments or changing developments to, what today seems like an incredibly corrupt, Mayor and his Administration. All of these changes are anti-democracy, anti-people, anti-community-engagement by and for New Yorker residents and businesses, vis-a-vis what the billionaire developers and their international investors can do to the streets and neighborhoods, we - not they - live and work in.
The Adams Administration told folks that a poll showed most New Yorkers were in support of City of Yes. What they didn't and wouldn't [I asked and received no response] tell folks is who funded that poll, and that that poll was done using experimental methods.
There are still too many issues with the huge legislative package for the NYC Council to pass it. Of course that doesn't mean they won't. The following are a few of them, provided to me by a community board consultant, George Janes, and a Brooklyn activist, Alicia Boyd.
Janes says that the bill doesn't provide any guidelines nor minimum requirements for how many units a huge buildings with few units should provide. Conversely, it allows for the creation of buildings which could be comprised entirely of studio apartments, essentially ensuring that the people who live there, have lower incomes and less space.
It does nothing to address housing unit losses via conversions.
There aren't any mandates for affordable housing units, as in many [most?] other jurisdictions, including Westchester. This is a way to not only fund affordable housing units, but also to ensure there's some level of integration between lower / middle income residents, with higher income residents in a building / neighborhood.
In his testimony before the NYC Council, Janes said, " ... COYHO changes basic zoning standards, reducing sizes of rear yards, side yards, legal windows, courts, and open space. City of Yes changes the fundamental building blocks of the City without conditioning those changes on the creation of affordable housing. It creates new CPC [City Planning Commission] authorizations, where the Council would cede their power to an unelected and unaccountable CPC, which would hold no public hearings on those authorizations ...".
Brooklyn community activist, Alicia Boyd of MTOPP, said in her presentation in January of 2024, that the Adams Administration wants want to remove Environmental Assessment Statements (EAS) and Environmental Impact Statements (EIS) as a requirement for the development of a large class of large buildings. Assuming I understand this correctly, [I'm reaching out to her] this means you could be living next to a toxic dump that has been dormant for decades [so no problem to date], but then a new building is planned on your block, which opens up the toxic site, and you don't get to know about it and react to it, before it becomes your problem.
The traditional media coverage of the City of Yes by TV and newspapers, has been somewhere between inadequate to ignorant to dishonest. It's worth pointing out that newspapers like the NY Daily News and NY Post are owned by billionaires who travel in the same social circles as the billionaire and millionaire real estate developers behind this plan, and with whom they share some of their media ownership. And it's possible that Mayor Adams is using the NYC local ad spending, provided for in Local Law 83, to pressure the smaller ethnic and community media outlets to tow the Administration's party line on this bill.
The City of Yes is a 1,386 page document. So what's been identified above, is the only a small sampling of the issues we're going to have to deal with to compensate for the real estate developers and investors' tax abatement and housing windfall. For example, without Community Boards reviewing developments, public lands can be taken away from a community without them even knowing, like they could have been in Flushing Meadows Corona Park, had it not come to the attention of local pols via the community board. And without community board input, the infrastructure to support real estate developments likely won't be addressed until after the fact, at best causing temporary hardship, while forcing government spending in support of private industry without community input.
This brings us to the last City of Yes [COY] issue for you to consider and that's funding. Why are we, the taxpayers, giving all of this money to the richest people among us, to build expensive luxury apartments? Some will argue that the new tax abatement schedule, 425a, only gives tax abatements for between 10 - 40 years of property tax free ownership, to those developers who are creating apartments that are affordable to people making 60% or 80% of the AMI [Area Median Income].
My response to that is two fold - 1) Dishonest & Exaggerated HPD Area Median Income Numbers. The numbers they use to calculate AMI or Area Median Income are so dishonest that they are laughable. It's generally believed that the Area Median Income for an individual in NYC is about $ 60,000 to $65,000. The HPD chart says that half of the people in NYC make over $108,000 - not $65,000 - and they use their higher number, not the real one, to calculate the tax abatement numbers. I can only hypothesize that the real estate industry exercises an incredible amount of influence over the conjuring up of those numbers.
2) NYS Extension of 421a Tax Breaks Means Huge Loss of Tax Revenue for COY 'Affordable' Luxury Apartments. In April the NYS legislature approved the extension of 421a Tax breaks for another five years to June 2031. The 421a allows for tax abatements of between 10 - 40 years for the creation of affordable apartments which may be defined by apartments that are 'affordable' for those earning up to 130% of the AMI, which for an individual [using the HPD chart] is $141,000 and for a three person family is $183,000. The assumption is that they then spend up to 30% of their income on rent - or $4,575 / month for the $183,000, and that's what they are calling an 'affordable' apartment. You tell me if you think that's what most New Yorkers would consider an affordable apartment.
So why are taxpayers going to pay all of this money for these rich developers to create apartments for rich tenants? This makes no sense, when you consider that this loss in funding is coming from public education, libraries, sanitation, healthcare, the NYPD, the NYFD, social services and the creation of real affordable housing - not the dishonest kind, as just described above.
Will somebody please get an estimate of how much this will cost taxpayers and what we will get. And don't tell me 80,000 units of affordable housing because 'affordable' the way NYC and NYS government officials use it, is absolutely meaningless. Tell me 30,000 studio apartments at $2,700 / month, 30,000 one bedroom apartments at $3,500 / month and 20,000 two bedroom apartments at $4,500 / month.
What's wrong with the 'mainstream' media that they're not reporting this? And what's wrong with our elected officials that they are doing this to us? And ultimately, you have to ask yourself, what's wrong with us in the electorate, that we let these sorts of abuses go unchecked. There's an election coming up in June 2025 - the Democratic primary. And if anyone out there is thinking of running for NYC Council or Mayor, pay attention to this issue and this vote, because this could easily be made into the defining issue of the year.
First former Governor Cuomo tried to get $20 billion in funding included in the NYS budget, and then Hochul tried to get $25 billion in the budget to fund 'affordable housing'. NYS and NYC government officials cannot seem to give away tax revenue fast enough to the billionaires, and real estate developers and investors fast enough. If you want to understand why rich people don't pay taxes at the same rate you do, this is just one - but a glaring one - example. And you're responsible in part, because you keep electing people who work for those who fund their campaigns instead of for those who voted for them.
The unrelenting greed of Wall Street and REITs will, over time, outbid everyone else for all the land in America. Left unchecked, they will make all Americans tenants, unless, we the people, get the government to step in and regulate REITs and similar entities.
Is Eric Adams to be trusted? After convincing NYCHA residents to give up their rights, Adams facilitated the transference of those rights to rich real estate developers. Adams seems to encourage those who have placed their trust in him, to sell now and pay later.
When Adams was Brooklyn Borough President, he encouraged the Brooklyners to relinquish ownership of the property upon which the Brooklyn Library once stood, in exchange for some fast cash.
Why have 5,000 NYCA Housing units become vacant since Adams took office, if we're really in an 'affordable' housing crisis?
And a little known / discussed fact is that Adams spent some time in real estate while on the NYPD and while a State Senator. According to a January 19, 2024 report in the Real Deal, "... The mayor worked as a broker in the 1990s when he was off-duty from the New York Police Department, according to a City Hall spokesperson. He also disclosed work as a real estate consultant when he was a state senator ...".
Make no mistake about it, the media in NYC and NYS isn't doing a very good job of covering one of the most important issues of our present time. They just repeat - without thinking - whatever the government or big business tells them - like they're reading it off of a teleprompter.
The real estate industry's influence within HPD seems visible in the AMI's published by HPD, which are so out of touch with the economic reality of most New Yorkers. I don't know how they get away with it. HPD states that the AMI income is $108,700, while all other estimates I find are far below that ranging from $40,000 which is wrong, but less wrong than the HPD figure, and the figure I find most often is in the $65,000 range. Google AI says that 80% of NYC salaries fall between $34,000 and $74,000, so how HPD comes up with $108,700 as the median income, that we use to provide tax forgiveness to the rich real estate developers and investors would seem terribly erroneous, if not corrupt.
The real estate industry's influence over what I've come to believe are the brain dead teleprompter readers on TV is also very recognizable, as much of what I see presented on their media outlets appear to be pretty close to unedited publicity pieces. So caveat emptor - buyer beware - reader / viewer beware of who you're trusing to provide you with intelligent and reliable information.
One of the statistics the TV folks have been repeating like a parrot press, is the 1.4% vacancy rate in NYC. Thankfully, not all of the media is brain dead yet.
There were some 42,860 vacant rent stabilized apartments in 2022 per the Census Bureau. In 2023 the Census Bureau said that there are only about 26,310 vacant apartments, of which about 3,000 were categorized as uninhabitable. These numbers are not factored in when the Census Bureau published that NYC has a 1.4% vacancy rate. So note that we have a vacancy rate if you don't include all of the rent stabilized apartments being warehoused by the land owners in this city. Use this link to learn more about the vacancy rate lie.
Based on reliable anecdotal reports, neither the NYC nor NYS tenant protection units, HPD and the DHCR, actually do what they falsely claim / advertise they do. Instead of protecting tenants, they seem to be agents of the real estate industry and landlords. Why aren't NYC and NYS officials talking about actually enforcing the tenant protection laws, which I know for a fact anecdotally that they don't do.
To give you an idea of how ineffective the DHCR and HPD are consider this. New York has lost over ONE HALF MILLION rent stabilized apartments since 2000. Possibly more because the agencies entrusted to track this information in NYC and NYS, which are HPD and DHCR respectively, don't seem very competent at anything, except perhaps kowtowing to the landlords and real estate industry.
The City of Yes is expected, probably dishonestly, to generate the creation of 80,000 'affordable' housing units over the next 15 years that may not honestly be truly affordable to the average New Yorker at all. That translates into 5,333 per year. Here are a few remedies, off the top of my head, that will result in far more real rent stabilized / affordable housing availabilities than the stinky City of Yes. in the nearer term, and they'll cost very little
1. YEAR ONE. Use the 5,000 NYCA units that became vacant since Eric Adams took office to house people.
2. YEAR TWO. Legislate Huge & Escalating Rent Stabilized Apartment Vacancy Penalties. Why hasn't Adams and the NYC Council imposted a vacancy fee on all rent stabilized apartments in NYC that have been vacant for more than a year? Why doesn't Adams implement an escalating fee that rises for each additional vacant unit in any rent stabilized building, because these landlords are in the process of destroying existing rent stabilized apartments and likely in the process of attempting to harass the rent stabilized tenants out of their homes.
There are currently an estimated [but we don't really know because HPD and the DHCR don't really seem to know] 26,000 plus vacant rent stabilized apartments [it was as high as 42,000 in 2019 but it is believed that landlords are 'hiding' them] and some of those should shake loose, and in the meantime begin investigating those landlords' actions vis-a-vis their rent stabilized tenants, and you'll likely find a lot of harassment that hasn't been remedied by HPD or the DHCR. That should help stem the loss of rent stabilized units because the tenants will be more likely to stay.
3. YEAR TWO. Stop or Moderate the Rent Stabilized Rent Increases like Mayor de Blasio did. These unrelenting rent increases, particularly during the Bloomberg years, forced thousands out of their rent stabilized apartments. This will stem the losses of rent stabilized housing, as we saw after Mayor de Blasio came to office and moderated / stopped the price increases on rent stabilized units.
4. Use Real Economics - Not the Pseudo 'Silent Hand' Economics to Create Real Affordable Housing Supply. Why doesn't NYC and NYS stop giving tax breaks to rich developers to rent to people, and instead invest the money to create new truly affordable housing units, where the purchase price is pegged to the real - not HPD - Area Median Income. This would foster a city of owners, not a city of tenants. This proposal shares some characteristics with the Mitchell Lama housing units, a small amout of which Speaker Adrienne Adams negotiated into the City of Yes deal.
The Mayor and Governor keep wanting to throw billions of taxpayer funded abatements in the direction of the real estate industry that funds their campaigns, instead of doing their job which is to make those bloated ineffective bureaucracies HPD and the DHCR actually do their jobs. This could be kicked off by setting up a dashboard of all complaints filed with each agency and then record tenant / landlord satisfaction. Currently I'd wager it's 85% landlord satisfaction and below 15% tenant satisfaction [if not ZERO].
5. Implement the Low Hanging Fruit of the City of Yes Proposal. Why doesn't the NYC Council scrap the City of Yes, and implement the low hanging fruit outlined in that package in separately drafted bills - written by the NYC Council with community input. Examples of the low hanging fruit seem to be no parking for housing near public transit, allowing for adjacent dwellings in those neighborhoods that agree to them, and basement apartments outside of flood zones. And instead of transferring NYCHA development rights, use them to create affordable housing units, with sales prices pegged to the AMI.
That the Mayor and legislators allow private industry to write - not comment - on legislation they drafted, shows who is in control of our government. And it's an indication of how close we all are - because they represent us - to relinquishing theirs and our role in the governance process. Those who give up their power - and because they represent us they are giving up our power - don't deserve to be re-elected. The Democratic primaries are only 6 months away.
Watch this vote, because it will tell you a lot about who is who, and what is what.
UPDATED NEW LINK _ Click this link to go to the NYC Council votes on the City of Yes tomorrow, Thursday, December 5, 2024.
Novelist Rita Mae Brown said, "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results." Based on that definition, I'd say NYC municipal government efforts to solving NYC's affordable housing crisis - including the City of Yes - are insane. Six months from now we get to again choose who will represent us. Pay attention to this vote and decide for yourself whether these people are solving our problems, or making not just housing, but all of them worse, by giving away so much future tax revenue, for so very, very little in return.
A child not beholden to the real estate industry for funding could negotiate a better deal.
If you're looking for a paladin in the upcoming 2025 NYC Mayoral primary, thus far none has materialized. All five of the announced candidates for NYC Mayor already appear to be beholden to the big money real estate, big money investors, that seem to have an outsized influence throughout a good portion of NYC government. As the graphic above or at right indicates, all are on board for the City of Yes.
But it's not too late for someone like Kathryn Garcia to set foot in the race. And she could be just what the doctor ordered to clean up all of the ineffective - if not corrupt - enforcement agencies in NYC that are part and parcel of NYC's housing problem.
Stay tuned.
Updated _ November 30, 2024 vs 11.29.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 11.29.24. But first - Sunrise 6.59 am & Sunset at 4.29 pm. The drought continues with no precipitation in the forecast. The temperature highs will be in the high 40's on Friday, and then about 40 for Saturday and Sunday. The temperature lows will be in the mid to low 30's all weekend. The winds will be 5 - 10 mph all weekend. It's going to be a very dry weekend with the humidity generally ranging from 20% - 30%.
The photo at right shows pedestrian traffic in Grand Central Terminal in November around the Thanksgiving holiday. This year Americans are expected to break Thanksgiving travel records again, with some 71 million traveling more the 50 miles from home by car, and an additional 18 million Americans flying over the holiday. Thanksgiving is the busiest travel holiday of the year.
Saturday Afternoon Edition around 2 pm. We're mostly done for this weekend, but then again, we're never really done as this is an ongoing continuous work in process ... kind of like life itself. It looks to be another busy and good, but back to seasonal, weather weekend. Enjoy.
Click here for the Manhattan holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Manhattan holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. These are many of the events.
Manhattan Holiday Markets this weekend are too numerous to recite here, so please use the link above to browse through all the options, many of which stay open until Christmas or the end of the year.
Sundays ONLY, December 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, 2024 from 10 am - 5 pm - Vintage Subway Car / Nostalgia Subway Holiday Train Rides - along the F and Q subway lines in Manhattan. Uptown ridges begin on the even hours and downtown rides begin on the odd hours. Holiday events / things to do in Midtown Manhattan NYC. Ride in older subway cars for the normal subway line ticket price. Many folks dress up in vintage outfits for kicks. For details, times, route and subway station stops, see -
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - February 2025 - The 20th Annual Holiday Toy Train Show at Grand Central Terminal. Midtown. For details see Midtown events below or
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Click here for the Queens holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Queens holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs. These are many of the events.
The photo above or at right shows some holiday decorations adorning a local home. The Christmas season wastes no time in following on the heels of the non-commercialized Thanksgiving holiday.
Thursday, November 7, 2024 to January 12, 2025 - open Thurs thru Sat from 10 am to 6 pm - Off the Wall Affordable Art Fair. Opening Reception 11.23.24 from 7 to 10 pm. Over 100 local Long Island City Artists [aka LICA] feature their works for sale at Culture Lab LIC at 5-25 46th Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The fair continues thru January 12th, with an art talk event on January 11th from 2 to 3 pm. All art work priced under $999. For details see - OR
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In December, the Member Calendar MCAL events include a Sunday, December 15, 2024 concert beginning at 4 pm by the Queens College Choral Society performing Haydn's Nelson Mass in a Concert for Unity and Peace [$6 - $18]. Also on two Saturdays, December 7 & 21, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa]. Aromatherapy with Annie Dec 7, Intro to Vet Techs Dec 14, Furry Friends Dec 15, Programs Animal Adventures: Animal Meet & Greet Dec 26 & Winter Wildlife - Seasonal Changes Dec 26 - All at Alley Pond Environmental Center. Click the MCAL link above for details.
The holiday markets and events are too numerous to list on the front page, so use these links to peruse all of them. Click here for the Brooklyn holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for Brooklyn holiday events nyc.
The photo above or at right shows the Brooklyn Botanical Garden in the Fall, just prior to getting all it up for the holidays.
Likely more holiday events coming later today or early Saturday morning. Use links above to view both holiday markets and events.
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Click here for the Bronx holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for the Bronx holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
At right or above is a photo of the Dollar Savings Bank building along the Grand Concourse at Fordham Road in the Bronx. The building was first erected in 1932 - 1933 and modified periodically over the following decade. It was built in the Art Deco style, which was architecturally consistent with most of the other buildings of the time which ran along the Grand Concourse.
Likely more holiday events coming later today or early Saturday morning. Use link above to view the holiday markets.
Click here for Bronx Halloween parties, parades & events Bx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
In the December MCAL - The Bartow Pell Mansion Holiday Events & Market - Holiday Luncheon 11/26, Jazzy Holiday First Friday 12/6, Holiday Party 12/7, Holiday Gift Fair 12/8, Selfies w/ Santa 12/14, BAE Holiday Concert w/ Robbie Pat 12/15, A Christmas Carol 12/11 & 12/17 and Holiday Cookies & Crafts 12/21. And Sunday, December 8, 2024 there's a Holiday Gift Fair at the Riverdale Y. On Sunday, December 22, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa] near Fordham Plaza. Click the MCAL link above for details.
Click here for the Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Staten Island holiday events nyc. These are also simultaneously a work in progress.
Click into the holiday events link above for details on the following holiday events this weekend and coming week. And click into the holiday markets link for the holiday fairs.
The photo at right shows one of the sea worthy steeds that ferry Staten Islanders to and fro the Big Apple daily.
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes Saturday, November 16, 2024 there's a Happy Play Day Thanksgiving Family event at JCC.
Have another great November weekend.
November 27, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / Thanksgiving Holidays in NYC / Gotham Buzz NYC.
A couple of years ago, I happened upon a childhood book of fables and fairytales that I had saved since I was a first grader. I was young enough to still like fairytales and old enough to be learning and loving to read.
The book, A Gateway to Storyland, by Platt & Munk Co, was given to me around the holidays, and the book still gives me a warm, loved feeling when I periodically open it to browse through the fairytales and fables containing little nuggets of age old wisdom about how to conduct onesself [see photo at right / the book is still in print]. I read it numerous times immediately upon receiving it, as the illustrations fed my imagination, and lessons embedded in the words resonated with timeless sagacity.
Love comes in many forms, but the purest form is unselfish love. The love of truly giving something with no thought of anything in return. That love is oftentimes given intergenerationally - from grandparents to parents to children.
Perhaps the greatest gifts are those that cost us nothing but our time. Like the gift of teaching someone something that they will be able to put to good use throughout their lives. Parents do this all the time, when they help their children develop skills, and impart some knowledge and learning ... just as my parents did many years ago, by giving me a well illustrated fairytale book to encourage my interest in reading, while sharing the time tested insights of the ages, handed down through storytelling.
At Thanksgiving time we commemorate one of America's first settlements, founded by the risk-taking, resource-pooling, hardworking, spiritual community of Pilgrims.
The Pilgrims were early English settlers who arrived on American shores in the early 17th century [1600's]. They came here because they wanted a measure of freedom and self-determination that they were forbidden in Europe or what was called the 'old country'. The Pilgrims wanted to practice their faith, unencumbered, in a way that differed from the established Church of England. They pooled their money to obtain a ship, the Mayflower, to cross the Atlantic in mid September of 1620, landing on America's shores at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts on November 9, 1620. Think of it. It took about a month and a half to travel a distance we can now traverse in about five hours.
Per Wikipedia, the Piligrims survived a hard winter in 1621 with the help of the Wampanoag, an American Indian tribe. The Pilgrims were the immigrants, and the first Americans, the Indian natives, welcomed them. The Wampanaog taught the Pilgrims how to catch eels, and how to grow and harvest corn. Thus the Pilgrims ended 1621 with a good harvest which they celebrated and shared with their new friends, expressing their gratitude to a higher power, aka God, for the success of their endeavors.
Thus it was that the first Thanksgiving celebration happened in America ... or did it?
November 27, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
If this wasn't real, I'd be laughing pretty hard.
But because it is real, so I'm only laughing cynically, because it is so close to unbelievable ... and it's happening in - as Eric Adams likes to say - 'the Greatest City in the World'. To which I would comment, 'not for long, if this keeps up'.
To give you an idea of how dishonestly the City of Yes legislation appears to have been sold to us by Mayor Eric Adams and Daniel Garodnick of the Department of City Planning - consider this.
Last week, City Council Speaker Adrienne Adams, 'negotiated' a better City of Yes legislative package.
So what did she / we get?
She / We got a package that costs $5 billion more, of our hard earned tax payer money, to be used to support wealthy and super rich real estate developers' and investors' projects; and in exchange she / we got 29,000 LESS AFFORDABLE HOUSING UNITS promised. So when is the last time you negotiated a better deal, for which you paid billions more, and got tens of thousands of units less, and walked away thinking you got a 'better' deal?
Come on. This is funny.
But in reality it is not very funny at all. It's dishonest.
This shows you how dishonestly Mayor Adams and his side kick Garodnick, appear to have been selling this package to the public. Part of the reason for the lower number of units is that they actually included some honestly affordable housing in the renegotiated legislation - but certainly not enough to even come close to justifying the passage of this legislation.
What Speaker Adrienne Adams did get, was a more honest assessment of what seemed to be a very dishonest legislative package, but it's still far, far less than anything that should fully justify it.
See 'Affordable Housing' story below dated 10.23.24, where 'affordable housing' is used to describe housing units that require an income of up to $250,000. And assuming my understanding of this is correct, Mayor Adams and Garodnick want taxpayers to give real estate developers and investors tax abatements, to build similar 'affordable housing' units, that would be rented to those earning 100% AMI [Area Median Income], which for a three person family is currently $127,000. The incentives might possibly extend to higher income levels [above 100% of the AMI], as the story below indicates - but I need to do more research to obtain confirmation or refutation that tax abatements would be given for units built for incomes above 100% of the AMI in the in the City of Yes legislation.
I received an email from the Brooklyn Borough President's Office on Thursday, November 21, 2024 around the close of business, which I believe was either simultaneous to or immediately AFTER, the NYC Council committees voted to send the City of Yes to the full Council for a vote. Here are a couple of excerpts of what he said,
"... City of Yes was never going to fix everything. It was never an affordability strategy, it was never a production plan, and it was never a panacea for our city’s housing crisis ... But it was at least a modest opportunity to begin addressing the discriminatory zoning practices that force low-income, Black and Brown neighborhoods to do all of the work of building new housing while low-density neighborhoods get away with contributing nothing ... I urge Mayor Adams and the City Council to carefully consider the ramifications of these exemptions and be wary not to enhance the harms of administrations past ...”.
I believe the exemptions stayed, so it doesn't do what Reynoso had hoped it would do, along with all the things he knew it would not do.
So Reynoso tells us he knew that the 'City of Yes' would not address this, that or the other thing, but at least it addressed SOMETHING, and in the negotiations, that something was just taken out of the City of Yes legislation to get it passed. So perhaps the City of Yes now looks like what it always was - with NO EXCEPTIONS - which is very little to NOTHING for the people, and EVERYTHING for the wealthy real estate developers and investors who initiated, drafted and have been funding the politicians, who have been promoting the City of Yes legislation ... like Mayor Eric Adams.
It's a Win / Win & Lose. The winners are the Real Estate & Investment Industry / and Mayor Adams & the politicians who vote for the City of Yes and whose campaigns are funded by the Real Estate Industry / & the losers are the Majority of all other New Yorkers.
I submitted three questions to the Adams Administration over the past few days and months for which I received answers which I believe should be unacceptable to any New Yorker or any NYC Council member who pretends to be representing you. Ask them these same questions next time they attend a public meeting or event.
1. What size and in what borough will the 80,000 [109,000 original estimate] 'affordable' housing units be built in NYC because of the passage of the City of Yes zoning changes legislation?
Answer. They told me the 'invisible hand' of the market would take care of these details, so they couldn't provide them to me themselves.
2. At what monthly prices, will these units be rented, and specify unit size and price by borough?
Answer. They told me to see their website long page promo, which contained no such information.
3. How much in foregone tax revenue, will NYC taxpayers give up to the wealthy and super wealthy real estate developers, and national and international investments firms?
Answer. So far, no response to question #3.
Voters must ask themselves how the most sweeping zoning legislation in the past 50 years can get this far, after more than an entire year of the bill being floated, without the Adams Administration providing, and the NYC Council demanding answers to, these three most basic of questions, about what will we get [1 & 2], and what will it cost us [#3]. And I would add the NYC media to the list of culpable people who should have been asking these questions [see more about the media below].
What do we get? We get to give up all sorts of government tax revenue [and hence government services] in order to fund all of the new tax abatement incentives Adams and Garodnick [and we'll soon see if the NYC Council does the same] are giving to the real estate industry and the real estate investment funds. And in return we'll probably get a lot closer to no new, lasting, truly affordable, housing - than to getting 80,000 truly affordable housing units, that the new current estimate implies.
What does it cost? It costs an incredible amount of lost tax revenue / funding for: 1) publiic education, 2) public transit infrastructure and services, 3) public healthcare and services, 4) public sanitation, 5) NYC fire prevention and response, 6) NYC law enforcement and 7) all of the infrastructure and other government services that enables New York to continue to function as the 'greatest city in the world' - in spite of New Yorkers electing government officials who fight so hard for the millionaires and billionaires who fund their campaigns, while apparently deceiving and ultimately swindling the New Yorkers who voted for them. But 'greatness' doesn't ever last forever ... let alone when people aren't paying attention to what their officials in government are doing to them - not for them.
The City of Yes, could be setting up NYC government to become the City that Fails us, because the government won't have enough tax revenue / resource to do their job, because the Adams Administration will have given so much of it away to the wealthy real estate developers and super rich national and international real estate investors who have funded his campaigns.
The NYC Council is scheduled to vote on Thursday, December 5th, 2024. Once they vote, this is either a done deal, or it's back to the drawing board to consider putting together real alternatives to solving NYC's housing problem, as opposed to the dishonest schemes / solutions that are sold on promises that are not likely to be delivered upon [but won't become apparent] before the pols who supported it, move onto their next gigs.
So make your voice heard by calling your council member or emailing them using the contact info on the NYC Council's website.
Please share on social media before December 5th.
There's an NYC local law which, according to Google AI interpretation of the info on states that,
" ... Local Law 83 of 2021 requires New York City agencies to direct at least 50% of their advertising spending to Ethnic and Community Media (ECM) outlets ... ".
The other half of the spending goes to the corporate / national media outlets.
So, ask yourself whether the reason you're hearing scant reporting on the City of Yes legislation, let alone that's critical of it, is because the other local and corporate media outlets are not well informed, or because they are 'on the Mayor's payroll'? Meaning, is the Mayor using taxpayer funded community media money as his own little piggy bank, to cultivate fealty from the NYC community, ethnic and corporate media?
If the local, ethnic and corporate media are not on his payroll [look for NYC government ads on their sites, in their newspapers, heard on radio and seen on TV outlets], then why aren't you hearing both sides [aka the downside / critical side] of this HUGE legislative story?
Please share on social media before December 5th.
P.S. I am going to try hard to publish at least one more report over the Thanksgiving Weekend or in the first day or two of next week, which will flush out a bit more what's going on here - time permitting. Please get involved. This bill really matters to NYC government funding and will preclude NYC government from finding real solutions - not what seem billionaire funded schemes - to address the affordable housing crisis in NYC.
Posted 11.28.24 _ November 20, 2024 By Layla Law-Gisiko, President. The City Club of New York
"Buy land; they're not making it anymore" - Mark Twain
The conventional supply-and-demand approach, which presumes that increasing the housing supply will lead to greater affordability, fails to address the root causes of the housing affordability crisis. This approach, while seemingly primal and basic, is actually specious. Drawing on the theories of Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Piketty, Joseph Stiglitz, and Ryan-Collins, Lloyd, and Macfarlane in Rethinking the Economics of Land and Housing, critics argue that the conventional approach fails to account for the unique characteristics of land and housing as commodities. They highlight how financialization, speculation, and wealth concentration distort housing markets and exacerbate inequality. The housing crisis cannot be resolved simply by increasing supply without additional interventions that address the influence of land values, speculative investments, and inequality in the housing market and that in certain circumstances, increasing supply will actually exacerbate the housing crisis.
In modern housing policy, increasing the supply of housing is often cited as the primary solution to the affordability crisis. According to a basic supply-and-demand framework, a larger housing stock should reduce prices by creating competition and addressing housing scarcity. However, housing and land are not commodities like others in the market. Land is fixed in supply, derives its value largely from its location and external factors, and is influenced heavily by speculative and financial practices. This analysis reveals that, contrary to the assumptions of traditional economics, increasing the housing supply is unlikely to resolve the crisis unless additional policies address the complex dynamics of land values, speculation, and market concentration.
1. The Distinct Economic Characteristics of Land
Adam Smith, in The Wealth of Nations, identifies that land is economically unique due to its immobility and finite supply. In his example of the Shetland Islands, he notes that the value of land depends not only on the potential productivity of the land itself but also on the resources available in the surrounding environment (Smith, 1776). Smith explains that in Shetland, the high rent was determined not by what could be produced on the land alone but by the fish resources in the adjacent sea that residents relied upon. This example reflects the way land values are often tied to external factors that drive up prices independently of actual housing demand or productivity on the land itself. In urban housing markets, this idea manifests in the form of location premiums—factors like proximity to employment, schools, and amenities—which increase land values beyond what housing construction alone would justify.
David Ricardo builds on this by developing the concept of economic rent in Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. He argues that the increase in land value does not necessarily correlate with improvements or investment in the land. Instead, as demand increases, the price of land rises even when its productive potential remains constant, a phenomenon that primarily benefits landowners without contributing to the general welfare (Ricardo, 1817). This effect is most pronounced in high-demand urban centers, where scarcity of land intensifies competition for available housing and drives up prices. Ricardo’s insights show that demand-driven policies, like increasing housing supply, do not directly address the escalating land prices that underlie much of the housing affordability problem. Without interventions to moderate land prices, even substantial increases in housing supply will fail to bring about affordable housing options.
2. Wealth Inequality and Housing Speculation: Piketty’s Perspective
Thomas Piketty, in Capital in the Twenty-First Century, emphasizes how wealth concentration leads to distortions in housing markets. Piketty’s fundamental inequality, r > g (where the return on capital exceeds the growth rate of the economy), highlights how individuals with access to capital—such as the wealthy, venture capital, hedge funds—can acquire assets, including housing, at a rate that far outpaces the general economic growth (Piketty, 2014). This imbalance allows wealthy individuals and entities to invest in property as a speculative asset rather than a necessity, leading to increased prices that are often untethered from the local economy or the needs of residents.
Piketty’s analysis illustrates that when the wealthy can accumulate multiple properties, invest in high-end housing, or when corporate landlords acquire housing portfolios, the supply of homes for the general population does not increase in a way that supports affordability. Instead, housing becomes a repository for wealth and a hedge against inflation, leading to a form of wealth concentration that exacerbates inequality. For instance, investment in luxury developments intended for high-net-worth individuals contributes little to the affordable housing supply, yet it drives up the average price level and decreases the accessibility of housing for lower-income households. As a result, increasing the housing supply without controlling speculative behavior and wealth concentration fails to address the root causes of unaffordable housing. (Piketty, Thomas. Capital and Ideology. Harvard University Press, 2020.)
3. Financialization of Housing and Market Distortions
Ryan-Collins, Lloyd, and Macfarlane, in Rethinking the Economics of Land and Housing, argue that housing has become heavily financialized in recent decades, meaning it is increasingly treated as a financial asset rather than a basic need. Financialization encourages speculative investment in property, decoupling property values from local income levels and skewing affordability. The authors state that “the financialization of land and housing has encouraged banks to prioritize mortgage lending over other forms of productive lending,” which inflates housing prices due to increased credit availability rather than genuine demand (Ryan-Collins et al., 2017). This speculative demand, driven by banks and financial institutions, promotes the accumulation of housing assets as investment tools, reinforcing rising land values and reducing the stock of affordable housing.
The process of financialization also introduces greater volatility into housing markets, as housing prices become more sensitive to interest rate changes and global financial trends than to local housing needs. Financial institutions have a vested interest in maintaining high property values because it supports mortgage lending as a lucrative revenue stream. This alignment between the banking sector and rising land values perpetuates high prices, particularly in areas with strong investment interest, making affordability elusive for average households. In this context, simply increasing the supply of housing without addressing financial speculation and land valuation practices will not make housing accessible to the general population.
4. The Adverse Effects of YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) Movements
The YIMBY (Yes In My Backyard) movement, which advocates for increasing housing supply in urban areas, has gained significant momentum in recent years as a response to growing housing shortages. While the movement’s goal of promoting denser housing development is well-intentioned, it often neglects the underlying economic forces that drive housing unaffordability. The assumption that building more housing will automatically lead to lower prices is, in many cases, overly simplistic and flawed. By prioritizing unrestricted development without addressing factors like land speculation, financialization, and wealth concentration, YIMBY policies can inadvertently exacerbate the problem (Ryan-Collins, Lloyd, & Macfarlane, 2017).
In cities where speculative investment is widespread, increasing the housing supply can actually lead to higher land values, as developers focus on constructing luxury units that cater to wealthier individuals and investors, rather than meeting the needs of middle- and low-income households. This phenomenon is particularly evident in areas where financialization has decoupled housing from local income levels, creating a housing market that benefits investors rather than residents (Piketty, 2014). Moreover, YIMBY initiatives that focus exclusively on expanding housing stock may fail to address critical drivers of unaffordability, such as the displacement of existing communities through gentrification. This narrow focus risks exacerbating inequality and driving market-based displacement, ultimately deepening the housing crisis rather than solving it (Wyly, 2021)
5. Policy Implications: Addressing the Roots of Housing Affordability Issues
The insights of Smith, Ricardo, Piketty, and Ryan-Collins and colleagues illustrate that housing markets require a more nuanced approach than simply increasing supply. Smith and Ricardo’s discussions of land’s unique characteristics underscore the need for policies that specifically address the scarcity and value of land in urban areas. Ricardo’s theory of economic rent suggests that mechanisms such as land value taxes could help capture some of the unearned increases in land value, directing it toward public benefit rather than pure profit for landowners. By reducing the potential for speculative gain, land value taxes could moderate price escalation in high-demand areas.
Piketty’s findings highlight the necessity of wealth redistribution measures to curb the effects of speculative investment in housing. Policies that restrict or tax multiple property ownership, as well as taxes on luxury developments, could mitigate the influence of wealth concentration in housing markets and make more housing available for those who need it for shelter rather than investment.
Ryan-Collins et al. suggest regulatory interventions to limit the financial sector’s influence on housing, such as prioritizing lending for first-time homebuyers or restricting lending practices that encourage speculative investment. Addressing the financialization of housing could help shift the focus of housing markets from wealth accumulation toward meeting residents’ needs.
The simplistic supply-and-demand framework is inadequate to solve the housing affordability crisis. As insights from Adam Smith, David Ricardo, Thomas Piketty, and the authors of Rethinking the Economics of Land and Housing demonstrate, housing and land markets operate under unique economic pressures that are distinct from other goods in the market. The scarcity and fixed nature of land, speculative investment behavior, and financialization of housing markets all contribute to a system that drives up prices even when housing supply increases. To address affordability, policies must go beyond supply expansion and tackle these underlying dynamics. Through a combination of land value taxation, anti-speculative regulations, limits on the financialization of housing, and support for public housing, policymakers can develop a comprehensive approach that promotes genuine affordability and ensures that housing serves its intended purpose: providing secure, affordable shelter for all.
Piketty, T. (2014). Capital in the twenty-first century. Harvard University Press.
Piketty, T. (2020). Capital and ideology. Harvard University Press.
Ricardo, D. (1817). Principles of political economy and taxation. John Murray.
Ryan-Collins, J., Lloyd, T., & Macfarlane, L. (2017). Rethinking the economics of land and housing. Zed Books.
Smith, A. (1776). The wealth of nations. W. Strahan and T. Cadell.
Wyly, E. (2022), YIMBY: The Latest Frontier of Gentrification. Int. J. Urban Reg. Res., 46: 319-330.
November 22, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analytis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 11.22.24. But first - Sunrise 6.51 am & Sunset at 4.32 pm. The temperature highs will be in the high 40's all weekend and the temperature lows will be in the mid to high 30's all weekend. It's going to be a windy weekend with the winds kicking up from 10 - 20 mph Friday, falling back to about 15 mph on Saturday, and then falling back a bit more to 10 - 15 mph on Sunday. The humidity will fall from about 90% on Friday, to about 80% on Saturday and then down to 60% - 70% on Sunday. There's less than 1/3 inch of rain expected Friday and then it should be dry the rest of the weekend.
The photo above or at right was taken a bit earlier this year in the subway station at 42nd Street. The crossroads of the world, so they say. That becomes especially true around the holidays, when people from around the planet come here to celebrate their holidays and the new year.
Friday Early Afternoon Edition just after 12 noon. This is a solid first pass, with some more additions coming by the end of the business day and / or by the end of the calendar day 11.22.24, as we continue updating holiday markets and holiday events. It looks to be another busy and good weather weekend [excepting Friday]. Can you believe that Thanksgiving is less than a week away?
Many of the seasonal holiday markets are beginning to hit their full stride. We provided the short updates of them last week, and we'll provide the full updates for this weekend, along with some new additions and updates. We're also beginning to ramp up for the holiday events, which are beginning now, but accelerate very quickly next week and the following weekend. Click here for the Manhattan holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Manhattan holiday events nyc.
Manhattan Holiday Markets this weekend are too numerous to recite here, so please use the link above to browse through all the options, many of which stay open until Christmas or the end of the year.
Thursday, November 21 - 24, 2024 at various times - Mexico Now Festival - at the Chelsea Factory at 547 West 26th Street in Chelsea. A cultural celebration of all things Mexicano. Free. For details and to rsvp tickets see -
Thursday, November 14, 2024 - February 2025 - The 20th Annual Holiday Toy Train Show at Grand Central Terminal. Midtown. For details see Midtown events below or
Gramercy Theater concerts -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Manhattan Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Manhattan Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
Many of the seasonal holiday markets are beginning to hit their full stride. We provided the short updates of them last week, and we'll provide the full updates for this weekend, along with some new additions and updates. We're also beginning to ramp up for the holiday events, which are beginning now, but accelerate very quickly next week and the following weekend. Click here for the Queens holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Queens holiday events nyc.
The photo above or at right was taken in Queens at twilight earlier this month. I have always enjoyed the overlooked spaces in the city, that with nature's help, capture and create their own beauty.
Thursday, November 7, 2024 to January 12, 2025 - open Thurs thru Sat from 10 am to 6 pm - Off the Wall Affordable Art Fair. Opening Reception 11.23.24 from 7 to 10 pm. Over 100 local Long Island City Artists [aka LICA] feature their works for sale at Culture Lab LIC at 5-25 46th Avenue in Long Island City, Queens. The fair continues thru January 12th, with an art talk event on January 11th from 2 to 3 pm. All art work priced under $999. For details see - OR
Sunday, November 24, 2024 the Quintet of the Americas will be performing at Maple Grove Cemetery's Celebration Hall at 127-15 Kew Gardens Road in Richmond Hill, Queens in celebration of Latin American Music. Free and a reception follows where you can meet the musicians. For details see -
Friday, November 8 - 26, 2024 at various times - Flip Circus in Queens. At the cricket fields in Forest Park. For details and tickets ranging from $30 for kids to $60 / $65 for adults, see -
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS - Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Queens Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Queens Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups.
This month the Member Calendar includes November 13 - 17, 2024 Circus of 2nd Chances at 3AM Theater in LIC. Sunday, November 24, 2024 the Quintet of the Americas will be performing at Maple Grove Cemetery's Celebration Hall at 127-15 Kew Gardens Road in Richmond Hill, Queens in celebration of Latin American Music. Free and a reception follows where you can meet the musicians.
In December, the Member Calendar events include a Sunday, December 15, 2024 concert beginning at 4 pm by the Queens College Choral Society performing Haydn's Nelson Mass in a Concert for Unity and Peace [$6 - $18]. Also on two Saturdays, December 7 & 21, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa]. Click the MCAL link above for details.
Many of the seasonal holiday markets are beginning to hit their full stride. We provided the short updates of them last week, and we'll provide the full updates for this weekend, along with some new additions and updates. We're also beginning to ramp up for the holiday events, which are beginning now, but accelerate very quickly next week and the following weekend. Click here for the Brooklyn holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for Brooklyn holiday events nyc.
The photo above or at right was taken a month ago at an outdoor art event in the Gowanus neighborhood of Brooklyn. The talented, but humble, artist shown here, specializes in lacquer and ceramics.
Friday November 22, 2024 through January 5, 2025 from 4.30 to 8.15 pm - Lightscape Show - at the Brooklyn Botanical Garden at 990 Washington Avenue in Prospect Heights. Holiday things to do in Brooklyn. For details see -
Brooklyn Flea in Dumbo [under the arch] is now open Saturdays & Sundays 8 am to 5 pm thru 12/22. Details coming shortly. For details see -
Coney Island _ November 23 to January 7, 2025 - Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays [except Thanksgiving & Xmas] and Weekdays [12/25/ 24 - 1/1/2025] - 2nd Annual Frost Fest - at Luna Park on Coney Island. This event includes select rides, holiday lights and décor, seasonal food and a holiday market. For details and tickets see -
Friday, November 29 to December 15, 2024 at various times - Flip Circus in Brooklyn. At the main field in McCarren Park on the south side of the park. For details and tickets ranging from $30 for kids to $60 / $65 for adults, see -
Two Plays - Polonsky & Billie Holiday Theater.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Brooklyn BLVD New Member Sign Up. Click this link Brooklyn Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes x.
Many of the seasonal holiday markets are beginning to hit their full stride. We provided the short updates of them last week, and we'll provide the full updates for this weekend, along with some new additions and updates. We're also beginning to ramp up for the holiday events, which are beginning now, but accelerate very quickly next week and the following weekend. Click here for the Bronx holiday market this weekend nyc. And click here for the Bronx holiday events nyc.
The photo above or at right was taken in Bronx Little Italy along Arthur Avenue. NYC began removing street side dining structures beginning August of this year, the last of which will come down at the end of this month [11/29/24]. Sidewalk dining, as pictured in the photo above, continues year round. Street side dining will be permitted again, come April 1, 2025, but with new rules regarding the street side dining structures.
Friday, November 22, 2024 beginning at 5 pm - 7th Annual Tree Lighting at Bay Plaza Mall - in the Baychester neighborhood. They describe the event as follows, " ... event with our enchanted holiday princess, multi-talented elves, a stilt walking toy soldier, The XFactor Drumline, and a parade with Santa! Enjoy music, dancing and giveaways for children with DJ Omar ...". Baychester free holiday events in the East Bronx. For details see -
Bedford Park / Belmont _ Fridays, Saturdays & Sundays, November 22, 2024 to January 5, 2025 from 3 to 9 pm - Bronx Zoo Holiday Lights - turn on at dusk at 4.30 pm, and you have between 3 and 4 pm to visit the animals in the buildings before they close at 4 pm. Holiday lights and events near the Belmont and Bedford Park neighborhoods in the Central Bronx. For details and $57 / $52 / $42 [kids] tickets, see -
Saturday, November 16 - 30, 2024 [Ends January 20, 2025] from 10 am - 6 pm [closed holidays] - NYBG Holiday Train Show - at the New York Botanical Garden at 2900 Southern Blvd in the Belmont Neighborhood. Bronx holiday events & things to do nyc. Central Bronx. For details see below or -
November & December 2024 on various days and at multiple times - Yankee Stadium Tours - at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx. See the Yankees Museum, the ball park including both the dugout a press box or VIP suite for $41 / adult and $30 / child. For details and online tickets [only] see -
Click here for Bronx Halloween parties, parades & events Bx NYC.
MCAL _ MEMBER CALENDAR EVENTS. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Bronx Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Bronx Member Events Calendar to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes the Pelham Parkway Neighborhood Association (PPNA) is hosting Bronx Borough President Vanessa Gibson at its monthly meeting.
In the December events calendar, on Sunday, December 8, 2024 there's a Holiday Gift Fair at the Riverdale Y. On Sunday, December 22, 2024 there will be a breakfast at Applebee's with Santa [$15 including photos w/ Santa] near Fordham Plaza. Click the MCAL link above for details.
Many of the seasonal holiday markets are beginning to hit their full stride. We provided the short updates of them last week, and we'll provide the full updates for this weekend, along with some new additions and updates. We're also beginning to ramp up for the holiday events, which are beginning now, but accelerate very quickly next week and the following weekend. Click here for the Staten Island holiday markets this weekend nyc. And click here for the Staten Island holiday events nyc.
The photo above or at right was taken on the Staten Island Ferry, showing a couple of passengers enjoying a distant view of the Statue of Liberty, which is a distant reminder of who we were as a nation.
Please note that the following is a sampling of the holiday fairs and markets to be found on our holiday markets page - see link above.
Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10 am - 4 pm - Moore Catholic High School Christmas Fair - at 100 Merrill Avenue in the Bullshead neighborhood of Staten Island NYC. North & West SI. For details see -
Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10 am to 5 pm - St John's Holiday Fair at St. John's Episcopal Church at 1333 Bay Street on Staten Island. Vendors, crafts, raffles and likely food and beverages. For details see - or
Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 10 am to 3 pm - Great Kills Moravian Church Holiday Fair - at 62 Hillsdale Terrace. Holiday markets in Central Staten Island. For details see below or -
Saturday, November 23, 2024 from 11 am to 4.30 pm - Pre Holiday Market at Willowbrook Park - at 1 Eton Place near the entrance to the Carousel for All Children in Willowbrook Park. Holiday markets on Staten Island. For details see -
MCAL _ MEMBER EVENTS CALENDAR. Use this link for new member sign up and posting - Staten Buzz New Member Sign Up. Click this link Staten Island Events - Member Events to view free posts made by arts, cultural and community groups. This month includes Saturday, November 16, 2024 there's a Happy Play Day Thanksgiving Family event at JCC.
Have another great November weekend.
November 12, 2024 / NYC Government & Politics / NYC Real Estate & Business / News & Analysis / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Adams Administration Fails to Provide Straight Answers Two Very Specific & Very Basic Questions - 1) How Many Affordable Housing Units Guaranteed by Passage of this Legislation & 2) a) What Size Units, b) at What 'Affordable' Price and c) in What Borough?
What 'Affordable' Housing Guarantees? It is being sold as a cure-all for NYC's housing crisis, yet when I asked the Adams Administration Department of Planning how many units of affordable housing would we be guaranteed by passage of this legislation, the answer that came back to me was a long-winded form of 'none'.
I'll say this again - No 'affordable' housing units are guaranteed by passage of the City of Yes legislation.
What Size Apartment, at What Price & in What Borough? When I asked the Adams Administration's Department of City Planning to provide me with details of how many units of affordable housing would be built, at what 'affordable' price, for what size apartment, and in what borough - I again received another round-about answer via a link they sent me, to one of their selling pitches on a website, where I found no specifics related to the question above.
Let me say this again - No description of what sized units, at what 'affordable' price and in what borough. I found this hard to believe, since for the past year Mayor Adams and Daniel Garodnick of the Department of City Planning have been publicly selling this legislation, by promising it will result in over 108,000 new units of 'affordable' housing being built.
My papa once told me, "No proof. No sale."
Or as the 1980's Reagan commercial asked, "where's the beef?". In this case 'beef' = 'affordable housing'.
Delayed Post _ October 24, 2024 / NYC Government & Politics / NYC Real Estate & Business / News & Analysis / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Editor's Note. We're publishing this two and a half weeks after the fact, as the 2024 federal elections consumed our time and attention. But it has come time again to refocus our attention on one of the most important legislative efforts in decades, which is working its way through the NYC Council, in what appears to be a major effort by international investors, developers and billionaires - aided and abetted by Mayor Adams and the Department of City Planning - to strip away a lot of local voters' rights to make meaningful comments about any new real estate developments or major construction efforts proposed in ALL NYC neighborhoods. The bill is expected to come up for a vote before the end of the year, and possibly as soon as this month.
By Layla Law-Gisiko, President of the City Club of New York.
Another epic hearing wrapped up Tuesday evening [10.22.24], a few minutes short of midnight. This was the grand finale of public hearings on the City of Yes for Housing Opportunity. At 9:37 AM, Council Member Kevin Riley, chair of the Subcommittee on Zoning and Variances, called the hearing to order. He solemnly announced that over 600 people had registered to speak.
In the course of the long day, approximately 320 people spoke. Though the split between supporters and opponents was fairly even, the strong presence of special interests and developers highlighted that most regular New Yorkers opposed the proposal.
When the doors of the City Council chamber opened at 9 AM, the room quickly filled, as the public bravely endured the torment of those infamous plastic squeaky chairs—perfectly designed to make you question all your life choices.
They could have enjoyed glorious fall weather and comfortable seating, but New Yorkers took time off their busy schedules to speak up. Renters, homeowners, public housing tenants, and SRO residents—New Yorkers from all walks of life and from all boroughs— voiced their fears about why they believe the plan will fall short of its promises and will hurt them. Overall, the mood was serious, and at times even anxious. New Yorkers expressed fear of displacement and gentrification, fear of a city ever more driven by real estate profit, fear of deregulation in the name of a laudable goal that many fear the proposal will never reach.
The chamber was full of public members, and sparse with council members. Council members came and went in a calm ebb and flow. The few who managed to stick around for most of the day included Council Members Marte, Brewer, Narcisse, Joseph, Osse, and Abreu, proving that endurance isn’t just for runners. And the marathon champion title went to the ever-calm Chair Kevin Riley, who somehow managed to steer a 14-hour hearing without losing his cool—or his sense of humor.
The City Club of New York voiced its opposition to the text as currently drafted.
We reminded Council members, with unwavering firmness, that the intricacies of housing economics defy simplistic solutions; research shows that mere supply does not mend the rift of affordability.
Council Member Brewer challenged the supply/demand dogma, asking: “I want affordable housing. We got the schools we got the transportation and I'm just tired of been told over and over again just market [rate housing], because I'm all for rezoning. I've been doing this for a long time, I got the rezoning but why are we doing it if we're not getting to the affordable housing.”
The City Council will accept written testimony until end of day Friday [10.25.24]. It can be sent to
Now, the negotiations begin. There is no deadline to write or call your council member. The City Council is expected to vote in mid-November.
To learn more about City of Yes, watch our webinar with Council Member Chris Marte.
The "City of Yes for Housing Opportunity" is the Adams Administration zoning proposal aimed at increasing the housing supply by easing rules on development and encouraging new construction, all over New York City. The initiative seeks to address the city's ongoing housing shortage, making it easier to build a wider variety of housing
types, such as smaller units and mixed-use buildings, with the hope of accommodating more residents. While supporters argue that the plan is necessary to increase the overall housing stock and help alleviate the affordability crisis, critics are concerned that the proposal doesn't sufficiently guarantee affordable units and may lead to unchecked development, displacement, destruction of historic buildings and strain on infrastructure in certain neighborhoods. The proposal emphasizes the city's push for a more flexible zoning framework but has sparked debate about the best approach to balance growth with affordability and quality of life.
This report was written and contributed by Layla Law-Gisiko who is the President of the City Club of New York, which is a non-profit civic organization that evolved out of a social club, founded decades ago.
November 3, 2024 / U.S. Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
Project 2025 was put together by a group, of very conservative, right wing groups working in concert. This includes, according to a CNN report, 140 Trump affiliates, of which more than a dozen played some role in the first Trump Administration.
To see this yourself, visit
1. They say they want to secure the border, but when a bi-partisan bill was generally agreed upon by both parties in both houses and ready to be passed into legislation, they / Trump nixed it, so Trump could use it as a campaign issue against Joe Biden. This is just a gimmick, because if they really wanted it, they could have had it over six months ago. As for deporting over 10 million immigrants who are already here ... think long and hard about what that looks and feels like - not just here, but abroad. It will probably look and feel a bit like the Nazis rounding up the Jews, back in the 1930's.
This is a nation of immigrants, and we should be happy that so many people are willing to pick up, and move themselves, to live and work here. In 2023 the U.S. had a population growth of just 1.2%, so we need immigrants to help power the labor force, help pay our retirements, and help pay our national debt. When we no longer look like a destination to move peoples' lives to, we're going to be in big trouble. And deporting over 10 million people, many of whom grew up here, really isn't thinking this thing through.
2. They want to 'de-weaponize the Federal Government by increasing accountability and oversight' of the FBI and Justice Department. Both agencies are already managed by the Executive Branch of government, and monitored and funded by the Senate and Congress. Specifically, the Senate and House both hold hearings, review agency policies, monitor agency enforcement, oversee agency functions, and perhaps most importantly is that they have the power of the purse in terms of reviewing appropriations. So the question here is - TO WHOM - do they want to make them accountable? The answer is to the very rich people who are supporting Trump, like Elon Musk.
It appears to me that they should reword this demand to reflect what they really want, which is to defang / cripple federal law enforcement.
3. Unleash American energy and reduce American energy prices. This is their way of saying 'drill baby, drill'. They don't want more clean energy, they want more dirty energy, by deregulating the oil industry, What we should be doing is taxing this cash cow [fossil fuels] out of existence, and refunneling the higher taxes into clean energy incentives, to accelerate the transition to powering society cleanly, before we run down the clock and it's too late.
4. 'Cut the growth of the federal government to reduce inflation'. First take note that the last time Donald Trump was president, he significantly increased government spending, and super-sized the national debt from $20 trillion to $28 trillon - breaking all records by a landslide. So quite frankly, this is simply not believable.
What makes this statement even more of a lie is that the inflation they plan to reduce is currently running at 2.1%, which isn't much different from the Federal Reserve's target rate of 2.0%. So maybe they want to take credit for reducing inflation, but reducing inflation any more than the Biden Administration already has would probably not be good, as 2% is the Federal Reserve's target rate for a smooth running economy.
Also recognize that inflation was a worldwide phenomenon caused by the pandemic, because worldwide production slowed / stopped for CoVid. Consumers and businesses began to bid up the prices of the things that had already been produced that were available, because they didn't know when production would resume. And after production recommenced, then the international shipping carriers and ports had to catch up on the back orders. Today, all of that has long been sorted out, which is why current inflation, using last month's reading was 2.1%. Again, not believable.
5. Make the bureaucrats more responsible to the President and Congress. They already are.
But this is where the hard right and Elon Musk, emasculate the federal government and make it work for them, and them only. Pushing the pain and hardship as far as the American people will tolerate, without rising up and taking to the streets in rebellion.
I don't have time to do #6 and #7, which are [#6] to move control and funding of education to the states [Education of a society is very complicated, so I haven't the time to properly address this, but local governments and states are already mostly in charge of education, and the Federal Government incentivizes programs and curricula they think are in the national interest [like math & science] which local schools may or may not participate in], and [#7] ban biological males from competing in women's sports [don't know enough about this, except to say that local institutions, if they clearly define who may participate on sports teams, should be able to manage this issue. This as a major point of Project 2025 vis-a-vis the other points, seems more designed to be an attack on the hot button issue of gender identity].
October 31, 2024 / U.S. Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
If you've been reading my work, especially in recent times, you'll notice how increasingly frustrated I have become with TV News. If you want to know why America doesn't seem quite right, it's because the TV folks rarely seem to do any real reporting. In times gone by, the real reporting was done by the journalists working for the newspapers, and then the TV newspeople essentially rewrote and then reread the newspaper journalists' work on air.
Newspapers have been decimated by the search engines, specifically Google, undermining the newspaper business models, by using newspapers' content to create a really wonderful apparatus - internet search. But the problem is that the technologists reap most of the advertising revenue, and virtually all of the profit, so that most newspapers can scarcely afford to do much real news anymore, because their staffs are being cut, and they can't invest in real journalism, which costs money.
TV News used to generate much larger audiences, and hence ratings and revenue, than they do today. This is because most folks are spending far more time on their cell phones or on their computers, and thus watching far less TV. Part of the reason is the new technologies, but ...
But the other part of the equation is that the content on TV has growing incredibly old and stale. You can probably find as much content on TV today that was created in the 1950's, 1960's, 1970's, 1980's and 1990's as you can find content created in the first quarter century of this millenium. And moreover, most of the content created for TV in this millenium are those super cheap-to-produce games shows, that some segment of the population has the time, interest and / or boredom to watch. And a lot of the rest of the content produced today is either hospital or law enforcement shows, which really narrows the field in terms of viewing options, if you're interested in anything else.
Back to TV News. If you read our reporting on government and politics the past few months, or over the years, we are constantly in pursuit of the back story. Unfortunately, TV News which reaches a far larger audience than we do, make their living reciting headlines, which is not the same as reporting the news. This brings me to telling you why I'm writing this report.
It takes one to know one.
Back then, they were both right. But things have changed. At present both have a common interest in social media and in that business their respective fortunes seem somewhat aligned, as they are both seek to attract the white uneducated males in our country, to whom they have been feeding misinformation and propaganda, as if it were real news. And while financially, that business model doesn't appear to be working, perhaps they can make it work by getting Trump elected.
October 30,2024 / Manhattan Neighborhoods / Manhattan Restaurants / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
Halloween occurs on a Thursday this year. The Manhattan Halloween party celebrations begin the weekend before and the weekend after Halloween day itself. The following is a round up of some of the Halloween parties planned in Manhattan that are open to the public.
The weather around Halloween is usually about 65 during the day time and around 50 degrees at night. It's too early to tell what the precipitation will be the preceding weekend as well as on Halloween, but we provide weather updates each Friday.
The 48th Annual Village Halloween Parade Manhattan NYC starts at 7 pm at Spring Street and 6th Avenue and marches north to 16th Street on Thursday, October 31st. It runs through the West Village neighborhood for three to four hours with the official end time at 10.30 pm. We've heard that there are over 35 bands and an innumerable showing of creative costumes.
The following is a short list of Manhattan Halloween parties at local bars, restaurants and arts and public venues will be added over time. In most cases we suggest that you call ahead and rsvp a spot to be sure you get in.
Click here to view our report on Manhattan Halloween Parties & Events Manhattan NYC.
October 23, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Real Estate & Business / Gotham Buzz NYC.
'Better hurry' to participate in this 'affordable housing' lottery for apartments in the Jasper at 49-20 5th Street in Long Island City, Queens. Studios are renting for the 'low, low price' of $2,900 per month and two bedroom apartments are a 'steal' at only $4,400 per month.
To qualify you 'only' need to be earning between $99,000 and $250,000 per year. These annual incomes, which are an eligibility requirement, are only 'slightly' higher [+50% to +291%] than the median NYC salary of $64,000 per year.
But don't worrry, if you miss this 'great' opportunity for 'affordable housing', because the real estate developers, real estate investors, billionaires, property owners and Mayor Adams, are pushing hard to get through the City of Yes Zoning Law changes, which will provide huge tax breaks to investors, billioinaires and real estate developers to make even more of this kind of 'affordable housing' available all over NYC.
Isn't that 'exciting'? It looks like more 'affordable housing' is finally on its way ...
See related stories below and in our City of Yes Special Report section on Gotham Buzz.
And you still have time to be heard by the NY City Council regarding your opinion of the City of Yes. Written Testimony is accepted for 72 hours after the hearing that was held Tuesday 10.22.24. Use this email address to send them your opinions - I believe the comment period expires at the close of business on Friday 10.25.24.
October 22, 2024 / Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
The graphic at right shows your household share of the debt racked up by the federal government while Trump and the Republicans were in charge.
Donald Trump keeps heralding the economy during his presidency 2016 - 2020, but what he doesn't talk about is how he put each household in America on the hook for $62,000 within just four years, or $23,188 per person. We know the Billionaires received that and then some via the 2017 tax cut, but most of the rest of us received pennies on the dollar - at best.
So why haven't the TV Networks newspeople talked about this or questioned Trump or Vance about this? Trump and Vance are both Republicans, and much of this debt was incurred while Republicans also controlled both the Senate and House. The Trump presidency $8 trillion deficit incurred within four years, was equal to 40% of all debt accumulated [and still on the books] by America's 44 previous presidents in the prior 225 years of the nation's existence.
The graphic at right shows the federal government debt trendline ending at the end of the Trump Administration.
So why aren't the TV Networks newspeople informing the American public and telling people about this when the subject of the 'Trump Economy' arises?
Probably because they are too busy looking in people's backyards in Springfield, Ohio for non-existent bones of the dogs and cats that Trump told their TV audience were eaten by Haitian immigrants. Or because they just had to cover the Donald doing a photo op flipping burgers at a McDonald's, propagandistically showing he's a working man. Or because they've buried their ostrich heads so far in the ground that they can't get them out when it really matters. They've taken the nation along with them into the black hole of nothing-newsworthy-news.
Trump has repeatedly suggested that the FCC licenses of TV News should be revoked. While his reasons are that they didn't give him a sycophantic, slatheringly obsequious interview; one of my reasons is that they have been failing the American public for decades, by not presenting real news, and also when they do, it's not done in a fair and balanced manner.
But my primary reason is that they are not owned by, nor do they represent, the various demographic groups / voices in the nation. Like their news coverage, they put a glossy shine on the appearance of representation, just as they pretend to do real journalism; but when you scratch the surface, it becomes very apparent, that just as it's not real journalism, their broadcasts do not give voice to the various demographic groups within the country.
I think we may be on a roll until election day.
October 8, 2024 / LIC Neighborhood / Queens Real Estate & Business / Queens Buzz.
It was a beautiful, sunny, dry day as I walked over to the Museum of the Moving Image in LIC / Astoria. I arrived around 11 am to attend part of the second half of the LIC Summit, which is a real estate and business conference which examines in depth, an LIC centric world, but also mindful of the surrounding environment.
After I made my way through a flawless check-in, I found my way into the theater and sat down to listen in on the panel providing a Long Island City real estate update. These panels are structured such that the moderator serves up a number of questions to the panelists for comment, which is then followed by audience questions, which sometimes are the best, because they are asked by people like you and me, who have lived and worked in the area for a long while and witnessed and have adjusted to the huge changes that have occurred in Long Island City over the past couple of decades.
This panel included Patricia Dunphy of SVP of Rockrose Development, Eric Benaim CEO / Founder of Modern Space, Dan Mogolesko SVP of the Durst Organization, Peter Papamichael Principal of the VOREA Group and Crystal Xu Director of Business Development United Construction & Development Group.
As I came in at the end of the panel presentation, I only caught the Q&A portion of the program, which follows.
A performance theater / school owner pondered aloud whether the developers were still interested in involving and supporting the arts and culture scene in Long Island City. At the turn of the century LIC was well known as a thriving artists community, as it offered very competitive rents and good access to mass transit. In the near quarter century since then many - if not most - of the artists have moved out of the area as they can no longer afford the rents, which have skyrocketed from under $1,000 / month to over $4,000 per month.
One of the panelists said they are interested in supporting the arts and he mentioned Culture Lab LIC as one of the arts institutions that has survived the changes. But that was pretty much the full extent of the conversation surrounding the arts community. So I reckon the short answer would be no.
Updated September 24, 2024 & began February 21, 2024 / NYC Real Estate & Business / City of Yes Special Report Section / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
This section contains the reporting we've been doing on the proposed City of Yes legislation. The City of Yes legislation appears, in essence, to be a major effort by Mayor Adams to have New Yorkers almost completely give up their power vis-a-vis having any kind of say with respect to real estate development in their neighborhoods and communities. The power is transferred to the Mayor's Office & NYC Department of Planning which is controlled by the Mayor, as well as to the billionaires, international investors & wealthy real estate developers - many of whom have contributed generously to the Mayor's election campaigns and legal defense fund, and appear to be continuing to do so. If this doesn't look right, then you're seeing what I'm seeing.
The City of Yes legislation seems a complete capitulation to the billionaires and real estate developers interests. In fact they are the ones who put together the 1366 page legislation. Given Mayor Adam's other ethical and legal problems, it is very troublesome that many of the same folks who will benefit significantly from the passing of this legislation, are also major contributors to the Mayor's - and also many City Councilmembers' - re-election bids / campaigns. It's time to pay attention, because this matters and with the election coming up, you can do something about it.
Mayor Adams isn't the only Mayoral candidate taking wealthy real estate developers' and billionaire property investors' cash, which oftentimes contain invisible strings that seem to be used to manipulate what gets done at City Hall ... like the City of Yes legislation appears to be.
Pay attention to whether any of the candidates running this election cycle, have the courage and integrity to call out this legislation for what it appears to be - a sell out of the masses of New Yorkers by their elected representatives - to the wealthy and super rich people who fund their campaigns.
Democracy only works if 'We The People' pay attention to who is who, and what they do, before we vote.
Unfortunately, you're not likely to be informed about this by the TV news teleprompter readers, who recite lullabies, while showing NYPD crime and social media accident videos, instead of reporting the news. Even on their best days, the TV teleprompter readers barely scratch the surface of what's really going on in this city - and on those rare occasions when they do - they seem oblivious to it.
What follows below are the reports we've done to date on the City of Yes - a nearly complete overhaul of New York City's zoning regulations.
More reports to follow, as time and resource allow.
October 13, 2024 / Things To Do Manhattan / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 10.11.24. Today - Sunrise 7.03 am & Sunset at 6.20 pm. There's a 50% chance of a small amount [less than 1/5th inch] of rain Sunday night after 9 pm & ending Monday mid morning. Temperature highs will be in the low 70's through Sunday, descending to the low 60's on Monday. Temperature lows will be in the mid to high 50's through Sunday, descending into the mid 40's on Monday. It's going to be a windy weekend, with winds of 11 to 16 mph through Sunday, rising to 17 to 19 on Monday. The humidity will be 40% - 50% Friday and Saturday, rising to 60% - 70% on Sunday, before falling back to 50% - 60% on Monday. Generally a good weather three day holiday weekend. Enjoy.
This report contains a listing of some of the things to do in Manhattan over the Columbus Day Weekend including art museums, theaters, live music / comedy / dance venues, sporting & social events, and restaurants for Manhattan NYC.
See our weekend post on the Friday of Columbus Day Weekend with things to do in Manhattan NYC including the Columbus Day Parade on the front page of this site. The weekend post will include all sorts of other events and activities not necessarily related to Columbus Day.
You can still attend NYC street fairs in Manhattan, go bicycling in Manhattan, play soccer & other games in Manhattan NYC parks, go shopping in Manhattan locales including Midtown, the Upper West & East Sides & the Village, attend Manhattan parades, watch theater, visit the NYC art museums, and eat out at one of the Manhattan restaurants NYC.
Monday, October 14, 2024 from 11.30 am to 3.30 pm, with parade beginning at 12 noon - The Columbus Day Parade. The Manhattan Columbus Day Parade kicks off at Fifth Avenue at 44th Street and marching up to 72nd Street along the Upper East Side. There's a mass at St. Patricks Cathedral preceding the parade, likely at 10 am [unconfirmed time]. Check the front page of this website for other things to do over the Columbus Day Weekend in Manhattan. For details and related Columbus Day Weekend events see -
Saturday, October 19, 2024 from 9 am to 3 pm - 3rd Annual Indigenous People's Parade. There's a ceremony that begins at 9 am and the parade begins at 12 noon marching down South Broadway from Madison Square Park at 26th Street to Union Square Park at 17th Street in south Midtown. There's likely to be after parade celebration in the park.
Manhattan has one of number of public parks of which a few include indoor swimming facilities. Click here for a listing of the Manhattan Parks NYC including maps showing their locations along with a bit of park history.
NYC public indoor swimming pools are open.
Manhattan doesn't have any golf courses per se, but there is a driving range at 62 Chelsea Piers at 22nd Street and the West Side Highway.
There are also three simulated golfing centers in Manhattan that operate under the Five Iron Golf name at 22 Stone Street [at Broad St] in the Financial District, at 138 5th Avenue in the Flatiron District and in the Continental on the third floor at 883 6th Avenue near Macy's and Madison Square Garden.
Queens has four golf courses and all of them are open this weekend. Click here for details about Queens Golf Courses including maps and links to the operators' websites.
The Bronx has four public golf courses: Mosholu, Van Cortlandt Park are accessible via the MTA / subway. And Pelham Bay Park and Trump golf links are accessible via subway and a brief bus ride. The Trump Golf Links are an NYC golf course owned by the city, for which Mayor Bloomberg had cut a licensing deal with Donald Trump to rename and manage it. Since the Capitol Riot / Insurrection, the City has decided to terminate that deal and rename the golf course, but Trump is suing to keep the contract.
Brooklyn has a couple of golf courses including Dyker Beach golf course which is accessible via subway and Marine Park golf course which is accessible via subway and bus.
And Staten Island has three beautiful golf courses including: Silver Lake which is only a few miles from the St. George Ferry, LaTourette Park which isn't far from the Staten Island Mall in the central / western part of Staten Island and the South Shore Golf Course which much further south of the Staten Island Mall, along the west coast of Staten Island.
Click here for things to do Columbus Day Weekend, including the parade, in Manhattan NYC.
Updated October 5, 2024 vs 10.4.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analytis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 10.4.24. Today - sunrise 6.56 am & sunset at 6.32 pm. Nice weekend with moderate temperatures in the 60's and 70's. For the most part no rain, with the tiny exception of overnight Friday a small chance [25%] of a small amount [less than 1/10th inch] and then very late Sunday night but more likely on Monday, there's a 90% chance of a quarter inch of rain. The humidity was nearly 80% Friday, but falls to 50% - 60% on Saturday, before climbing back up again on Sunday to the mid 70% range. Winds are 4 - 9 mph all weekend. Generally a great fall weekend weatherwise.
Early Saturday Morning Edition at 1.30 am. This is done or mostly done. Looks like a jam packed weekend of fun things to do. Enjoy.
Friday & Saturday, October 11 & 12, 2024 Yom Kippur - the holiest day of the Jewish year.
CLICK here to view our page of events in NYC & NYC things to do in October.
September 18, 2019 / Things To Do Manhattan / Manhattan Neighborhoods NYC / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
The San Gennaro Festival began last Thursday along Mulberry Street in the Little Italy neighborhood of Manhattan. The festivities run for eleven days and included a parade which was held last Saturday, a number of eating contests - one of which is this afternoon - as well as live entertainment, food galore and shopping.
The San Gennaro Festival began 93 years ago, in 1926, when the community was comprised primarily of Italians from the Naples area. San Gennaro is the anglicized name of the patron saint of Naples, St. Januarius.
The locus of the San Gennaro Festival is along Mulberry Street between Canal and Houston, with the main stage at Grand and Mott Streets. The Roman Catholic parish church of Our Most Precious Blood Church represents the 'soul' of the festival, as it was completed in 1904 and still stands today. There was a lot behind the church, the Rectory at 109 Mulberry Street, where they had hosted parts of the San Gennaro Festival in prior years, but it was put on the market in 2018 for $14 million. The photo below right shows the Most Precious Blood Rectory on Mulberry Street in 2014.
September 8, 2024 vs 9.13.23 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
CLICK here to find many of the details regarding the dates / times / location of the Feast of San Gennaro & Parade in Manhattan NYC, as well as the url to the parade organizers, which is located in our Parades & Festivals section.
Fall is just around the corner, which means the San Gennaro Festival is about to begin in Little Italy in Manhattan. See the front page or the parades & festivals page or click into the story for details of the San Gennaro Festival of 2023.
Little Italy is just north of Canal street, across from Chinatown, which lies to its south. SoHo lies to its west, across Lafayette Street. While the Bowery is just east of it along Mott and Bowery Streets, and Nolita [North of Little Italy] lies to the north of it, across Broome Street. This is something of a downsized area from the original Little Italy of a century ago.
Little Italy was an important destination for Italians arriving in New York City in the late 1800's and early 20th century. It was generally a poor, working class neighborhood at that time, filled with laborers, and shopkeepers who traded food, wine and clothing. And the community was fairly self-sufficient with its own doctors, lawyers and bankers accoding to a Wikipedia account of an NYT story in 1896.
Little Italy's size and population peaked in the early 20th century, at about 10,000, as Italians left for greener pastures in other parts of the city, including East Harlem, Brooklyn, the Bronx, Queens and Staten Island. Nonetheless, Little Italy remains somewhat intact, as a very popular tourist destination, the peak of which is celebrated in tandem with the San Gennaro Festival.
August 30, 2024 / Coney Island / Brooklyn / Brooklyn BLVD.
On Friday night, the final fireworks show by the Alliance for Coney Island, started around 10 pm on the Reigelmann Boardwalk just east of the Steeple Chase Tower and adjacent to the Luna Amusement Park. It was a comfortable evening, with a slight, cool breeze coming in off the water. There were hundreds of spectators who came to see the show and enjoy an end of the summer ride and snacks at Luna Park. I shot the 10 - 15 minute show from various locations around the Boardwalk, water and Luna Park and then edited it down to about 2 - 3 minutes, ending with a bit of island music. Enjoy the show.
August 30, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analytis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 8.30.24. Sunrise 6.20 am & Sunset at 7.31 pm. Some rain expected Saturday night and early Sunday morning, so it should be a good weekend. Temperatures in the 80's during the day and 70's at night. A gentle breeze and humidity climbs gradually during the weekend, falling again on Monday.
In the photo at right, is one of Historic Richmond Town's finest citizens, doing his thing in the woodwork shop. The man reminded me of, Geppetto, the kind and fatherly woodcarver who created Pinocchio, the fictitious wooden puppet who comes alive.
Saturday 8.31.24 Final Weekend Edition @ 11.45 am. All done. Looks to be a fair weather weekend with plenty of fun things to do as the unofficial end of the summer arrives. Enjoy your three day / end of summer weekend. Fall events to follow in September.
Saturday, May 25 - September 8, 2024 from 10 am to 6 pm - NYC Beaches and public swimming pools are Open all Summer.
Aug 27, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Updated August 12, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather Forecast as of 8.6.24. Generally looking good with no rain in the forecast, the highs in the low 80's and lows in the mid 60's. Winds 5 mph and humidity 50% - 60%. Update coming with the Friday / Weekend post.
The photo at right was taken at one of the NYC Dominican Parades in NYC in a prior year. The Manhattan Dominican Parade returns Sunday, August 11, 2024. See details below.
Dominican Day Parades in the Manhattan & NYC. NYC has several Dominican Day parades, a couple of which we've previously covered. We've included in this report about the upcoming Manhattan Domincan Day Parade, information about the Dominican Day Parades in the other boroughs of NYC.
Updated July 19, 2024 vs 7.18.24 / National Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz.
I am very disappointed in the behavior of the Democratic Leadership, including U.S. Senate Majority Leader (D-NY) Chuck Schumer, U.S. Congressional Minority Leader (D-NY) Hakeem Jeffries, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), and Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) for making public their calling for Biden to step down, right in the middle of the presidential race. Note that these Democrats are - like the corporate mass media - urban and bicoastal - not from the Midwest / heartland / swing states.
A day after first posting this, a friend sent along a political cartoon published in The Week [shown at right]. It seems to capture the sentiment expressed above pretty well and shows all of the above named Democrats seated in the train, mentioned in order, from right to left.
There's an old adage that goes something like this, "never change horses in the middle of the race". That quote is attributed to President Abraham Lincoln, who is said to have used it to persuade voters to re-elect him, rationalizing that, "... it would be foolish to change leaders in such a turbulent time ...". It seems the same wise advice has some relevance to today.
Since both Biden and Trump became their parties' presumptive presidential nominees on 'Super' Tuesday, March 12, 2024, the presidential race began that day. And since election day is approximately eight months later, on Tuesday, November 5, 2024, we have already passed the midway mark for this presidential race, which ends only three and a half months from now.
Jul 08, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jul 06, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jul 03, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
July 6, 2024 / Coop City / Bronx Buzz NYC. I attended and recorded the Coop City fireworks in the Bronx this year. The fireworks display was launched from the Coop City Field located along the Hutchinson River which empties into the Long Island Sound.
They started around 9.30 pm and went for about 15 - 30 minutes, and I fouind it to be a fireworks display worth watching. Check out a few clips we put together from the show.
June 27, 2024 vs 6.21.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
I was horrified Thursday night, as I watched the CNN TV debate unfold between President Joe Biden and 'FORMER' President Donald Trump. Not only because of Joe Biden's performance, but even more so because of CNN's performance, including Jake Tapper's and Dana Bash's mega journalistic failure, for moderating a show, advertised as news [which is supposed to be about facts], that disinformed their TV audience.
The horrors started with the sound [wo]man's failure to properly amp or set up Joe Biden's microphone so that it properly projected his soft spoken voice at a level audible to the TV viewing public. I had to ratchet up the volume on my TV to twice the level I normally use, to hear what President Biden was saying.
Then there's the incredible failure by the TV anchors to properly moderate the debate. First of all they should NEVER have agreed to moderating a debate where fact checking was not a part of the process. I mean really, how can CNN look itself in the mirror tomorrow morning and tell everyone they are a news organization, when facts don't matter in of all things, a Presidential Debate?
And then add to that, that one of the candidates is known to be one of the biggest liars on the planet. According to a January 24, 2021 Washington Post report, they noted that Donald Trump had lied 30,573 different times, in the four years he was president.
Former President Trump went off on some of his predictable mendacious campaign tirades, about January 6th, abortion, immigration, the economy ... and pretty much everything else - without any corrections - save from President Biden, who quite frankly, in part because of his stutter, and in part because it was difficult to hear him, didn't do a very good job.
June 17, 2024 / Things To Do NYC / Holidays, Parades & Ethnic Culture / Gotham Buzz.
Over the past ten years or so, interest and awareness of Juneteenth has grown fast. Juneteenth commemorates American slaves obtaining their freedom on June 19, 1865 in Texas, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation, wherein President Abraham Lincoln officially freed the slaves effective January 1, 1863. Unlike today, word didn't travel so fast, and in the Confederate states, the white slave owners did their best to keep the slaves from learning of Lincoln's Executive Order. Juneteenth is a word blend denoting June [nine]teenth. President Biden declared Juneteenth a federal holiday on June 17, 2021, taking effect immediately and in time for folks to first celebrate the holiday two days later, on June 19th, 2021.
In the photo at right is John Watusi, who was a Founder and the Executive Director of the Afrikan Poetry Theatre in years gone by [now deceased]. John was a poet and a civil rights activist who recognized, along with others, the important role that history and culture play in people's lives. So, while Juneteenth is a celebration of an African American liberation day, it is also a celebration of African American culture.
This year NYC Mayor Adams cited a number of NYC cultural and historical sites and tours related to Juneteenth and the African American experience in NYC. In an OpEd he penned and we published Monday, you'll find links to some of the sites and tours he references of interest. Click here to read recent OpEds and Editorials on Gotham Buzz NYC.
Here are a couple of African American Historical Sites in NYC, some of which are referenced in the Mayor's OpEd. Brooklyn Juneteenth Historic Sites - Juneteenth Grove at Cadman Plaza in Downtown Brooklyn. It's there 24/7. Manhattan Juneteenth Historic Sites - African Burial Ground - located at Elk and Duane Streets just a block north of City Hall in downtown Manhattan. Online Juneteenth Historic Sites - African American Landmarks and Historic District Interactive Map & Seneca Village Online - created by the Landmarks Preservation Committee.
Jun 17, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
May 27, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Click Manhattan 4th of July fireworks for Manhattan independence day fireworks or click July 4th fireworks in NYC for NYC independence day fireworks in the 5 boros of NYC.
May 15, 2024 / NYC Government & Politics / NYC Real Estate & Business / City of Yes Zoning Changes NYC Special Report Series / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC. Published with permission from Andrew Berman, Executive Director of Village Preservation in NYC.
With the recent conditional repeal of the state’s cap on the allowable density of new residential construction in New York City, and the Mayor’s “City of Yes” proposal making its way through the public approval process, it’s an opportune time to look at the arguments behind this ever-growing push to increase the permitted size and amount of new residential development in New York City. Undergirding all of these is the contention that housing prices are up in New York City because we’re not building enough market-rate housing, and that certain parts of the city, like most of Manhattan south of Harlem, aren’t doing their fair share to address New York City’s housing needs. Let’s look at how well these claims line up with the facts.
Some data points often cited include the large increase in New York City’s population, which according to the census rose from 8.175 million in 2010 to 8.804 million in 2020, or a 7.7% increase. Figures from this same period say housing prices in New York City also rose dramatically, and the recent NYC housing vacancy survey shows record low housing vacancy rates in the city. Taken alone, this would seem to present a compelling argument that housing construction in New York City is not keeping up with population growth, leading to insufficient supply and rising prices.
But the complete picture tells a very different story.
May 15, 2024 / NYC Real Estate & Business / NYC Government Media & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Since the beginning of the new year I've attended over a half dozen different lectures, presentations and community discussions, about the City of Yes and related topics. Two of them were presentations given by the NYC Planning Department who are selling the plan, one by the Federal Reserve which took a stance that leaned pro business but did not ignore the possible destructive ramifications of passing the legislation, one by a community activist group in Brooklyn, another by a Community Board in Manhattan, and two others by a civic group, also in Manhattan.
I tried to keep an open mind about the pros and cons of the legislation, but I couldn't help but begin forming opinions about the proposed legislation, as I collected, sorted and analyzed the legislation and information surrounding it. Over time, the ramifications of actually passing this legislation have begun to appear.
The legislation was concocted by billionaires, real estate developers and the NYC Planning Department, headed by Daniel Garodnick. As such, it reflects their interests, and seems to almost completely ignore the interests of the communities that the NYC government is supposed to be serving.
The Mayor has been pushing the City of Yes, because he believes it will eliminate the 'Not in My Back Yard aka NIMBY' that many infrastructure projects [including affordable housing] encounter when the government or real estate developers are trying to foist them on a community. Hence this would have the effect of enabling projects to move more quickly from conception to fruition, and at a lower cost to the government, billionaire or real estate developer pushing the project. The Mayor also believes that this will enable the creation of more affordable housing.
It might enable the creation of more affordable housing, and it might not. It could just enhance the bottom lines of the billionaires and developers pushing the plan, which in my mind is the more likely scenario.
But, more importantly, it would usurp the power that the people living in these communities currently have, to voice their concerns about new construction projects like affordable housing, commercial buildings or transit, being built within their neighborhoods. While I appreciate the Mayor's interest in reducing the time and cost of getting things built - like affordable housing - I don't think that taking away the power a community has over what is developed within their midst, is the right answer. And perhaps even more importantly, I think any time you're transferring power from the little people to the rich and mighty, you're moving power in the wrong direction.
So, with this in mind, I'm going to take you into a Zoom conference hosted by the City Club of New York which was entitled ReThinking the Housing Crisis, held on May 7, 2024. While not specifically about the City of Yes, it provides some contextual background which should help in evaluating it. And later this month we'll also have a report on the Federal Reserve's April 25, 2024 conference entitled 'Fostering Neighborhoods: Faith-Based Organizations and the Development of Affordable Housing' which was largely about the proposed City of Yes legislation. At that conference there were several speakers who promoted the legislation, but not without reservations, both of which we'll include in our report.
April 23, 2024 / Queens World Film Festival / Queens Film Scene / Queens Buzz NYC.
Last Wednesday, April 17, 2024 I headed over to the Museum of the Moving Image in Astoria / LIC, to catch the opening night of the Queens World Film Festival. To be perfectly candid, I had a lot of other things on my mind, as I'm in the midst of several big projects that require my full attention.
I entered the museum close to the beginning of screen time and noted a fairly subdued mood relative to the festivals I had previously attended, which were all prepandemic. I then made my way into the theater and found a spot where I could camp out with my camera and notebook, where I wouldn't disturb my fellow viewers.
The festival began with opening remarks by some of the Queens World Film Festival alumni, all from Queens, who talked about their voyages into the world of cinema, led by Captains Katha and Don Cato, the Founders of the Queens World Film Festival.
As a bit of history, the festival began in 2011, some 13 years ago and I'm happy to report that we were there. I covered the festival in 2011, 2012, 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2024. That's seven out of a total of about [I'm guesstimating, pending receipt of confirmation] nine or ten - as the festival went on hiatus during the pandemic, like just about everything else during that time.
We'll have more later on in the week. In the meantime I've aggregated our previous coverage into this report, so you can sift through prior festival reports we published. The festival runs through Sunday, April 28, 2024. Tickets are $23 which you may purchase at
CLICK here to read the rest of our report, as well as view a history of the Queens World Festival for 2024 and back to its inception.
April 16, 2024 / City of Yes Special Report Section / NYC Real Estate & Business / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Last Thursday, April 11, 2024, I attended a Zoom Conference Call hosted by the City Club of NY, wherein four zoning experts presented their assessments of the sweeping zoning changes proposed in Mayor Adams' City of Yes zoning legislation.
The City of Yes zoning proposal is being pushed hard, and it is being pushed fast, by the Adams Administration in tandem and with the strong support of the billionaire class and the real estate development industry. These two groups are supportive of Mayor Adams' proposal because it will free them from the time, expense and hassle of answering to us, the locals ... the people who actually live in the places, where the uber rich and real estate developers want to transact business.
So you'd better pay attention before the people's [aka your] input - into the sorts of structures and activities allowed in their [your] communities - is rolled back sixty years, and possibly far further back. The City of Yes legislation will provide the super wealthy and the real estate developers, from all around the world, with the power to dictate to NYC community neighborhoods what structures they're going to erect, in many cases where, and what sorts of activities will take place on the property - within the very lax parameters embedded into the City of Yes legislation.
We've been tracking this legislation for a couple of months now. First via Alicia Boyd of MTOPP [Movement to Protect the People], a community activist in Brooklyn; then via the Mayor's Office of Ethnic & Community Media [MOECM] via Zoom; then via Community Board Meetings in Sunnyside Queens where the NYC Planning Department presented the City of Yes, followed by a Community Board Six in Manhattan Zoom Conference Call; and most recently with the City Club of NY, whose presentations are being published today.
We are thankful to these people and organizations for investing the time to help do the work of a functioning democracy, which is to engage and inform the people about the decisions being made by those in power on their behalf that - may or may not - be on their interest.
April 9, 2024 / NYC Parks & Environment / NYC Neighborhoods / Queens Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather as of 4.9.24. Sunset 7.30 pm. Sunrise 6.24 am. Other than a forecast of nearly an inch of rain between 8 pm Thursday and 11 am Friday, the rest of the week should be dry. The temperatures will hit 70 today and possibly Sunday, otherwise in the 60's, while the lows will be in the 50's. The winds will range from 5 - 10 mph, except from the evening of Thursday, through Friday, and descending into the weekend. The humidity will rise through the week, until Friday when it hits about 60% and then begins dropping into a very dry Saturday [35%], before climbing on Sunday.
The image at right shows a number of New Yorkers out in the park observing the solar eclipse on Monday.
April 2, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Real Estate / NYC Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
Just over a week ago I attended a Zoom call, organized by Community Board 6 in Manhattan, regarding the proposed City of Yes Text Amendments Part II being promulgated by Mayor Adams and his Administration. We collectively sat through about an hour long presentation, which I found to be most enlightening as well as a bit disconcerting should the proposed changes pass without significant alteration.
I have obtained permission to publish the slides, which due to technical issues, I have had to publish in the three [vs one] slide shows you see below [they are in chronological order]. I'll post my full report early next week, but in the meantime the slides should give you an idea of how big the changes really are and has been done in such a manner that you can begin to figure out how these changes may affect you.
Whether you are a tenant, landowner or real estate developer - and no matter in which borough you live - these changes, if passed unalterred, are going to significantly change how things are done in NYC. And the more I dig into this, the more it seems to be a roll back of community input, which is - in my mind - an essential / core element of any democratic process.
Isn't it?
While I'm still not done with the research, these changes look to be quite harmful to the people of NYC, in so many different ways, while failing to provide any sure path to growing our inventory of truly affordable housing.
Much more coming next week and over the next couple of weeks.
In addition to the presidential primary, there are also NYS primary races on the ballot.
May 09, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Mar 23, 2025 at 12:15 am by PeterParker
Mar 10, 2025 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Updated March 9, 2024 from 3.6.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Real Estate / NYC Government & Politics / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
On Thursday, February 1, 2024 I attended a Community Board 2 Queens meeting about the proposed City of Yes Text Amendments at the Sunnyside Community Services Center. The presentation was given by the Department of City Planning and the focus was the second piece of the massive, nearly 1,157 page City of Yes Text Amendment proposal.
The photo at right shows two City Planning Department representatives fielding questions from the audience following their presentation of the zoning law changes proposed in the City of Yes Text Amendments - Part II - Economic Development.
The first segment of the proposal included changes to zoning in order to enable green energy powered buildings. The second segment of the proposal, which was what this meeting was all about, was to make changes to zoning laws to provide more zoning flexibility to enable more economic opportunity. And the third segment of the City of Yes Text Amendments is to address the need for affordable housing. As previously mentioned, for the purposes of this report, we're sticking to the second segment of the three part proposal, which moved front and center following the passage of the green energy initiative passed by the City Council in December of 2022.
I am including a slide show from the February 1st, 2024 meeting mentioned above. And I have also reached out to Alicia Boyd, a Brooklyn activist in this area, and have obtained her permission to post a slide show she presented on January 16, 2024 at the Richmond University Medical Center on Staten Island. By providing you with both slide shows you'll obtain both a 'Pro' perspective and a 'Con' perspective. The Pro perspective, provided by the City Planning Department, also includes a description of the specific changes to the zoning laws for which they are advocating. We'll have more on this in the coming weeks because we think it is one of the most important issues of the day and the City Council is expected to vote on it in April 2024.
Updated February 1, 2024 from 1.30.24 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Law Enforcement / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
The NYC Council voted to override Mayor Adams veto of the How Many Stops Act - Bill 586-A by a margin of 42 to override the veto and 9 in support of it, with 0 abstentions. The City Council also revoked the use of solitary confinement at Rikers. A number of the councilmembers stated an interest in working with Mayor Adams on implementation of the changes, to ensure there's no degradation of law enforcement effectiveness because of the change.
Some council members shared negative experiences of their own and their constituents, of being stopped by the police. Many NYC Council members also commended NYC Council Speaker Adrienne Adams and Public Advocate Jumaane Williams for drafting and pushing the legislation through the council.
The photo at right was taken at City Hall in December of 2023, when the Mayor met with members of the ethnic and community media, to discuss past, present and future issues and efforts.
CLICK here to read our report about why we think the Mayor was right in vetoing the Too Many Stops Act.
January 29, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Law Enforcement / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NEW YORK – Following today’s veto on City Council bill Intro. 586-A — which could make New York City less safe by forcing New York City Police Department (NYPD) officers to spend more time filling out reports after Level 1 interactions with the public instead of patrolling the street and keeping the public safe — faith leaders, community advocates, business organizations, district attorneys, law enforcement professionals, and everyday New Yorkers voiced their opposition to the bill.
Here is what New York leaders are saying. What follows is the full reprint of a press release issued by the Mayor's Office on January 19, 2024.
January 23, 2024 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Issues / News Analysis & Opinion / Gotham Buzz NYC.
On Monday, October 2, 2023 I headed down to the Federal Reserve Bank in NYC to make a withdrawal. Not a withdrawal of money, but to collect some information about Climate Change, at a Conference they hosted for local media outlets.
The Keynote speaker was Joseph E. Stiglitz, a professor at Columbia University, who participated in a discussion with John C. Williams, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY.
The keynote speaker, Joseph Stiglitz, has expertise is in economics, and more specifically, informational economics. Stiglitz was preceded by economist George Stigler [not to be confused with the keynote speaker Joseph Stiglitz] who is credited with first developing 'The Economics of Information' in 1961 while a professor at the University of Chicago. This was the beginning of an entire area of study of how information and information systems affect economic decision making.
In the 1970's three researchers, one of whom was Joseph Stiglitz [the keynote speaker], is credited with developing the theory of 'Asymmetric Information' which posits generally that one of the parties - in a two party transaction - has better information. For example the seller of a used auto knows more about the car than the buyer, or a borrower likely has better information about whether there will be problems in repaying the loan than the lender.
November 6, 2023 / NYC Government & Polltics / NYC Neighborhoods / Gotham Buzz. News Analysis & Opinion by Michael Wood.
This past summer, while working on another story in collaboration with the Mayor's Office of Ethnic & Community Media [aka MOECM], I entered into discussions with the MOECM, about the possibility of an exclusive interview with the Mayor. The Mayor's Office of Ethnic & Community Media was created a couple of years ago, to enhance local media access to the goings on at City Hall, in order to better inform the public. Under the Adams Administration, part of that program included providing greater government official availability to somewhere in the neighborhood of 250 local media outlets.
Famod Konneh, Associate Director for Outreach and Engagement collaborated with me to make arrangements for the interview, which took place on Friday, October 20, 2023. It's worth noting that every reporting story done live, is a collaboration of a sort, between the journalist and the subject(s) covered.
The photo at right shows Jose Bayona, the Executive Director of the Mayor's Office of Ethnic & Community Media [aka MOECM], at the MOEDM operations cener which is in the basement of City Hall, while he was setting up the video conference.
I did a considerable amount of research into the Mayor's past, while preparing for the interview. I did all this prep work, even though Famod had told me I would be limited to 20 minutes via a Zoom video call, as I was pitching him for more time. When I first first started the research, I did it in preparation for the interview, but, as sometimes happens with the kind of reporting I do, the more I learned, the more I became interested in learning even more about the Mayor and his life story.
Initially I thought I would do a standard hard news interview about key topics of the day including immigration, crime, the public schools and the budget. But, as I journeyed into the Mayor's past, I became more intrigued with the idea of doing a different story.
As I conducted my research, I decided that NOT to inquire about the Mayor's - seemingly unappreciated or underappreciated - Herculean effort to manage the huge influx of immigrants into NYC. This situation, turned crisis, began when Texas Governor Greg Abbott began bussing immigrants from Texas border towns, beginning in August 5, 2022, to NYC. Governor Abbott began transporting immigrants here without any communication nor coordination with NYS Governor Hochul or NYC Mayor Adams.
Nonetheless, Mayor Adams somehow found enough lodging for somewhere between 65,000 - 125,000 immigrants bussed in since then, who arrived in the city within the past year or so. The Mayor also managed to carve enough funding out of the NYC budget to provide security, food, healthcare and logistics for the newcomers, with what - until fairly recently [the past three months or so] - appeared somewhere between scant and lagging help from the likes of U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and NYS Governor Kathy Hochul (D-NY), respectively.
In spite of this gargantuan challenge, Mayor Adams made sure NYC didn't miss a step. His Administration kept the influx of immigrants mostly off the streets, and appeared to ensure they were't coopted into criminal activities by providing for them, in spite of laws which forbade them from earning a living. This nearly heroic effort has mostly gone unheralded by the corporate media.
The photo above right shows the Mayor pondering a question I posed to him, during our Zoom interview. He's in the Mayoral limo enroute to his next event.
CLICK here to read the rest of the story about my exclusive interview with Mayor Adams about his life - profile.
November 3, 2023 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
NYC Weather. The temperature highs will be in the low 50's on Thursday, rising to the low 60's for the rest of the weekend. The temperature lows will be in the low 40's on Thursday, rising to the high 40's for the rest of the weekend. The winds will be about 4 - 6 mph all weekend. The humidity will be 40% - 60% on Thursday, rising to 50% - 60% on Friday and Saturday, and rising again to 60% - 70% on Sunday. No rain is in the forecast this weekend ... finally.
Sunrise / Sunset Times. On Thursday 11/2/23 the sun rose at 7.27 am & the sun set at 5.51 pm. But note that because of Daylight Savings Time, this Sunday, 10/5/23 the sun will rise at 6.31 am and the sun will set at 4.48 pm.
The photo at right was taken at the 2011 NYC Marathon as the marathoners were coming across the Pulaski Bridge which connects Greenpoint in Brooklyn to Long Island City in Queens.
CLICK here for things to do in things to do in November in NYC - ALL weekends Events NYC in November.
MARCH is the month of Daylight Savings Time, St Patricks Day, the first day of Spring, and this year it is also the month of the Muslim Holy Days of Ramadan, the Hindu festival of Holi and the Christian Easter.
This month look for longer and warmer days; St Patricks Day Parades in all boroughs; Easter, Ramadan and Holi celebrations, the International Auto Show, the Macy's Flower Show, a Japanese food festial as well as other weekend things to do.
The photo above was taken in Canal Street which lies between the Chinatown and Little Italy neighborhoods.
Manhattan is also the host of numerous concerts, theater and film events, as well as great food, parks and good public transit.
Use search to find prior stories, maps, photos and business listings.
September 25, 2023 / Manhattan Neighborhoods NYC / Manhattan Healthcare NYC / Manhattan Buzz.
Nearly two weeks ago, on Wednesday, September 13th, I headed into the New York Academy of Medicine at 1215 5th Avenue on the Upper East Side to attend a ceremony - a celebration actually - honoring Living Donors of Mt. Sinai's kidney and liver transplant program.
To be frank, when first approached to cover this event, I wasn't sure of what to expect. But after mulling it over, and perhaps with a bit of deference to my Mother, who had signed away her organs on her driver's license [and likely elsewhere], I decided to go to see what I might learn.
The ceremony was held at the New York Academy of Medicine, which is located along 5th Avenue at 103rd Street. The NY Academy of Medicine was founded in 1847 by a number of NYC doctors, most notably the Presidents of the NYU School of Medicine, the Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the Medical Society of the City and County of New York. The Academy has played an influential role in shaping public health policy in NYC, NYS and the U.S.
The building in which the New York Academy of Medicine is located, as well as the location of the Mt. Sinai Living Donor Ceremony, was built in 1926 and is also home to the NY Academy of Medicine's library of various aspects of medicine, which was first started in 1847, opened to the public in 1878, and continues to be accessible to the public to this day. Generally it's dedicated to those wishing to do research and one has to make an appointment to use it. For more information and to make an appointment see -
The Mt. Sinai Living Donor Ceremony event was held on the third floor of the building what seemed a library reading room turned into a theater. The room had 20 foot high ceilings [possibly higher], nearly floor to ceiling windows overlooking Central Park, and I'm no expert, but I believe the bookcases in the front of the room were made of oak. The Carnegie Foundation donated about one million to the NY Academy of Medicine to build this building back in the 1920's.
My point in telling you all of this, is to provide a feeling and sense of connection to the past, the early roots of scientific healthcare in this country, which I assume was part of the consideration in selecting this location for the event ... as well as its proximity to the Mt Sinai Hospital campus on the Upper East side, which is located along 5th Avenue between 98th Street and 103rd Street.
CLICK here to read the rest of our story about kidney and liver transplants by Mount Sinai at a presentation at the NY Academy of Medicine.
UPDATED October 7, 2023 from 9.19.23 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
The official / unofficial kick off to the month and a half of Oktoberfest events in NYC begins in Manhattan with the Steuben Parade. This report identifies a number of Oktoberfest events around NYC beginning mid September and running through the end of October.
The photo at right shows one of the floats in the Steuben Parade celebrating the consumption of bier, which in tandem with consumption of bratwurst, is an integral part of Oktoberest. One thing the photo doesn't show is the music, that also goes hand in hand with Oktoberfest.
Coming with time. We've posted a number of Oktoberfests in this report, but a few more are coming. Also watch the front page, as this year [only] they are likely to be posted there first.
September 10, 2023 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC.
This weekend, there are a number of events around the five boroughs commemorating the losses of 911. The following are a few of those events.
The collection of photos at right shows an cultural performance at Lincoln Center honoring the victims of 911. The performance returns Monday at 8.05 am.
Ongoing _ Daffodil Project in NYC Parks. For details see -
Sep 19, 2024 at 12:15 am by PeterParker
Aug 27, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Mar 18, 2025 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jun 17, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jul 03, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jul 06, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jul 08, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Jun 28, 2023 at 12:15 am by mikewood
May 27, 2024 at 12:15 am by mikewood
April 3, 2023 / NYC Neighborhoods / NYC Things To Do Events / Gotham Buzz NYC / 438
On Friday, April 7th, Christians observe Good Friday, which is when the Bible tells us that Jesus died on the cross. On Sunday, April 9th, Christians celebrate the Biblical account of Jesus rising from the dead.
Emperor Constantine became the Roman Emperor in 306. In 324 Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Empire. In 1054, the Great Schism occurred, wherein Christianity split into two different sects - Roman Catholic Christians [primarily in Western Europe] and Orthodox Christians [primarily in Eastern Europe]. The traditions have much in common, but one of the differences is in how they calculate the time of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. The Western European Christians [Protestants and Catholics] use the Gregorian Calendar which was created in the 16th century and made the official calendar by Pope Gregory, while the Orthodox Christians use the Julian Calendar which was made law in the Roman Empire in 45 B.C. by Julius Caesar.
Thus there are years where the Western European and Eastern Orthodox Easter events fall at the same time, and there years where they do not. This year [2023] the celebrations of the two traditions are separated by a week, with the Western European Christians celebrating next weekend and the Orthodox Christians celebrating a week later.
Mar 22, 2025 at 12:15 am by mikewood
Mar 10, 2025 at 12:15 am by mikewood
UPDATING October 15, 2024 vs 11.1.2022 / Manhattan Neighborhoods / Manhattan Restaurants / Manhattan Buzz NYC.
The origins of Thanksgiving Day in the United States began with one of America’s first settlements, founded by the risk-taking, resource-pooling, hardworking, spiritual community of Pilgrims. The Pilgrims were early English settlers who arrived on American shores in the early 17th century [1600’s]. They came here because they wanted a measure of freedom and self-determination that they were forbidden in Europe or what was called the ‘old country’. The Pilgrims wanted to practice their faith, unencumbered, in a way that differed from the established Church of England. They pooled their money to obtain a ship, the Mayflower, to cross the Atlantic in mid September of 1620, landing on America's shores at Plymouth Rock in Massachusetts on November 9, 1620.
Per Wikipedia, the Piligrims survived a hard winter in 1621 with the help of the Wampanoag, an American Indian tribe. The Pilgrims were the immigrants, and the first Americans, the Indian natives, welcomed them. The Wampanaog taught the Pilgrims how to catch eels, and how to grow and harvest corn. Thus the Pilgrims ended 1621 with a good harvest which they celebrated and shared with their new friends, expressing their thanks to a higher power, aka God, for the success of their endeavors.
Thus it was that the first Thanksgiving celebration happened in America. There's some dispute to this account, which we'll address in a future post, near Thanksgiving Day.
We've identified a number of Manhattan places to shop for Thanksgiving Dinner, or restaurants open Thanksgiving Day in Manhattan. Enjoy.